Hot Toys Resident Evil 5 Jill Valentine!!!

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Falcon says Yes! to post like this:

No more varied/different weapons from RE5?

HT have included the weapons that the Jill characters have in Mercenaries. From a single purchase point of view that makes more sense to me, but if you have the other RE5 figures I can understand wanting HT to fill out the armory.
We are getting the PX4 Storm though!! :banana

No both Chris and Jill were wearing BSAA uniforms in LIN.

Chris wears the BSAA uniform that Josh and the other members of Alpha/Delta team wear isn't it?

Words cannot describe how giddy with glee I am right now.
Also does anyone think there are some new elements to the body on this figure? The wrists look like they are curved around the ball joint and that is some serious torso twisting that makes me think the torso might be slightly different (perhaps like the Wolverine body)?
The legs look thin at the thighs to me as well.

The figure looks like crap IMO. The body proportions aren't exact, the clothes are tight enough, and Julia Voth's likeness doesn't show up too well in the figure. I hope they actually do the other version as well. I think it's best not to rush HOT TOYS with their figures, especially as they keep making their endless line of Iron Man figures, and still need to solve the oil problems with their DX Batman.
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The figure looks like crap IMO. The body proportions aren't exact, the clothes are tight enough, and Julia Voth's likeness doesn't show up too well in the figure. I hope they actually do the other version as well. I think it's best not to rush HOT TOYS with their figures, especially as they keep making their endless line of Iron Man figures, and still need to solve the oil problems with their DX Batman.

I personally wouldn't say it look like crap but it could stand for some improvements. Knowing HT I'm sure some changes will be made on the final product. Reguardless it's a great figure I'm gonna enjoy adding to my little RE collection.
Just a couple things I reckon Hot Toys should take note of:

The knife blade is black, not silver:

The mp5 should have a sight on top, and the flashlight at the front should be a laser sight:
Jill BSAA will be the cheapest of RE5 figures that HT have released so far

I'm betting Jill has Sarah Connor's body. Reuse/Recycle... but not-Reduce
Face look a little like scarlet johansen.
Cap look oversize.
Clothes not fit enough.
Grenade on the belt is not accurate.

I will wait until Hot toys announce full-spec.
Jill BSAA will be the cheapest of RE5 figures that HT have released so far

I'm betting Jill has Sarah Connor's body. Reuse/Recycle... but not-Reduce

I bet this is the standard female TT .

Sarah Connor's body has rubered arms, but Jill, does,nt need them because the sleeves covers her arms.. and are jointed for sure

Hottoys have to improve the female TT knee joints ..she needs more motion range, and the hip joints should be stiffen
Falcon says Yes! to post like this:


HT have included the weapons that the Jill characters have in Mercenaries. From a single purchase point of view that makes more sense to me, but if you have the other RE5 figures I can understand wanting HT to fill out the armory.
We are getting the PX4 Storm though!! :banana

Chris wears the BSAA uniform that Josh and the other members of Alpha/Delta team wear isn't it?

Words cannot describe how giddy with glee I am right now.
Also does anyone think there are some new elements to the body on this figure? The wrists look like they are curved around the ball joint and that is some serious torso twisting that makes me think the torso might be slightly different (perhaps like the Wolverine body)?
The legs look thin at the thighs to me as well.


She kinda remind me of Amanda Bynes in the bottom pic.

On all the previous RE5 figures, HT went back and and did some minor tweaks since the intitial pics were released (Chris and Sheva had slightly different headsculpts and bodies and Wesker's eyes were changed from red to red/yellow with feline pupils) and I'm sure we'll see some changes on Jill as well. This is a highly demanded figure and I think HT wants to sell as many as possible so they can make Battle Suit Jill and drain our bank accounts even further.
As a huge Resident Evil fan (the games not the fawful movies) and Jill being my favourite character, I should be excited at the prospect of finally owning a really good Jill Valentine collectable. However, as things stand atm I'm not that impressed. The outfit is probably the least interesting to me, all the other outfits are much more desirable. The original STARS one is a classic, the RE3 costume has the sex appeal and the Battle Suit is badass. The BSAA one is just boring...

Also there are some issues with the face, It's not just the nose being too thin either. I think her head looks a bit too tall, her mouth looks a tiny bit too narrow and her bottom lip looks a touch too thin to as well.

Still, all that being said Hot Toys always seem to tweak the hell out of things before finally releasing them so they have time to make it better. Fingers crossed!
Why do I feel HT is using scarlett johansson or angielina jolie's head on this figure? Couldn't they get Julia Voth's license?
Face definitely needs some tweaks and the outfit is a little boring, but I wouldn't mind if the face were changed up.

Besides, I'm not too concerned about the outfit since it'll no doubt have a variant anyways.
There are certainly improvements to be made. I really don't see Jill at all in the sculpt, and the clothes need to be tighter. Still, I'm thrilled to actually be getting a Jill figure at all.