Jurassic World (SPOILERS!)

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Re: Jurassic World

Claire was standing as close to the T-Rex as Ian and ran as fast as he did with the flare.

Her scene wasn't any less realistic than his.

Especially since the T-Rex wasn't nearly as young and spry as when it chased him.

I guess I was ranking the films the same way Wor-Gar was, rating what I saw to be overall lasting quality. If you go by sheer entertainment then JW is #1, that second hour had me on the edge of my seat, then wanting to jump out of it with excitement. Most popcorn movies are "safe" rollercoasters, they have state of the art guard rails and harnesses and while fun you know you're always going to be okay. Jurassic World was like taking an insane ride on a rickety old track where you could feel the wheels slightly leaving the rails from time to time but you never flew off. What a rush. :lol
Re: Jurassic World

I guess I was ranking the films the same way Wor-Gar was, rating what I saw to be overall lasting quality.

Yep. Believe me, you can't have more fun at a movie this summer than Jurassic World.

But I think over time I will watch and enjoy Fury Road more and more. It's a world I want more of; a world I want to explore with so many possibilities. Jurassic World pretty much already did everything you could there. No real need to expand on it.
Re: Jurassic World

Hey, Jye... have you seen Jurassic Park on blu ray in 3D? Is it worth the trouble? I really dislike sitting on the couch with glasses on unless its insane.
Re: Jurassic World

I have the Jurassic Park 3D blu-ray and I honestly think it's one of the best 3D presentations I've seen at home, better than most Marvel movies.
Re: Jurassic World

It's no Citizen Kane, we get it! Can't we just go to the pictures anymore and just have fun watching a monster movie?! It's not as good as the first, but I had a lot of fun watching this! This is the monster movie I wanted from Godzilla (2014), but didn't get!
Re: Jurassic World

Jurassic Park ... better than most Marvel movies.



OK, thanks. Maybe I'll get it. Jurassic Park is one of those films I've overlooked to purchase because its always on TV. But I was really impressed with the 3D of Jurassic World... best since Avatar... so I thought maybe they upgraded the original in equal fashion.
Re: Jurassic World

I just watched it online. The stream was very dark and blurry but I absolutely loved it. I'd rate it a 6.5/10. It was about what I expected. Not great, not terrible, but boy, did I love it.

I've never been a huge JP fan, I've just enjoyed dinosaurs and the films as any normal person does but the last 20 or so minutes of the film had me in tears of awe.

Spoiler Spoiler:
The combination of Stan Winston's famous design, the (in)famous animal it's depicting, the role this creature has played in the previous films, the fact that we haven't seen her since 93 or any T-Rex since 2001...when you consider all of these things and then see her return in JW it becomes a very, very special moment.

Overall I don't think it was a really good movie but it had moments that felt so precious to the franchise and the T-Rex itself. It's amazing how popular this prehistoric creature is in our culture, the "King of the Dinosaurs", and this franchise has done complete justice to that notion (except JP3).
Re: Jurassic World

Hey, Jye... have you seen Jurassic Park on blu ray in 3D? Is it worth the trouble? I really dislike sitting on the couch with glasses on unless its insane.

Like already mentioned, JP1 3D is considered to be one of the best conversions out there with Avengers/TWS being the other 2 great ones.

It is as good as JW.

We rewatched the 3D version tonight at home, my son is in dinosaur overload atm. :lol

He's too young for FR still. :lol (he's only allowed to watch the end chase in RW).
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Re: Jurassic World

I just watched it online. The stream was very dark and blurry but I absolutely loved it. I'd rate it a 6.5/10. It was about what I expected. Not great, not terrible, but boy, did I love it.

I've never been a huge JP fan, I've just enjoyed dinosaurs and the films as any normal person does but the last 20 or so minutes of the film had me in tears of awe.

Spoiler Spoiler:
The combination of Stan Winston's famous design, the (in)famous animal it's depicting, the role this creature has played in the previous films, the fact that we haven't seen her since 93 or any T-Rex since 2001...when you consider all of these things and then see her return in JW it becomes a very, very special moment.

Overall I don't think it was a really good movie but it had moments that felt so precious to the franchise and the T-Rex itself. It's amazing how popular this prehistoric creature is in our culture, the "King of the Dinosaurs", and this franchise has done complete justice to that notion (except JP3).

Man, I just could never get myself to experience the quintessential summer movie anywhere else other than on an Imax 3D screen, but even a regular 2D screen is worthy.

For me it would be a crime to watch a blurry bootleg on the 1st or even 2nd viewing.
Re: Jurassic World

I was a bit disappointed by the JP 3D conversion, to be honest. For the most part, it's pretty nice, but I noticed a lot of blurring in some scenes. Incredibly distracting.
Re: Jurassic World

For the most part laser sharp on my screen with very few instances of blurring during some quick movements.

1,000 engineers couldn't stop 2 space shuttles from blowing up, tech will never be perfect. :lol
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Re: Jurassic World

Man, I just could never get myself to experience the quintessential summer movie anywhere else other than on an Imax 3D screen, but even a regular 2D screen is worthy.

For me it would be a crime to watch a blurry bootleg on the 1st or even 2nd viewing.
That is normally how I feel but I couldn't wait any longer. I'm still going to see it in theaters when I get a chance.
Re: Jurassic World

Yes, they really put the time and expense to give JP a spectacular 3D conversion. Much better than the converted 3D of Godzilla 2014 which is funny considering that JP was filmed 20 years prior.

So you're saying, they

