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To answer your first point, it's really messed up, the idea of John letting one in close because of his T2 experience is fine, likely it was programmed to say or do things to suggest he could trust it and reprogram it to have his friend back, but, how would Skynet ever know about that, according to T2 and T3, the Connors live off the grid.

Maybe but he's smart enough to know that all machines look like that. Whether they say they are good or not. Let's see a machine that looks like his mom...
All this is really unfortunate for the series. From the way McG hyped this movie and from what I saw in the trailers, this movie looked to be really cool and very interesting. Now I fear it's all over.

P.S. Maybe it's not all his falt, but I think McG did a better job at selling this movie to the public then he did making it.
I think the movie's alright, but I think with T3 and T4, you pretty much have to throw sense and reason out the door. Timelines and actions make less and less sense with each new thing added into the stories. Even some of Cameron's stuff got a little screwy, as was pointed out before, in T1 supposedly the war was over and sending the Terminator back was like a last ditch effort, so how does it work to send another back later, and why send only one, why not an army.

Like I said though, it's really T3 on where you have to basically shut your brain off and just absorb whatever's in the story and in the moment.
I think the movie's alright, but I think with T3 and T4, you pretty much have to throw sense and reason out the door. Timelines and actions make less and less sense with each new thing added into the stories. Even some of Cameron's stuff got a little screwy, as was pointed out before, in T1 supposedly the war was over and sending the Terminator back was like a last ditch effort, so how does it work to send another back later, and why send only one, why not an army.

Like I said though, it's really T3 on where you have to basically shut your brain off and just absorb whatever's in the story and in the moment.

I think with all movies the first is always meant work as a stand alone flick...same could be said for Terminator.
I think with all movies the first is always meant work as a stand alone flick...same could be said for Terminator.

Well, while T2 has a couple questionable plot points, I think it's a good sequel and actually delivers more a message than T1 did, but I also felt like the close of it was enought, Judgement Day was stopped, all done. The tricky part with T3 and on is that certain plot elements have to be forced to carry on past T2, there's no natural flow. It's like the failure of Halloween movies after the 2nd, they didn't have a strong reason to move on or way, so they forced something and it wasn't strong.
Even some of Cameron's stuff got a little screwy, as was pointed out before, in T1 supposedly the war was over and sending the Terminator back was like a last ditch effort, so how does it work to send another back later, and why send only one, why not an army.

I remember reading the novelization of T2 and it started off with the final battle and Connor sending Reese back in time. After he sent Reese, one of his guys informs him they picked up another time travel "signal" or whatever. They tell him another was sent to 1994 in case the first one failed. If I remember right, they knew it was the T-1000. So Connor has no choice but to send a reprogrammed Terminator back to save himself. After that they blew it up.
I remember reading the novelization of T2 and it started off with the final battle and Connor sending Reese back in time. After he sent Reese, one of his guys informs him they picked up another time travel "signal" or whatever. They tell him another was sent to 1994 in case the first one failed. If I remember right, they knew it was the T-1000. So Connor has no choice but to send a reprogrammed Terminator back to save himself. After that they blew it up.

Well that's a good way of explaining things, but for what little extra it would take, it would have been nice to have it in the movie, even if it was the SE version on DVD. Change the opening dialogue a little to explain the situation and it'd be fine, wouldn't be much more in run time.
I remember reading the novelization of T2 and it started off with the final battle and Connor sending Reese back in time. After he sent Reese, one of his guys informs him they picked up another time travel "signal" or whatever. They tell him another was sent to 1994 in case the first one failed. If I remember right, they knew it was the T-1000. So Connor has no choice but to send a reprogrammed Terminator back to save himself. After that they blew it up.

I think it's funny they always arrive on the same day like a few minutes apart, I mean they know the year...but I mean come, let's stretch believability even more right?
I think it's funny they always arrive on the same day like a few minutes apart, I mean they know the year...but I mean come, let's stretch believability even more right?

Well my understanding was they both went through the same time, so the same time is believable, but you do have to wonder how they can arrive in totally separate locations. Most time/dimension travel films and shows, you leave at point A and arrive at point B, in Terminator, you both leave at A but arrive at B and C.
Well my understanding was they both went through the same time, so the same time is believable, but you do have to wonder how they can arrive in totally separate locations. Most time/dimension travel films and shows, you leave at point A and arrive at point B, in Terminator, you both leave at A but arrive at B and C.

Maybe its like that one episode of Star Trek where unless you go through at the EXACT same time you end up someplace else... time is always moving.
I'd say definitely worth inclusion in the DVD collection, but not one to be put on heavy rotation for viewing.
Well my understanding was they both went through the same time, so the same time is believable, but you do have to wonder how they can arrive in totally separate locations. Most time/dimension travel films and shows, you leave at point A and arrive at point B, in Terminator, you both leave at A but arrive at B and C.

Well don't the humans and skynet have two different time travel machines?

I've always figured that the machines invented or figured out time travel and the humans either got their hands on it or stole one, and always intercepted something that let them know when and where they sent back a terminator. It can get very involved with all the questions we have...
I think with all movies the first is always meant work as a stand alone flick...same could be said for Terminator.

I agree with you but would have to dissagree about Terminator ...................

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This totally sets up a sequel coming, even as a young kid I knew T2 would have to be made. "Theres a storm coming" .............. "I know"
True but it works...it's a solid flick, it can stand on it's own.

But it does set up a sequel, but also could just be in general referencing the machines one day taking over. Could be seen either way.
Well don't the humans and skynet have two different time travel machines?

No, Skynet developed it, essentially as a way to go back and beat Connor the only way it felt it had left, stop him from existing. The resistance had entered the complex, the Terminator went in and they sent Reese after it. Same machine.
True but it works...it's a solid flick, it can stand on it's own.

Few films with sequels that weren't planned don't stand fine alone, I don't think I've ever seen one where you feel like one film wasn't enough to be good and requires at least one more to make it good.
And if Kyle saw the T-800 even for a brief second in skynet, how was he not able to recognize the sam model in the first T1, when he said he had to wait until it made it's move to identify it...way to screw up logic.

Because in The Terminator not all the T-800's looked like Arnold. They all looked different and you needed dogs to sniff them out. Hence Reese's speech and the Franco Columbo T-800 that storms the future hideout. T2 changed all that so they could have Arnold return.

T2 was an unbelievably exciting popcorn action flick, but T1 had a much tighter story. Terminators wouldn't make very good "infiltration units" if they all looked like the same Austrian bodybuilder.
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No, Skynet developed it, essentially as a way to go back and beat Connor the only way it felt it had left, stop him from existing. The resistance had entered the complex, the Terminator went in and they sent Reese after it. Same machine.

So how do they intend to explain the next 2 films after that? They just happen to bust in and catch the terminators going in each time...lame.