Hot Toys Rogue One Vader MMS388

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Wait, so this figure does or doesn't include a blade? I was under the impression that it doesn't according to the specs.


New production pics have a lightsaber.

New production pics have a lightsaber.

As seen above there were pictures posted of Vader with the lightsaber blade ignited from a blogger, but the pictures were taken down from the site they were posted on. I can only assume that HT is being made to hold the figure back by Disney till Rogue One releases in theaters. And a few who may have gotten it directly from HT were informed as to no reviews/posting of the figure yet as well.... Doesn't make much sense as to why since it is literally a rehash of the ANH Vader with some minor paint and costume differences. Unless there is some hidden accessory we don't know about, I hardly think Vader having the blade included with the lightsaber hilt is a spoiler. It would just be plain stupid to make him and not include it whether he actually uses it or not... :dunno

New production pics have a lightsaber.

I see what you mean; however, I'm not so sure I'd use that as a reference. The blade is demonstrably digitally edited in. According to the specs of the figure under the listed accessories for "Weapons", all it lists is (1) lightsaber hilt, whereas the ANH Vader lists both a lightsaber hilt and a blade with a light up function. Generally, what is listed on the accessories list is what to expect with a figure.
Well, if somebody would steal a plans of biggest weapon in the galaxy from my company, i would s$i# myself too.
Here is the picture with the blade that I didn't want to search for lol. So yes, there is a blade, but Vader using it in Rogue One is some big spoiler, so prob no pics until Dec 17.

Not sure why Vader using a lightsaber in R1 or not is such a big "spoiler".

Spoiler Spoiler:

That's like saying:

Spoiler Spoiler:
Except one problem based on an actual Rogue One rumor.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Even then, I don't think it should be that much of a spoiler. If he uses it, it shouldn't be a surprise because well, it's a Star Wars film. If he doesn't use it, it shouldn't really come as a surprise either because as far as I can tell, he seems to be the only character in R1 that will have a lightsaber. So even though he can still use it as his primary weapon for other things, there will be nobody for him to duel and generally, the excitement of lightsabers in a SW film are the duels.

Just my take on the whole "lightsaber or not" rumor.
Keep in mind we don't know what all was done in the reshoots either. So who knows. But my point was that it could be a reason why Hot Toys can't or just won't include it. Even though I am sure they will.
Keep in mind we don't know what all was done in the reshoots either. So who knows. But my point was that it could be a reason why Hot Toys can't or just won't include it. Even though I am sure they will.

Even if he (Vader) doesn't use the saber, my feelings are that the figure should include it. Regardless if it's used or not in the film, to me a lightsaber should be a staple accessory with Vader as a display option. Other accessories I can understand not including obviously, such as a Probe Droid the way the ANH Vader does, because it's specific to a certain film.

I liken it to Batman figures. Regardless if you actually see them used in the film or not, to me, a grappling gun and a couple of batarangs should be staple accessories for a Batman figure. Using the BvS and (likely) Suicide Squad Batmans as a comparison, I can understand the latter not including specific accessories that were used in BvS, such as the grenade launcher and bat brand. But as mentioned, a grappling gun and a couple of batarangs should be a given with any Batman figure.

Same with a lightsaber for a Darth Vader figure.
Even if he (Vader) doesn't use the saber, my feelings are that the figure should include it. Regardless if it's used or not in the film, to me a lightsaber should be a staple accessory with Vader as a display option. Other accessories I can understand not including obviously, such as a Probe Droid the way the ANH Vader does, because it's specific to a certain film.

I liken it to Batman figures. Regardless if you actually see them used in the film or not, to me, a grappling gun and a couple of batarangs should be staple accessories for a Batman figure. Using the BvS and (likely) Suicide Squad Batmans as a comparison, I can understand the latter not including specific accessories that were used in BvS, such as the grenade launcher and bat brand. But as mentioned, a grappling gun and a couple of batarangs should be a given with any Batman figure.

Same with a lightsaber for a Darth Vader figure.

I agree. But typically there are contractual reasons why they can't do certain things with Star Wars figured because it doesn't align with what is done in the film or what's now canon.
I agree. But typically there are contractual reasons why they can't do certain things with Star Wars figured because it doesn't align with what is done in the film or what's now canon.

Not sure what the specifics are when it comes to HT being contractually bound by film distribution companies as far as what they are able to release for accessories with figures regarding them being potential "spoilers" for upcoming films, or if the accessories must invariably conform to what was seen in that particular film. Also not sure if this only pertains to SW figures or any HT figure.

He doesnt have any sound effects and doesn't even come with a light saber?!? What's up with that??

Well the specs of the figure (listed on the first page) don't state that it includes a lightsaber blade, but apparently there's been photos of the figure seen with a blade attachment. So I'm not even sure now. :dunno :lol

I was always under the impression that what's listed in the specs is pretty much what to expect to be included with a figure.
They added a light saber to Rey's figure after the film released so it wasn't spoiled, but she didn't release until much later. I think the same is true here even though Vader using the blade is not a big deal.