Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

For the most part, the Human=Good and Alien=Bad has been a staple throughout all the SW films. It doesn't make any sense in-universe, but audiences are always seemingly fine with weirdo aliens getting axed over humans. I remember watch AOTC back when it was released and noticing how Anakin slices up random Geonosians without a second thought. We don't care because, hey they're just bug things, but in-universe they're civilians in their own homes. (not that Anakin is a good example of any kind of restraint or moral judgement)

Can you imagine if the Geonosians were human and a bunch of random factory workers said "Hey, you're not authorized to be down here!" And he just started slicing their arms off and cutting them in half, lol.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Link? Or you are you just quoting unsubstantiated ramblings of Fandom Menace YouTubers as fact? :)

It's an old internet leak...

Pasha also claimed that The Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau hated The Last Jedi as well, and that he actively campaigned to come on board after becoming so concerned about the current creative direction.

?I?m going to say this, and I?ve never revealed this publicly, I have a friend who is very close with Jon Favreau and has worked on several of his movies. And this is what he said to me, and I don?t know Jon Favreau. He said to me Jon Favreau hates The Last Jedi. Again, this is coming from a friend who I know has worked on Favreau?s productions in his inner circle multiple times. And he said to me that Favreau told him that once he saw The Last Jedi, he realized that Star Wars was out of control and that he actively lobbied to get involved in it, because he?s a fan and he wanted to save the franchise. It wasn?t just that Lucasfilm went after him, but he was like, ?Guys I can help with this. You guys are on the wrong track?.?
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It's an old internet leak...

Pasha also claimed that The Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau hated The Last Jedi as well, and that he actively campaigned to come on board after becoming so concerned about the current creative direction.

?I?m going to say this, and I?ve never revealed this publicly, I have a friend who is very close with Jon Favreau and has worked on several of his movies. And this is what he said to me, and I don?t know Jon Favreau. He said to me Jon Favreau hates The Last Jedi. Again, this is coming from a friend who I know has worked on Favreau?s productions in his inner circle multiple times. And he said to me that Favreau told him that once he saw The Last Jedi, he realized that Star Wars was out of control and that he actively lobbied to get involved in it, because he?s a fan and he wanted to save the franchise. It wasn?t just that Lucasfilm went after him, but he was like, ?Guys I can help with this. You guys are on the wrong track?.?

Well, Favreau hating TLJ sounds plausible but it isn't the entire ST. Even people who enjoyed TFA and TROS agree that having separate directors for each film and giving them too much autonomy was a mistake. They gave a non-fan (RJ) too long of a leash and he alienated a lot of the base as a result. That said, hating TLJ doesn't mean JF wouldn't/couldn't weave the early days of the FO's rise into Mando's story. Some would say he already has.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

If they pave the road to ST successfully, that will be a welcome miracle.
If they don't have any intention to do anything towards ST, that is also welcome.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Can you imagine if the Geonosians were human and a bunch of random factory workers said "Hey, you're not authorized to be down here!" And he just started slicing their arms off and cutting them in half, lol.

The real reason we haven't had extraterrestrial contact. They've seen all our movies.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

If they pave the road to ST successfully, that will be a welcome miracle.
If they don't have any intention to do anything towards ST, that is also welcome.

I’ve always said just go left in the road that The Mando is setting up with Thrawn and pave the way for the other side of the Galaxy where you craft a brand-new mythology. Throw all your Disney post-ROTS Jedi’s there and focus on a bigger threat in the outer rim. You can even have Ahsoka just say she already saw pieces of the future and Palpatine is still alive but will be killed anyway so she won’t interfere.

Obviously, not that simple and Disney has their own writers but this is a way to start fresh without any handcuffs to the ST. And I guarantee people will still get excited if sometime down the road, they throw some random ST character in this area. Like DJ or Sidon Ithano or someone:lol
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It's an old internet leak...

Pasha also claimed that The Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau hated The Last Jedi as well, and that he actively campaigned to come on board after becoming so concerned about the current creative direction.

?I?m going to say this, and I?ve never revealed this publicly, I have a friend who is very close with Jon Favreau and has worked on several of his movies. And this is what he said to me, and I don?t know Jon Favreau. He said to me Jon Favreau hates The Last Jedi. Again, this is coming from a friend who I know has worked on Favreau?s productions in his inner circle multiple times. And he said to me that Favreau told him that once he saw The Last Jedi, he realized that Star Wars was out of control and that he actively lobbied to get involved in it, because he?s a fan and he wanted to save the franchise. It wasn?t just that Lucasfilm went after him, but he was like, ?Guys I can help with this. You guys are on the wrong track?.?

It might be an old leak but that doesn't make it an accurate one. Just an unsubstantiated claim with no direct quotes. Maybe Favreau hates TLJ and maybe he doesn't. But as Buffinator said even if he does hate TLJ well TLJ does not equal the ST.

He did make those public comments a while back about "needing to respect longtime fans" which did indicate to me that he at the very least wanted to counter RJ's antagonistic claims about "manbaby" fans and whatnot.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Can you imagine if the Geonosians were human and a bunch of random factory workers said "Hey, you're not authorized to be down here!" And he just started slicing their arms off and cutting them in half, lol.

LOL I'm pretty sure in the one scene Anakin and Padme are walking through something akin to a barracks for workers, they're in their beds and don't even have any weapons, but Anakin is like, nah you be spooky bugs, die now.

This issue is essentially the same when it comes to the Stormtroopers as the helmets allow them to be blown away without much of a thought. We know they're men, but they're bad and don't look like men. The Mandalorian has a slight twist on this, which I call the Filoni effect, eventhough it's written by Favreau, which is to make the Stormtroopers into jokes, therefore making it easier to kill them. Sometimes dozens at a time. I call this the Filoni effect, because this was an issue with Filoni's CW and Rebels, all the menace was robbed of the main antagonists in both series by making them bumblers and jokes. This effect is creeping up in The Mandalorian if you pay attention to it. The Imperials should not be treated as jokes and terrible soldiers, otherwise why were they ever a threat in the first place, and why do we care about them coming after the protagonists? Moff Gideon is portrayed as this evil badass, yes his troops are made out to be goofs who get blown away and and made light of in every encounter.
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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

LOL I'm pretty sure in the once scene Anakin and Padme are walking through something akin to a barracks for workers, they're in their beds and don't even have any weapons, but Anakin is like, nah you be spooky bugs, die now.

:lol :lol
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

This issue is essentially the same when it comes to the Stormtroopers as the helmets allow them to be blown away without much of a thought. We know they're men, but they're bad and don't look like men.

When we first met, my wife hadn’t seen any Star Wars at all. When she was young, her parents belonged to a religion which forbade watching sci-fi movies(She doesn’t belong to it any more), but she had never gotten around to seeing the movies.
she knew all the pop-culture stuff, R2D2, Yoda, “I am your father”, Han Solo, Princess Leia, but was totally in the dark about how it all fit together, etc.
When we first met and I realised this, the first thing I did was buy a complete set of Blu Ray discs for her, OT, PT, RO, and TFA, and we watched them in the original order except we watched Rogue One first.

Anyway, the entire point of mentioning this is that(With no actual evidence, but the visuals she had seen over the years), she thought the Stormtroopers had been robots. When they were shown to be people wearing armour, and being taken out as fast as they are in the movies she said: “wait a minute. Are those *people*?!!!”
She couldn’t believe the “good guys” were just slaughtering so many actual people.
It can be argued it’s for a greater good, and just for entertainment, lol. But they are all people in there. And as mentioned, it’s mainly played for jokes at the moment.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Think Mando will paint his armor for Season 3?

Wild prediction time. I reckon he'll ''lose'' his armour in the last episode. Either that or it gets completely destroyed.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Wild prediction time. I reckon he'll ''lose'' his armour in the last episode. Either that or it gets completely destroyed.

He's stands around a lot like a dummy just taking shots and was even cocky telling Boba that him and Fennic couldn't hurt him since he has beskar. A little humbling with him in his beskar wouldn't hurt. And I have zero doubts he'll finally get some color next season. It's almost an afterthought.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I would love that. The helmet shtick is played out now. Comics and games are one thing but the time to show Din properly has come.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I actually prefer that Mando keeps the helmet on and not show his face.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I actually prefer that Mando keeps the helmet on and not show his face.

Definitely. If he takes it off once in a while that's fine but I don't want that to be the norm. Picture Darth Vader running around with no helmet. It'd just be weird. Keep it on. It completes the look, and a very iconic one at that.