How could Old Ben be so wrong?

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Also, did you expect Obi-wan at the end of ROTS to look at the screen and say something like "See, I didn't technically own any droids" :lol


No, but I would have liked to see Obi-Wan's house just once in the PT... and we could have gotten the sense that he lived simply with very little ownership, especially droids.

It's a small thing. They are all small nits. But they add up.

No, but I would have liked to see Obi-Wan's house just once in the PT... and we could have gotten the sense that he lived simply with very little ownership, especially droids.

It's a small thing. They are all small nits. But they add up.

So after seeing Lars, Beru and little Luke watching the two suns we should have one quick shot of Obi-Wan entering his house and then the end credits :lol
Vader's age is an even worse inconsistency. He was 7 or 8 years old in TPM, and in AOTC it's said Anakin hasn't seen Padme in 10 years. So now he's 19 or 20. He's 25 at most at then end of ROTS. Based on Luke's age Vader would have been late 40's in ANH, yet he looks mid to late 60's at the end of Jedi.

Beru and Owen aged poorly as well. She was a late teen in AOTC, but ~25 years later she looks like she's in her early 60's.
George Luca$ classic quotes, at least he's honest:

"I thought it [Star Wars] was too wacky for the general public. Right or wrong this is my movie, this is my decision, and this is my creative vision, and if people don’t like it, they don’t have to see it."

"I don’t think, as a craftsman, that my films are extremely well made. They’re kind of crude."

"It’s all being buried with me. All copies of the two trilogies will be brought to my gravesite within one month of my death and laid to rest with me."
I love it when people come to George's rescue regarding clear mistakes.

This is why he doesn't take more time. He knows his fans will fix everything for him anyway.

Oh, you must have me completely mixed up, then.

I am NOT coming to his rescue. The Prequels are JUNK.

But of all their problems, trying to literally interpret a (somewhat enlightened) Jedi Master's (who sacrificed himself for no REAL reason) quotes is not EVEN worth getting into.
So after seeing Lars, Beru and little Luke watching the two suns we should have one quick shot of Obi-Wan entering his house and then the end credits :lol

No, very funny. I mean his "pad" on Coruscant in Ep. 2 or 3.

I want to see him hanging like The Dude, smoking 'herb' with just a couch and an empty fridge. That's 'Jedi", man!
I love it when people come to George's rescue regarding clear mistakes.

This is why he doesn't take more time. He knows his fans will fix everything for him anyway.

Yeah, I've always been more of a "Seth Green" type SW fan. I've loved all movies but can pretty quickly turn and make fun of them, then turn back and love them again. :lol

That "there is another" line was so badass in 1980.

But now you almost expect another scene to be tacked onto the end of it.

BEN: "That boy is our last hope."

YODA: "No, there is another. How could you forget, helped deliver her you did."

BEN: "You mean Leia? How can she be the other hope if Luke fails? You do realize she's the one he just went off to rescue, don't you? If he fails don't we lose both our last hopes?"

YODA: "Aw ____, powerful I am with the Force, but not that strong at math. Let's just go back and leave things at 'Matter are worse.'"

BEN: "True dat."
Ben also never felt it was important to tell Luke the girl in the hologram was his sister.

Well he lived alone, in a hut with no interaction of the female kind...I would assume that due to that he couldn't really see the holo due to the blindness but he did have fantastic forearm definition.
Damn, I think someone has had way too much time on their hands. :lol

OK, so here's how this all began: I woke up to begin yet another day and for some reason I hear Ben lines in my head. Each time he speaks from ANH, I hear myself say "You lie!". So this gets me aggravated. Thus, the thread.
OK, so here's how this all began: I woke up to begin yet another day and for some reason I hear Ben lines in my head. Each time he speaks from ANH, I hear myself say "You lie!". So this gets me aggravated. Thus, the thread.

Moral: You don't get anywhere by telling the truth. Of course, you get all Force Ghost'd out of lying, but still.
Yeah, I've always been more of a "Seth Green" type SW fan. I've loved all movies but can pretty quickly turn and make fun of them, then turn back and love them again. :lol

I am exactly the same way.

BEN: "You mean Leia? How can she be the other hope if Luke fails? You do realize she's the one he just went off to rescue, don't you? If he fails don't we lose both our last hopes?"


As for 'finding' Han at the end of Empire, it looks like Boba Fett just went straight to Jabba's palace. Didn't even stop for a burger along the way. How much of a hunt was that?

Since we're piling on I'd like to point out Jabba the Hut. Feared Gangster? He's a freakin' couch potato. Most of his 'henchmen' turn out to be pigs, muppets and belly dancers. The rescue of Han Solo should have taken five minutes. A squad of Rebel should have just gone in there and taken care of business. Solo is a General after all.

Solo is a General. The guy who blew up the Death Star is a lousy Commander. I guess nailing Princess Leia is good for career advancement.
Based on Luke's age Vader would have been late 40's in ANH, yet he looks mid to late 60's at the end of Jedi.

No he doesn't....


Was anyone else bothered by the fact that at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark those guys said they'd have "top men" working on the Ark...and then they just go and put it in some freakin' warehouse!? WTF!? Lucas, you suck!
Well, the Vader killed his father thing is explained away in the OT, so no biggie there.

Although, to be quite honest - I have my doubts Lucas had decided Vader was Luke's father during the making of ANH... I think he might have decided that later. No biggie - it still works.

The rest? Chalk it up to Old Lucas' laziness. It's a shame, really - but sadly not the worst thing he screwed up. :(
I think there's a great deal Lucas had not yet decided while making "Star Wars". (NOT ANH or Ep. IV. That stuff was added later)

"Splinter of the Mind's Eye" was written as a lower budget sequel to Star Wars. It was a contingency plan if they couldn't get Harrison Ford to return for a sequel. The book makes it pretty clear there is an attraction between Luke and Leia, so the brother/sister thing clearly was decided much later.

I've always found it amazing it was printed since it's full of ideas that were later discarded. It really tips George's hand that there was any long term plan.