Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure (now with full spec and pics)

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Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

you think it would be the same as AVP then.
If In that movie they never showed there faces and Hot toys still made faces, why should this movie be any diffent for there figures?

Just because it'd done before doesn't mean it'll always be that way. But okay, let's imagine it was Hot Toys' own decision then and not about the licence. Why would Hot Toys not do the face when they did it with AVP? I don't believe in any laziness theories, they could've reused the Berserker sculpt with a new paint.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Just because it'd done before doesn't mean it'll always be that way. But okay, let's imagine it was Hot Toys' own decision then and not about the licence. Why would Hot Toys not do the face when they did it with AVP? I don't believe in any laziness theories, they could've reused the Berserker sculpt with a new paint.


Its there first predator figure with out a face.
I do assume its them being lazy but then again maybe it is a licence thing.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

another fan made from faceboock

Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

I've learnt my lesson in Hot Toys threads: Admire the sneak peak pics, add a comment or two then leave the thread alone for the whiners & cry babies to ruin it with page after page of crap. Later, I'll admire the full spec and pics, add a few relevant comments discussing the pro's and cons, then leave the thread alone for the whiners & cry babies to ruin it some more with page after page of (now) totally mindless crap. Finally, when the in hand pics surface, i'll add a few more relevant comments commenting on the final product while admiring the photographer's handiwork just before leaving the thread as those previous whiners & cry babies resurface like an unflushable turd and yet again try to drown out the ordinary folk here with their bellyaching...That's how i roll...and i'm not the only one...

Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Anyone stop and think that HT had to leave the mask on per the licensee? Maybe they were not aloud to do a mask-less head for both Falconer and Tracker...
Maybe, but they weren't forced to charge customers the same price as a mask-less version.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Awww, shucks, I can't tell you how disapointed I am that the Falconer doesn't come with the bird and the mask doesn't come off... :mad: Uh but it's really nifty.

God Damnit Butters!!!...............just had to

This is a pass for me. I don't care if you dont see his face in the movie, this is a high-end 1/6th figure. Mask should be removable & there's no falcon. Why does the mask have a light up LED function if theres no plasma caster?

yea thats the only thing i dont get, is the LED but he has no cannon or falcon.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Falconer...the "Chopper" of these HT predators, the one you'll see people sell for cheap on evilbay & make customs out of parts just like he was delt with.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

I don't intend to.

I'm actually not bothered by the lack of face; it's not in the movie and I imagine very few people would display him without the mask for that reason even if they could. What bothers me, and what should bother everyone who was considering this figure, is that Hot Toys is not passing the savings on to their customers. They're testing to see how many Predator collectors are fanatic enough to fork over nearly $200 for a repaint that's not only lacking on features and accessories, but is actually a significant downgrade from the figure it's repainted from.

Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Oh, boy, I hope so. Oh. Well, alright, Sideshow exclusive. I think I'll pick this one up 6 months after when the prices drop. If I can wait that long, dang!

Butters, you are grounded !
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

The only thing I must say is this.
The Predator is called FALCONER, because of the "falcon" he uses in the movie, right?
Well... where is the Falcon? I dont see it on the pics. So... HT, are you kidding me?
Lets put it in this way... is like selling a Jedi without lightsaber.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

The only thing I must say is this.
The Predator is called FALCONER, because of the "falcon" he uses in the movie, right?
Well... where is the Falcon? I dont see it on the pics. So... HT, are you kidding me?
Lets put it in this way... is like selling a Jedi without lightsaber.


Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Well it is a big disappointment that the Bio can't be removed, first for HT...

Personally I hope they change their mind and do release an actual head sculpt. this was a bad move on HT's part and as we can all see has caused a deep questioning about their future releases of Predator figures.

All of a sudden we are being sold a figure that is lacking in many ways compared to all the other releases so far. this line might just be a test market to see how much we will bear and how much they don't have to do....:lecture
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Thrifty, normally you post like you are drunk when you are sober. Now you are posting like you are sober? Damn you must be really ____ed up.....

Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

THanks ;). Sad to say we'll probably never get to see those faces. Bummer. Aw hell, I still can't resist getting 'em. I planned to originally, and I'm sticking to it.
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Yeah, what a bummer. I wanted to see those faces and get the falcon. :mad:
Re: Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure

Lets bombard Hot Toys with......... Facebook messages??? How else do we contact them?

The "Falconer" has to have a falcon and it cant just come with the exclusive if it even does comes with it.