How could Old Ben be so wrong?

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Youngling. Cringe. Why not, "Young Jedi"? "Jedi padawans"? "Jedi-in-training"?

Youngling? Cringe.
How could Old Ben be so wrong?

“He betrayed and murdered your father” – WRONG!

“I haven’t gone by the name Obi-Wan since, oh, before you were born.” – WRONG!

“I don’t remember ever owning a droid.” – WRONG! (whether he ‘owned’ one or not, he had many of them)

"your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough; but your uncle wouldn't allow it." -- WRONG!

So the greatest hero in the greatest Saga ever is left to become a blathering idiot in the movie that started it all. A new generation of kids sees Old Ben as nothing more than a detriment; they must be saying: “get that old coot outta there, he knows nothing!”

What say you?

Surely the majority of it is slopping work on the PT not matching up to what was established in the OT. I do think that some of it is allowed given that he lied/misdirected Luke about Vader early on... but the part with the droids (and how intimately Kenobi associated with them in the PT) is odd.

But they did wipe the droids memories at the end of ROTS, so maybe he just played along with that decision :huh Although, probably would have made or sense of George had just not used them in the PT... again a kind of lazy decision that makes their involvement in both trilogies harder to swallow.

And I'm pretty sure I heard Anakin say "make sure my son gets this" as he lay burning on Mustafar :lecture
Ben is wrong even in the context of individual episodes.

"I can't kill my own father."

"Then the Emperor has already won."

Wrong again genius!

And then there's Yoda.

Half the prequels are about the Jedi teaching Anakin to let go of his loved ones if it means serving the greater good. Then in AOTC we hear Yoda say about Dooku "If he escapes rally more systems to his cause he will," before he let's him escape instead of allowing Obi-Wan and Anakin to die!

"If you leave now help them you could, but you will destroy all for which they have fought and suffered." Speaking from experience there Kermie? :lol
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. If you let me take a quick blood sample I'll show you what it looks like. They're little tiny bug things! If get a cold and you sneeze you might give it to someone else, so carry a hanky or something."

Ben also never felt it was important to tell Luke the girl in the hologram was his sister.

Obi-Wan: You must learn the ways of the Force, if you're to come with me to Alderaan.
Luke: Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan, I've gotta get home, it's late, I'm in for it as it is!
Obi-Wan: Luke, she's your sister. You must help her.
Luke: Uncle Owen never told me I had a sister.... (pausing to look at his lightsaber) You'll need to teach me how to really use this.

Of course Luke will get a couple of hours training on the Falcon before Ben dies, followed by a few days on Dagobah. And now he's a Jedi! So much for elite training. Postal worker get more on the job training.

Of course some fans will say Ben couldn't tell Luke yet as it would have ramifications or some such non-sense.

As ROTJ ends Luke and Leia don't even know the name of their real mother. I guess Ben thought that was some ultra-secret too.

Don't blame Ben. Blame George. When you make up a 'saga' as you go along some character is going to be the voice of ret-continuity.

I can only imagine how Alec Guiness rolled his eyes at the thought of resolving a love triangle by turning two of charters into siblings. "You want me to say this garbage?"

I always wondered how much different it would have been it Gary Kurtz had stayed.
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Ben is wrong even in the context of individual episodes.

"I can't kill my own father."

"Then the Emperor has already won."

Wrong again genius!

And then there's Yoda.

Half the prequels are about the Jedi teaching Anakin to let go of his loved ones if it means serving the greater good. Then in AOTC we hear Yoda say about Dooku "If he escapes rally more systems to his cause he will," before he let's him escape instead of allowing Obi-Wan and Anakin to die!

"If you leave now help them you could, but you will destroy all for which they have fought and suffered." Speaking from experience there Kermie? :lol

It was obvious that Obi didn't have any faith in Vader redeeming himself.

I guess you could say that Yoda did get more bitter after the fall of the Republic and his time on Dagobah. His reluctance to train Luke, saying he is "too old", is one example of him not want to repeat past mistakes.
I love it when people come to George's rescue regarding clear mistakes.

This is why he doesn't take more time. He knows his fans will fix everything for him anyway.
because george lucas's dog ate his homework...........:lecture
And then there's Yoda.

Half the prequels are about the Jedi teaching Anakin to let go of his loved ones if it means serving the greater good. Then in AOTC we hear Yoda say about Dooku "If he escapes rally more systems to his cause he will," before he let's him escape instead of allowing Obi-Wan and Anakin to die!

Which would you have done?

Even Yoda could not be hardcore. Sidious could.
The real question is why was Obi Wan looked so freakin old?? Wasn't he like in his 50's in ANH?

Yes! That's true too.

Fans will say its hard living in the desert (Evilface just proved that -- but the two suns comment should mean he'd look more like George Hamilton than Guinness).

I say he just didn't back up the prequels far enough. Ben should be 65-75, so back it up George. Just means Anakin would need to be 10-15 years older when he got fried. Again, an easy fix that George just...let go.
I love it when people come to George's rescue regarding clear mistakes.

This is why he doesn't take more time. He knows his fans will fix everything for him anyway.

I think SW fans naturally try to line up the trilogies and fill in the blanks, just as SW fans imagined the events that happened pre-ANH before the PT was released. I think that is where alot of the PT dislike stems from, as many feel that their image of the prequel was better. (In most cases they are right) :lol

Also, did you expect Obi-wan at the end of ROTS to look at the screen and say something like "See, I didn't technically own any droids" :lol
Come on in Ep2 the Jedi as a whole showed themself as concieted Know it all`s and look what happened to them. They couldn`t smell the _____ on their knee`s (well the Sith who was amongst them).

As for Ben`s statements to a young Luke, well maybe that`s more about being gentle to Luke with certain view of things. Vader killed Ani as Ani was lost to Vader.

Obi before he was born, well yea Big boo boo there but then again as the second surviving Jedi at the end of Ep3, again maybe more a particular view?

Ani`s old Lightsaber, well that`s being nostalgic and again being kind to Luke and the old essance of Ani before he slide to the Sith.

Though at the end of the day after seeing the new tril, you got to say the whole Jedi thing is pretty much based on half truths/particular point of view or sheer lies to protect the order.

Well that`s how I took those gaffs.