Hot Toys Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice Speculation Thread

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Surprised HT had nothing to post today. Not even a teaser. Even them saying there will be more 1/6 past Knightmare Batman would be enough.

Well, they did post the pic of updated Batman. But, yeah, kinda surprised that Knightmare Bats wasn't officially solicited. I imagine it'll be early next week then.
Agree with you completely.
One of the best comicbook movie I've ever seen.
I will say, it did take a little while for it to pick up.
But once it did...what a ride!

The fights were brutal, made you care enough to feel that the heroes are vulnerable.
Unlike other comic book movies where the fight action happens and you're not really worried about their well being.
Got me even all teary eyed in the end.

Your last sentence prompted me to go read the plot of the film on Wikipedia before having seen it yet (doing that tomorrow). Spoilers don't ruin movies for me at all; if anything, it makes me more intrigued because I want to see HOW it happens.

Gotta admit, I didn't see that one coming at the end. I mean I did think they were going that direction, but not this soon. Based on what I read the plot is, I don't see why this would be a bad film. Makes me look that much more forward to seeing it tomorrow.
The main problem most people have with it is that it's badly edited, paced, written, with schizophrenic characterization. It's a film only focused on the visuals and it shows.

The dark aesthetic and mood are perfectly fine. Critics would be HAPPY with a dark film... but it needs to be GOOD. This isn't a good film, and if your a fan who loves the style over substance films, then this is for you. It's a visual beauty. Just doesn't have the writing, or any other basic film making fundamentals to back it up.

a 5.1/10 is actually perfectly fair as far as the average rating goes. That's around what it deserves.

Well said. I went in without any serious expectations. I liked MoS but didn't love it. I wasn't upset by Affleck's being cast as Batman. I like several Snyder films (300, Sucker Punch and even kinda like Watchmen). I'm ok with portraying the characters in a different way (there's no ONE rendition of these characters).

However, I felt that the movie failed on some fundamental aspects. Characterization was very poor. Full of extraneous plot threads that never paid off (e.g., a certain bullet related thread could have been completely dropped without only positive impacts). Overstuffed in a way that AoU was.

I didn't want humor in the movie (Marvel has erred too much in that direction in some cases, IMO), but I do want heart and this movie lacked it - despite PERFECT opportunities to show it.

I don't care what critics say or what popular opinion says - I actually somewhat enjoyed the Daredevil movie (for its time it was decent). However, many of the movie making faults bring pointed to aren't exactly personal opinion, they are flaws in storytelling (check out the NPR review).

That being said, Wonder Woman's awesomeness far exceeded her screen time and I may have to get that figure!
I don't think I would get this version of Aquaman or Flash.

Aquaman even looks to have a different costume in Justice League than the one on his teaser poster for this film.
Your last sentence prompted me to go read the plot of the film on Wikipedia before having seen it yet (doing that tomorrow). Spoilers don't ruin movies for me at all; if anything, it makes me more intrigued because I want to see HOW it happens.

Gotta admit, I didn't see that one coming at the end. I mean I did think they were going that direction, but not this soon. Based on what I read the plot is, I don't see why this would be a bad film. Makes me look that much more forward to seeing it tomorrow.

You and I seem to have the same taste. So I hope you like the movie.
I reserved tix for 3d Imax Sunday since they were sold out last night and only got to see the 3d version.
I actually wanted to see it again tonight, but I'll go ahead and wait Sunday. lol

The thing is, at least for me...the critic score is so misleading, cause the nitpicks do have merits...but its like saying...yeah, it has this fault, and this, and this...therefore it sucks. The positives far outweigh the negatives.
I love it when I go see a movie and it is constantly on my mind.
I'm a pretty harsh critic when it comes to most modern films, in any genre, and I think the critics were more than a little unjust. I'd give it a 7/10. Affleck was good. Cavil was fine. But Gadot was awesome in what screen time she has. My biggest gripes are the complete miscasting of Eisenberg, and his ridiculous performance ( why do people not understand there's a difference between being a psychotic and a megalomaniac?), the too fast flip from enemies to friends, and the JL setup felt completely forced. Otherwise, I had no problem with the dark tone of the film.
I did not like Eisenberg too. Felt he was too crazy and immature rather than misguided crazy genius like in the comics. But maybe thats how they wanted to potray a younger lex. And a poor way to showcase doomsday.

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I don't see what else would be coming from this film not already teased. I suspect Apoc Batman may have Wayne sculpt....Alfred, Lex, Perry, Lois, Doomsday don't think would warrant enough interest.

Movie was decent enough for me to purchase a Bats, I need to decide which one.
You and I seem to have the same taste. So I hope you like the movie.
I reserved tix for 3d Imax Sunday since they were sold out last night and only got to see the 3d version.
I actually wanted to see it again tonight, but I'll go ahead and wait Sunday. lol

The thing is, at least for me...the critic score is so misleading, cause the nitpicks do have merits...but its like saying...yeah, it has this fault, and this, and this...therefore it sucks. The positives far outweigh the negatives.
I love it when I go see a movie and it is constantly on my mind.

Yeah, I noticed we seem to as well. I'm 90% certain I will enjoy it. I don't tend to be a huge critic when it comes to films, or anything in general for that matter, because I have the propensity to be able to take something for what it is and understand what the intention is meant to be. When I go into a film, I go into it looking to be entertained; I don't go into it with the intention of finding as much wrong with it as I possibly can. Like you said, I think people sometimes ding movies too much for the most trivial of things. There can be 3 negatives, but say 10 positives (arbitrary numbers) and it seems like people will instead choose to focus on those 3 negatives instead of the myriad of positives.

Nothing is perfect and sure every film has or does something that I wish they would have done differently, but as long as I'm engaged and fully entertained for the whole ride, I'm satisfied.

I plan on watching MoS again at some point today so I can go into BvS tomorrow with MoS fresh in mind again.
Hated the film with a passion. Ben Affleck was good though, too bad they had to use electronics because he can't do the bat man voice himself. That was a big letdown to be honest. Alfred is played well by Irons.

That's the positives:

The rest is terrible. Story, if you want to call it that. Jesse Eisenberg needs to be recast as soon as possible, I will not be seeing suicide squad. Man of steel is a masterpiece compared to this.
Yeah, I noticed we seem to as well. I'm 90% certain I will enjoy it. I don't tend to be a huge critic when it comes to films, or anything in general for that matter, because I have the propensity to be able to take something for what it is and understand what the intention is meant to be. When I go into a film, I go into it looking to be entertained; I don't go into it with the intention of finding as much wrong with it as I possibly can. Like you said, I think people ding movies too much if it has one simple thing wrong with it. There can be 3 negatives, but say 10 positives (arbitrary numbers) and it seems like people will instead choose to filibuster on those 3 negatives.

Nothing is perfect and sure every film has or does something that I wish they would have done differently, but as long as I'm engaged and fully entertained for the whole ride, I'm satisfied.

You won't be entertained for the full ride, unless you have bad taste. There, I said it.
You won't be entertained for the full ride, unless you have bad taste. There, I said it.

Just because you detested it and weren't entertained, doesn't mean others won't be. Your opinion isn't any more or less valid than anyone else's and it doesn't mean your tastes supplant theirs.
Yeah, I noticed we seem to as well. I'm 90% certain I will enjoy it. I don't tend to be a huge critic when it comes to films, or anything in general for that matter, because I have the propensity to be able to take something for what it is and understand what the intention is meant to be. When I go into a film, I go into it looking to be entertained; I don't go into it with the intention of finding as much wrong with it as I possibly can. Like you said, I think people sometimes ding movies too much for the most trivial of things. There can be 3 negatives, but say 10 positives (arbitrary numbers) and it seems like people will instead choose to focus on those 3 negatives instead of the myriad of positives.

Nothing is perfect and sure every film has or does something that I wish they would have done differently, but as long as I'm engaged and fully entertained for the whole ride, I'm satisfied.

I plan on watching MoS again at some point today so I can go into BvS tomorrow with MoS fresh in mind again.

Lol, that's what I did before seeing BvS. I watched MOS a couple of days ago.
too bad they had to use electronics because he can't do the bat man voice himself.

Erm, maybe they used electronics because it makes more sense to do that than walk around growling all night. Its makes complete sense as a voice hiding device.

I will not be seeing suicide squad. Man of steel is a masterpiece compared to this.

Why? it has a different creative team behind it?
There's really no point in an Aquaman figure at all. Bit of a misleading marketing campaign there for the film.

I reckon I'm gonna pick up Supes, Bats, WW and Armoured Bats. I just hope they add some of those spoilery extra accessories because they really should be included.

Hate Lex and Doomsday was just too massive for a figure to be made of him for me, I'd never buy something that big.
Bring on Lex- loved him and how wicked crazy he was.......big big surprise how much I enjoyed him
Doomsday looked horrible. I was waiting for him to grow all his bone spikes and stuff and was just saddened.