BATMAN 3, or other DC film projects?

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What would you rather have in the next five years?

  • Nolan's BATMAN 3, please!

    Votes: 35 81.4%

    Votes: 8 18.6%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Am I the only one who could care less if BATMAN 3 (really BATMAN 7) was made in the next five years? Nolan did such a great job with TDK, that it will be hard to top with another sequel. I'd especially be upset if the third film was just Nolan's take on Riddler, Penguin or Catwoman. Sure he would do a great job, but I'd rather see Bat-villains that have never been seen on screen before. Nolan already got the heavy-hitters out of the way with the first two films (Joker, Two Face, and Ra's, in amazing interpretations) and all of the villains featured in TDK had been done before on film. Let's see something new and completely different in BATMAN 3.

There are only so many times I can see the same plot rehashed: Batman fights crime, ends up on top of a tall building kicking a human bad-guy's ass, and saves the day. If they are going to bother (which you know they will,) let's see something different.

Am I the only one who would rather see WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN or THE FLASH, before another BATMAN sequel? I love Bats, but WB should give another DC hero a shot. Even WORLD'S FINEST: BATMAN v SUPERMAN would be cool to see, before another realistic rehash of the previous films.

'nuff said
Batman 3 please. DC has proven it can't handle any other character properly yet. Nolan knows what he is doing. Let him finish his triology, then DC can go hog wild and ruin everyone else.

Anyone remember that planned Justice Leage movie? :yuck
There should be an option for both. DC is well aware of Marvel's Successes and their four year plan and have fast tracked GREEN ARROW and GREEN LANTERN. Both are in heavy preproduction with writers already hired and working. THE FLASH was given strictly to David S. Goyer to write and direct and he has been sitting on it for a while with no real movement in the past year and a half. As for WONDER WOMAN, Joel Silver owns the rights and is willing to sit on them apparently forever since he hasn't done anything since Whedon left the project.

Batman 3 will happen before any others because the principal needed cast and the director are already hired. Goyer wrote a third part and since the Nolans are the ones who screenwrite these they'll already be cracking at it to fufill their contracts.

Superman is the big question. Depending on who you listen to, either Routh, Singer and company are beginning to prep for Man of Steel or DC/WB is currently paying out and restructing contracts and rebooting to announce at Christmas...
I'm up for a GL flick.

Now that they've shot their wad with the Joker, any future Batman movies are going to pale in comparison.
Nolan did such a great job with TDK, that it will be hard to top with another sequel.

I don't think it would be hard. Difficult and a lot of work for sure, but not hard. Nolan knows exactly what he is doing.

I'd especially be upset if the third film was just Nolan's take on Riddler, Penguin or Catwoman. Sure he would do a great job, but I'd rather see Bat-villains that have never been seen on screen before.

Whether it's his decision or not as to which villains will be in it. It is still something new for a lot of people. Not all of us grew up seeing the Burton film's in theaters. At the same time I wouldn't doubt it if another lesser known Batman villain is introduced. Plus I don't think it is about getting the heavy hitters out of the way. More so, introducing villains never before seen in the Batman films, heavy hitter or not.

Also if Marvel can have several of their movies being made simultaneously, then so can DC.
I think that Batman still has many great villains that can be brought to life. They ruined Mr Freeze... he could be a very tragic character if done right, Maybe Killer Croc or a better version of the Riddler. LOTS that can be done there. So I am definitely down for Batman 3.

I would also love to see the same care and devotion put to Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow and Flash. They just need a good director and writer to do something cool and interesting with them.
I think that Batman still has many great villains that can be brought to life. They ruined Mr Freeze... he could be a very tragic character if done right, Maybe Killer Croc or a better version of the Riddler. LOTS that can be done there. So I am definitely down for Batman 3.

I would also love to see the same care and devotion put to Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow and Flash. They just need a good director and writer to do something cool and interesting with them.

Out of those three, I can only see the Riddler actually being done. In Nolan's words the other two are "too far fetched" for his films. Heck, he said that about the Penguin!
I'm surprised that many people would want more of the same rather than something unique and new to live action.
The Bat franchise is in place and firing on all cylinders. They have yet to find a creative voice for any of the other characters. Marvel is supervising their pictures and have a plan - hopefully this won't mean rushing films into production without developing the scripts as Fox likes to do with every comic property they control. Warner Bros. knows that it isn't simple to launch a character like this - Singer stumbled with Superman and they don't want something like that again.

So I think a final film from Nolan is more likely and more desired than any other DC character. Supermax sounds like an intriguing project, but it's not exactly a typical superhero movie. I'd love to see what Whedon did with Wonder Woman though.
Out of those three, I can only see the Riddler actually being done. In Nolan's words the other two are "too far fetched" for his films. Heck, he said that about the Penguin!

Penguin can be used as a mob boss or some such on the same level as Scarecrow. Bane would prolly be to silly as would poison ivy. But Catwoman would be interesting.