1/6 Hot Toys - MMS275 -John Blake/ Jim Gordon with Bat-Signal Collectible Set

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Makes me wonder why HT even bothered making this set? Although I appreciate them keeping the Nolan Bats line going.

Surely Ra's al Ghul is the figure to make.

Hot Toys just need to look at this poster for a reference point of the figures that need to be made.


They nearly made all of them now. Might as well finish the line off HT, Don't mention Platoon or Predator. :wink1:
We may see the figure(s) from Tomorrowland seeing as they've just announced that line. I would also expect something from Terminator Genisys. Hopefully there will be a few surprises with figures we didn't even know they were working on.
I imagine there will be some new Star Wars stuff. I'm still hoping for Daredevil. How awesome would a black and red suit 2-pack be?
Daredevil is TV, something HT hasn't been doing and something they'd need another line/moniker for (MMS = Movie Masterpiece)
They do have their VG line... Another series could be possible. There will soon be more MCU Netflix shows, not to mention Agents of Shield. They could re-release Coulson under that. It'd also give them a reason to get the licenses for the DC shows if possible.

Might just be wishful thinking on my part, but hopefully someday.
Apart form getting one Spider-Man and one non-movie Wolverine into my collection, I'm done with 1/6 Superheroes, even though I do enjoy the shows to varying degrees.

They'd certainly have enough source material in heroes alone for a TVMS line.
Sorry SDCC has been a dud for new HT reveals the last couple years- those are for the Asian shows it seems..

I thought last year was pretty great myself.

- Battle Damaged Robocop
- Batman Returns Batman
- Ripley (Alien)
- Ripley (Aliens)
- Marty
- The Delorean
- Batsignal w/ two characters

If SDCC 2015 is anything like 2011 (Bespin Luke Skywalker two-pack, Jack Joker, '89 Batmobile) or last year, it should be pretty good.
It would be ideal for HT to produce figures for all the superhero shows since ThreeZero will presumably handle everything else. They seem to be picking up the pieces of what HT ignores. Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, TMNT, and Mass Effect. I'm sure they won't stop there either.
They seem to be picking up the pieces of what HT ignores.

I think that's a little (unfairly) disparaging toward Threezero. I'm sure every company tries to get many licenses and are successful with some and not successful with others. Everyone has to find their own niche and it's clear that HT and Threezero have focused on different subject matter for most of their work.

What surprises me the most about HT at the moment is that they're still making DC characters. if I were in charge of licensing at Disney, I would have made sure to hinge the contracts for Marvel and Star Wars on the condition HT not produce any DC (and possibly other) properties that could be considered a conflict of interest.
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I think that's a little (unfairly) disparaging toward Threezero. I'm sure every company tries to get many licenses and are successful with some and not successful with others. Everyone has to find their own niche and it's clear that HT and Threezero have focused on different subject matter for most of their work.
I meant it more as a jab to HT than ThreeZero. When it comes to their missed opportunities I don't know if it stems from lack of trying, or as you said, being unable to get the license.
I meant it more as a jab to HT than ThreeZero. When it comes to their missed opportunities I don't know if it stems from lack of trying, or as you said, being unable to get the license.

What makes you think that HT wanted any of the licenses that you mentioned anyway? The TMNT movie was bad and Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad are both TV shows, which HT don't really get involved with. They're also not that big on video games either, so it's no wonder they didn't pick up Mass Effect or Halo. Arkham City was a no brainer for them because Batman figures in the past have always sold for them.

I think we should all be grateful that HT haven't ventured into TV shows because they would not delve very deeply into the lines. GoT is a series that needs 10 or more figures produced, as does The Walking Dead. There's no way HT would put that much attention into a TV show with everything else they have on the go right now.

We are far better off having multiple companies getting involved with 1/6 lines rather than just relying on HT to produce everything. We must realise that they will produce products for their core buyers, which in HK are clearly more interested in Iron Man and other robotic type figures. Star Wars, Batman Returns and RoboCop have all been slow sellers in Asia, so that isn't exactly giving HT confidence to delve into other lines.

Perhaps 10 years ago those figures would have sold really well because the MCU hadn't become what it is today. Now this has become it's biggest selling line and perhaps DC will join it when they get their series of films off the ground.

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It looks like they made the portrait 20 years older. His features, especially the jaw line look way too strong. His face looks too chiseled.

The youthfulness of the prototype seems to have disappeared completely, unless it's just the pics.

Paint and lighting. That's what it usually comes down to with sculpts from HT. Some people will swear up and down that the sculpts have changed, but more often than not (by a very wide margin), they haven't. This one, just like DX07 Bespin Luke, appears to be identical to what was previously shown.
Looking at all the Facebook pics, I do think the culprit is low lighting from below. You're right. In some shots it appears to make the jaw look more pronounced than it is (I'm assuming). Funny that all the different photographers have similar set ups in mind for their shots.

Seeing something in hand is always the best indication of how close something is to the prototype. I experienced that with the MMS 238 Terminator recently. It looked like a million bucks once I saw it for myself, in person.
just realized that with a JGL headsculpt one could make a bash of the gambler character from Sin City 2....