Star Wars: Ahsoka

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There is so much “yep” in this statement :lol
I'd argue with one thing Khev said in that post you quoted - the part about ending on a high note - this is highly unlikely to be the last time we see Hayden as Anakin. They will bring him back at every possible opportunity for the PT and Clone Wars fans, wouldn't even be surprised if they actually resurrected Anakin.
Because that worked so well on their Doc Ock? No thanks. A slight smirk, sure, but no teeth please.
Teeth never crossed my mind. Have we ever seen her smiling with a full smile?

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Star Wars Theory is 100% convinced that Anakin was real and is now the "Heimdall" of WBW. He saw no correlation between Ahsoka's ordeal and Luke's test in the cave whatsoever, lol.
Obi-Wan sitting on a rock must’ve really been bothering him all this time.
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Star Wars Theory is 100% convinced that Anakin was real and is now the "Heimdall" of WBW. He saw no correlation between Ahsoka's ordeal and Luke's test in the cave whatsoever, lol.
I like Theory, but sometimes he is really a thickee. A thickee who drives a lamborgini, but a thickee nonetheless.

But I agree that Anakin was really Anakin.
I can't speak for anything Theory has commented upon with regards Andrew Tate, never seen it - however, I do enjoy his channel. In the current climate on YouTube where hate and negativity gets clicks he is one of the few with a larger following where he just seems to love Star Wars. He likes the PT and OT... not the ST (but then only Khev and Jye do) but he seems to be pretty fair about the rest (other than Andor, he doesn't like talky non lightsaber star wars as much). His watch a longs are always full of positivity and I usually dip in there after I've seen an episode to bask in the hype or shock (if Boba Fett has fallen in the Sarlaac again) - having young kids doesn't give me as much time to see my 1:1 star wars friends these days. Then I come here and all you 'it's not the real Anakin' lot break my heart worse than Padme on Mustafa.
I kinda wish they still did "visual dictionaries" for Star Wars projects, I loved buying those books and reading up on all the details and obscure background characters lol. I don't think we've had one since TROS.