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Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

When complaints are thrown at HT, it's not out of pure hatred or complaining for the sake of complaining. Personally speaking, I complain because I am passionate about this hobby, as we all are I'm sure. I complain because I know what HT are capable of. I want them to do the best they're known for. I've already explained it a couple of posts back, so I won't repeat myself.

And I dunno, based on your post, it almost sounds like HT shouldn't have to continue raising the bar THEY originally set. Why settle for greatness when "OK" will suffice? It's almost as if an actor you love watching suddenly phones in his performance in every movie following his/her oscar win. "I won an Oscar, I see no point in putting my all into this role..."...does that sound acceptable to you? Ok, that example maybe too theoretical...but do you see what I mean?

And if they set a standard, what's so wrong with expecting them to AT LEAST stick to that standard. They don't wanna take two steps forward with this release? ok, but why take two steps back? I KNOW! If I'm SOOO against that figure, I don't have to buy it! And I'm not. I'm sticking to the standard release that, IMO, is 85% complete. So I don't see why this discussion can't continue. No ones calling anyone a troll, a blind fanboy nor has anyone's mother been insulted. And as long as that keeps up, then we're all good....

I know that last bit has nothing to do with what you said...i just figured I'd throw that in there in case someone else's temper flares up due to misunderstanding.

As for the BP bit...people in China love cap. BP, as far as they're concerned, is a batman ripoff. Crazy? Not so much. Most of my friends in China have no idea who he is, understandable, since there's literally NO exposure to the character. I'm just saying, HT has the Asia market for cap...if HT wants Asia sales of BP, throwing in the BD shield with scratches that HE'S responsible for....just a thought.

I actually do disagree with some of the trends HT is following with their latest releases. For example, their stoic face sculpts, which I suspect grew from seeing how collectors displayed their figures (static museum poses). I could get more worked up about it, but nothing I do will have any impact, so I just forget it and move on. I'll support HT if they make something I like, and I won't if they don't.

And HT is raising the bar; they've just shifted more towards the quality of what's included over the quantity. These figures are painted and designed better than what came out a few years ago. I think the days of releases packed to the brim with accessories are over. It worked when they were new and had to find a way to build market share, but now their brand is based around realistic sculpting and tailoring, which they are excelling at. If they can spend $10 to add an extra accessory (that will be used by a small percentage of buyers) or improve a sculpt/outfit (that affects everyone), I'm betting most people would prefer they spend it on the latter (and no, there isn't an option to spend $20 on both). I think it's unreasonable to expect them to get incredibly good at everything and still keep their prices reasonable. Something has to give. They pick and choose what to improve upon, and what they've done so far has worked for them (whether you like it or not).

I never really thought BP had a big following in the US (and elsewhere), but after a few cool moments in a trailer, suddenly everyone's excited. Asian tastes are different, so I can't say for certain that the excitement would translate there as well (my guess is yes, just maybe not to the same extent). But to go to your point- if HT knows it has the Asian market for Cap, it makes more financial sense to release the shield with another Cap (that does well everywhere) than with BP just to increase its sales in Asia (and marginally across the world). Especially if it knows it can release a tweaked version of the BP figure when his solo movie comes out.
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

I buy every Cap regardless.
And, complaining aside, it looks like a decent Cap figure. Unlike, the regular which could be any "at ease" *or* fighting Cap from the movie, this clearly slots into a point where he is fighting Black Panther(Or after the fight), so it's just as scene(Or time) specific as the Promo from TWS. The scratched shield on him means it's from a specific part of the movie, so regardless of one person's opinion, it's a valid release.
If the first Avengers figure were released today, we would likely have had Civvie Steve, Avengers Cap, and BD Avengers suit. Now HT are realising their model of "Up for PO, see how many order, make the edition size based on those PO's plus a little more" is working, we are seeing a greater range of variants now.
I honestly see this as a golden age(No pun intended), for 1/6 collecting, both from the big manufacturers, all the way down to the bootleggers, with several variants of Cap from one movie, plus things like the Elysium Matt Damon bootleg that has just shown up for PO. It's a great time to collect.

Bottom line, people, buy what you want, and can afford. Pass on the ones you don't want.

I don't see any point in whining about it.

Dude, you're better than this. To simply read any form of criticism and immediately label that as whining is a great disservice to the fanbase that aren't afraid to speak their minds. It's not a matter of "the nose is slightly off" or "the color of the socks are all wrong", it's a matter of slapping together parts from older releases and releasing it as if it's brand new.

Let's reflect on the past few years...

When a HS bears little to no resemblance to the actor it's based on, these so called "whiners" complain till they're blue in the face. On the other side of the fence that were more accepting of the HS label the ones pleading for change as whiners and other colorful remarks. But when HT goes back, due to the backlash, and updates the $#!+ out of the sculpt and provides an improved version that crushes the old one, what happens after? We all laugh, smile and high five one another...yeah that's great and all, but were there any apologies offered? Did the people that talked smack offer an apology and say "hey, sorry for talking $#!+ to you, and you were right, thanks for fighting for a better HS"? THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED. Because many people are selfish and take their internet pride seriously...emphasis on the pride. It's why bickering happens in the first place.

The "whiners" demand change and make their voices heard, but constantly have to sit through constant $#!+ talk from fellow members in the community. These are the same people that sit on the bench and make insulting, backhanded comments about the "whiners", believing they're above them and their *****ing...let's be honest, NO ONE is above anything. We're ALL buying dolls, whether we want to admit it or not...so let's be real here. So not only do complainers get wrongly persecuted, we end up looking like the bad guys...and when change for better happens, no gratitude is shown nor any apology is given. The cycle repeats.

I HAVE to point out something that's ALWAYS lost in translation or misunderstood when these situations arise: These complaints and want for change isn't to benefit myself nor any one individual. IT'S FOR EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY. Splitting accessories between two releases is messed up. But when one of those releases is using RECYCLED PARTS that cost little to nothing from the manufacturer and cost as much as a regular release at retail is EFFED up. I'm not the only one complaining. This isn't hearsay nor "oh my friend thought so too"..go to FB, go to Chinese forums...the frustration is real.

Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?


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Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

I actually do disagree with some of the trends HT is following with their latest releases. For example, their stoic face sculpts, which I suspect grew from seeing how collectors displayed their figures (static museum poses). I could get more worked up about it, but nothing I do will have any impact, so I just forget it and move on. I'll support HT if they make something I like, and I won't if they don't.

And HT is raising the bar; they've just shifted more towards the quality of what's included over the quantity. These figures are painted and designed better than what came out a few years ago. I think the days of releases packed to the brim with accessories are over. It worked when they were new and had to find a way to build market share, but now their brand is based around realistic sculpting and tailoring, which they are excelling at. If they can spend $10 to add an extra accessory (that will be used by a small percentage of buyers) or improve a sculpt/outfit (that affects everyone), I'm betting most people would prefer they spend it on the latter (and no, there isn't an option to spend $20 on both). I think it's unreasonable to expect them to get incredibly good at everything and still keep their prices reasonable. Something has to give. They pick and choose what to improve upon, and what they've done so far has worked for them (whether you like it or not).

I never really thought BP had a big following in the US (and elsewhere), but after a few cool moments in a trailer, suddenly everyone's excited. Asian tastes are different, so I can't say for certain that the excitement would translate there as well (my guess is yes, just maybe not to the same extent). But to go to your point- if HT knows it has the Asian market for Cap, it makes more financial sense to release the shield with another Cap (that does well everywhere) than with BP just to increase its sales in Asia (and marginally across the world). Especially if it knows it can release a tweaked version of the BP figure when his solo movie comes out.

Yes, of course one should buy what they really want. I encourage that...but only when it makes sense y'know what I mean? Some snarky ***** can come in and say "you're spending $250 for a toy...that makes sense to you?"...ok, But that's the thing...I'M SPENDING $250 FOR A TOY, so it SHOULD make sense for it to be complete. Not half @$$ed. And no, I don't care what anyone else says, THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR HT TO BE DOING $#!+ LIKE THIS. Aside from wanting to make more money yadda yadda, we know, let's move on.

typing in caps doesn't always mean I'm yelling or pissed. ,it's done for emphasis. So no need for anyone to tell me to calm down.

I don't entirely agree with the middle section of your post. Bits of it have merit, however some don't sit well with me.

They've always aimed for ultra realism. Even when earlier figures missed the mark, they would always improve and improve because they want to make their stamp in the collectible world. The amount of accessories shouldn't have an affect on their strive for detail and accuracy. In fact it helps accentuate it. I agree that days of filled to the brim with extras are over. It's sad. They wanna cut back? Well, we all let that slide and they're running with that all the way to the bank. But releasing a half baked figure to me is the straw that broke the camels back.
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Wow, dude.

Dude where's my captain

Dude, you're better than this. To simply read any form of criticism and immediately label that as whining is a great disservice to the fanbase that aren't afraid to speak their minds.

If you read my post as a "STFU and go away with your whining", that's not what it was meant as and i apologise if you took it personally.
If you do me the favour of reading my posts in a flat voice, devoid of emotion, and try to imagine it as a reasoned argument put forth as simply my own angle on the debate, you will have a better flavour of the intent. I am not writing this shouting at the screen.
So... These are my thoughts on you are other's posts up till now. Nothing personal, and not an attack on you or anyone else. One man's opinion, and i don't speak for anyone else.

My thoughts are to collect the figures you can afford and want. I always feel bad for people who post to ask "Hey guys, which figure should i buy?" as it genuinely seems like if no-one answered, they either wouldn't buy anything, or they are trying to impress people with their purchases. With very few exceptions(Two people that i know of), no-one here buys EVERY HT figure, for many reasons(Cost, display space, personal taste, etc).
Some people have Batman next to spiderman, Ada Wong next to Darth Vader, but some people only want Marvel, some only want DC, and so on.
Anyway, for me, i love the Marvel lines that HT make, but can't hope to collect every figure from a given property(Especially when it's Avengers).
I said that when the first Avengers figures were announced, and swore blind i would only get Cap, Widow and the MKVII. Then(Months after Fury and Hawkeye sold out and prices went high), i tracked down both for RRP, and i had slid down the rabbit hole. I collected all the Avengers assemble figures and will never part with any of them.
But i have to be realistic and say that although i can afford to get all the AOU figures, i would be sacrificing real world stuff that i don't want to cut out, so i got Cap, Widow, two Maria Hill figures and Hawkeye. With IM3, i was priced out of buying all the Armours. It's not HT fault that there were 35 different new armours in the movie, so i can't very well get angry at them for those variants. I just have to put my hands up and say i can't get them all, so i won't bother getting any(Although i did like WM2.0 and IP, so i got them)
But when it comes to Cap, i always get the figure, regardless of how similar it might seem on the outside. I just like Cap. If they made two for each movie of each suit(Normal and BD version), i'd happily get both. I have to state for the record that, although i will hands down buy *every* Cap figure, for each one they put up for PO, i will be buying that at the expense of another figure i could have bought. It's just simple maths.
If your posts are meant to be read as though you are very angry(Which is how they come across from my reading), then perhaps the reason is that you have AOU Cap, also have CW Cap on order and feel somehow that HT have you over a barrel by trying to gouge more cash from you. I suppose it's easy to see it that way. As mentioned before, perhaps HT didn't get images of the "claw marks" shield or the different look till recently. No-one will ever know. What i do know is that if they have a marvel licence, they would be fools not to do every Cap variant, especially as Cap always sells out now. Anything else would be foolish business practices.
I personally do not see this as a cash grab from HT, simply because every product from any manufacturing company can technically be seen as thus. At any time, you always have the ability to say: "I don't need that figure. I am happy with the ones i have", indeed, we *all* have to do that when new figures are announced, because otherwise, we would spend all our cash on these things, lol.
I also don't have any problem with a fanbase that speaks their minds at all. What seems grating to me personally are the few people who speak their minds but don't take on board what others are saying. You can say the same thing over and over, but HT will never go back to the old system of one figure, two costumes, a spare head, a newspaper, etc. You can only speak for yourself, and state what you would prefer. Others might agree, and some won't agree. It's not a competition to see how many people get a promo edition. For every person who got on the list, there's one that didn't.
You mentioned people complaining about headsculpts. When you see a headsculpt that is 40mm from chin to hair on a computer monitor(Which might look as big as 200mm high on a monitor), it's easy to scream that it's not accurate, then assume something was done to make it more so before it came to market, when in fact it's when you see it in hand at 40mm and find that in context, the head looks pretty good.
That's why people look at pics and reckon a head is off but others proclaim that "In hand it looks better".
HT products are far from perfect. I'd love to buy them all(But don't have the money or the room to display everything). But for every time they get better, that will have a cost in the end product, and how they recoup the cost and make profits are by making more variants.
I reckon this figure, which on the surface seems like a cash grab, is a legtimate release based on a different look from the movie. When it went up, i instantly ordered it, because it's Cap.
If it were anyone else, probably not.
I didn't bother with Scarlet Witch, because the character doesn't interest me at all. I'll get Widow from Civil War. Potentially the new IM armour, because it's a very cool design. But the likelihood of me getting more from that movie is slim. I just want Cap and Widow.
These views are my own, and are not an attack on anyone. Not meant as a challenge. Just a statement.
Well said.

And I do get his points as well, but they appear to be coming from a personal or emotional place and he's using his own view to tell others what they should spend their money on and that it's wrong to support the product. That's my issue with it. If he doesn't like the figure or whatever that's cool. Nothing wrong with that.
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

If you read my post as a "STFU and go away with your whining", that's not what it was meant as and i apologise if you took it personally.
If you do me the favour of reading my posts in a flat voice, devoid of emotion, and try to imagine it as a reasoned argument put forth as simply my own angle on the debate, you will have a better flavour of the intent. I am not writing this shouting at the screen.
So... These are my thoughts on you are other's posts up till now. Nothing personal, and not an attack on you or anyone else. One man's opinion, and i don't speak for anyone else.

My thoughts are to collect the figures you can afford and want. I always feel bad for people who post to ask "Hey guys, which figure should i buy?" as it genuinely seems like if no-one answered, they either wouldn't buy anything, or they are trying to impress people with their purchases. With very few exceptions(Two people that i know of), no-one here buys EVERY HT figure, for many reasons(Cost, display space, personal taste, etc).
Some people have Batman next to spiderman, Ada Wong next to Darth Vader, but some people only want Marvel, some only want DC, and so on.
Anyway, for me, i love the Marvel lines that HT make, but can't hope to collect every figure from a given property(Especially when it's Avengers).
I said that when the first Avengers figures were announced, and swore blind i would only get Cap, Widow and the MKVII. Then(Months after Fury and Hawkeye sold out and prices went high), i tracked down both for RRP, and i had slid down the rabbit hole. I collected all the Avengers assemble figures and will never part with any of them.
But i have to be realistic and say that although i can afford to get all the AOU figures, i would be sacrificing real world stuff that i don't want to cut out, so i got Cap, Widow, two Maria Hill figures and Hawkeye. With IM3, i was priced out of buying all the Armours. It's not HT fault that there were 35 different new armours in the movie, so i can't very well get angry at them for those variants. I just have to put my hands up and say i can't get them all, so i won't bother getting any(Although i did like WM2.0 and IP, so i got them)
But when it comes to Cap, i always get the figure, regardless of how similar it might seem on the outside. I just like Cap. If they made two for each movie of each suit(Normal and BD version), i'd happily get both. I have to state for the record that, although i will hands down buy *every* Cap figure, for each one they put up for PO, i will be buying that at the expense of another figure i could have bought. It's just simple maths.
If your posts are meant to be read as though you are very angry(Which is how they come across from my reading), then perhaps the reason is that you have AOU Cap, also have CW Cap on order and feel somehow that HT have you over a barrel by trying to gouge more cash from you. I suppose it's easy to see it that way. As mentioned before, perhaps HT didn't get images of the "claw marks" shield or the different look till recently. No-one will ever know. What i do know is that if they have a marvel licence, they would be fools not to do every Cap variant, especially as Cap always sells out now. Anything else would be foolish business practices.
I personally do not see this as a cash grab from HT, simply because every product from any manufacturing company can technically be seen as thus. At any time, you always have the ability to say: "I don't need that figure. I am happy with the ones i have", indeed, we *all* have to do that when new figures are announced, because otherwise, we would spend all our cash on these things, lol.
I also don't have any problem with a fanbase that speaks their minds at all. What seems grating to me personally are the few people who speak their minds but don't take on board what others are saying. You can say the same thing over and over, but HT will never go back to the old system of one figure, two costumes, a spare head, a newspaper, etc. You can only speak for yourself, and state what you would prefer. Others might agree, and some won't agree. It's not a competition to see how many people get a promo edition. For every person who got on the list, there's one that didn't.
You mentioned people complaining about headsculpts. When you see a headsculpt that is 40mm from chin to hair on a computer monitor(Which might look as big as 200mm high on a monitor), it's easy to scream that it's not accurate, then assume something was done to make it more so before it came to market, when in fact it's when you see it in hand at 40mm and find that in context, the head looks pretty good.
That's why people look at pics and reckon a head is off but others proclaim that "In hand it looks better".
HT products are far from perfect. I'd love to buy them all(But don't have the money or the room to display everything). But for every time they get better, that will have a cost in the end product, and how they recoup the cost and make profits are by making more variants.
I reckon this figure, which on the surface seems like a cash grab, is a legtimate release based on a different look from the movie. When it went up, i instantly ordered it, because it's Cap.
If it were anyone else, probably not.
I didn't bother with Scarlet Witch, because the character doesn't interest me at all. I'll get Widow from Civil War. Potentially the new IM armour, because it's a very cool design. But the likelihood of me getting more from that movie is slim. I just want Cap and Widow.
These views are my own, and are not an attack on anyone. Not meant as a challenge. Just a statement.

Dude, you're one of the cool ones, so let me clarify something. When I say "you" in my posts, it's not directed at you, username, it's a general "you", as in anyone. Typically if I'm addressing anyone I'd say the members name so as to not cause any confusion or create a misunderstanding. So I hope you didn't take any of what I said personal, because it's not meant to be. Lol I don't think I used exclamation marks throughout most of my post, so I don't know how you read it with an angry voice.

Anyhow, I ain't got no beef wit ya blood.

I agree with parts of your post. Other parts, not so much. I agree that we all can't buy every figure out there. It's insane. I know there are those that DO, but it's something I choose not to do.

Disclosure: I can buy every HT figure ever produced. When a figure is made obsolete due to an upgrade, I give away the old one to family members or close friends. I owned 3 of the QS001 (TDKR Batman). Why? Because I love the damn thing. I recently gave my third one away to my best friend as a best man gift because he too was a huge fan of Bales Batman. After the hype died down, while still loving it, I decided I had no use for a 3rd QS001 and seeing as how my friend who has never collected things like this and is a huge fan of the Nolan films, I gifted it to him. I wanted to share the love and give him a quality museum worthy piece of memorabilia.

I have more stories of my generosity. But that's neither here nor there. SO why did I tell you all of that? My intention is not to brag, but to illustrate that my issues with the movie promo isn't about "not being able to afford it". It's the principle. My posts are not meant to make anyone feel bad or awful for buying it. It's to encourage critical thinking. And whoever takes what I said as an insult, chill out. I never insulted anyone...well maybe I took a shot at a particular person I don't respect...but other than that, no insults were implied or thrown. Encouraging critical thinking doesn't mean I'm implying anyone is stupid and can't think.

And on the topic of HS...i recognize your name, username, you've been here for a while. Cmon dude, you're kinda downplaying it. There were times when some HS received a LOT of backlash from a very vocal majority. It's not Simply A matter of "looked bad in photos, better in person" here. That's not to say it hasn't happened because it has. But HS with glaring issues has happened and it's not due to a trick of the eye or lighting. Some just looked awful. And complaints helped.
Well said.

And I do get his points as well, but they appear to be coming from a personal or emotional place and he's using his own view to tell others what they should spend their money on and that it's wrong to support the product. That's my issue with it. If he doesn't like the figure or whatever that's cool. Nothing wrong with that.

That's my take on it...if you don't like the price or whatever, fine, but don't waste your time telling people how they should spend thier money because you personally don't like the price tag
Honestly, the switch out faceplates coupled with the dual mounted neck duped me into a second Cap after my AOU one. I LOVE options that let me pose differently and get a different effect. I may sell my AOU one or pose him sans mask stoically, while I have the CW one in a action pose.

If I ended up picking this up as well as already owning the AOU that is what I would probably do, I would keep AOU with my Avengers and would put CW Cap fighting with an Iron Man.

The BV Cap is nice though the main selling point which made me think "oooh look at that" wasn't the dio base or the dirtied up suit but the scratched shield to be honest, even if I stick with my current decision of not getting the current Cap I might grab the shield if I see it parted out (though I am expecting it to be rare with this one) as I think other than that the regular CW version is the better one to get (the exclusive sticker just doesn't have the same appeal to me after the Mk43 Ex).
And I do get his points as well, but they appear to be coming from a personal or emotional place and he's using his own view to tell others what they should spend their money on and that it's wrong to support the product. That's my issue with it. If he doesn't like the figure or whatever that's cool. Nothing wrong with that.

You dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's in my head. This is exactly how I feel about this whole situation perfectly wrapped up in a short post.
That's my take on it...if you don't like the price or whatever, fine, but don't waste your time telling people how they should spend thier money because you personally don't like the price tag

Well said.

And I do get his points as well, but they appear to be coming from a personal or emotional place and he's using his own view to tell others what they should spend their money on and that it's wrong to support the product. That's my issue with it. If he doesn't like the figure or whatever that's cool. Nothing wrong with that.

This is how I feel on a lot of matters as well.
As a long time collector, not only of hot toys, but of a lot of different lines (some I gave up and even sold through the years), the thing that always annoyed me about convention/promo/exclusive pieces was when they were really new pieces or even important characters that ended up being hard to get.

When they release a variant, I'm glad I can skip it (and to tell you the truth, with hot toys, even when I wanted an exclusive, I was able to get it fairly easily, and I'm in a country where preorders are not always offered).

I understand the feeling that this figure is not enough to be a "full figure", as it ends up being basically the same as the regular with just the scratched shield, the special base and dirty costume. But in my point of view, it's not a "full figure", it's a variant of the regular figure.

I get it that if someone wants both the shield and the faceplates you have to buy both. I saw a lot of people complaining about it on Facebook and even saw a video on YouTube about it. I understand the frustration of some. But in the end, that's the game. I have gave up on collections in the past cause I didn't like something in the way it was being handled by the company (many variants of the same character, increase of pace in releases, even problems to keep scale) or even re-accessed the way I was approaching a collection.

In the end, it's supposed to be a fun activity, if it's not, something is wrong and might need to change.

Just my way of seeing it, btw, some people might disagree with my way of dealing with frustration on collecting.