Media New Resident Evil animation series?...

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Resident Evil: South Park Edition.

You know it's going to be bad on art alone... but Joseph doesn't die before the Mansion? Dafaq?
Resident Evil: South Park Edition.

You know it's going to be bad on art alone...


It's something you find on YouTube. :lol
Couldve been awesome, if they did it akin to Degeneration. This though, to me looks unwatchable.
Well it's not being produced by Capcom, so obviously CG is out... but damn, they picked the ****** artist off DeviantArt.
Well it's not being produced by Capcom, so obviously CG is out... but damn, they picked the ****** artist off DeviantArt.

Well, if you watch the kickstarter video in that link above the RE trailer it does mention that they don't have the rights for RE. It's a proof of concept. So I guess this isn't going to actually be a thing unless their kickstarter does well and they get their other animation thing up and running. Or capcom says, "neato gang! Lets produce this" :lol but Capcom is broke so who knows :lol

Oh wells. Maybe some day.
Well, if you watch the kickstarter video in that link above the RE trailer it does mention that they don't have the rights for RE. It's a proof of concept. So I guess this isn't going to actually be a thing unless their kickstarter does well and they get their other animation thing up and running. Or capcom says, "neato gang! Lets produce this" :lol but Capcom is broke so who knows :lol

Oh wells. Maybe some day.

I hate the animation for the most part, but at least it's not DB Super bad.
Let me know when they hire Studio Ghilbi. :lol

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