Hot Toys - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (New Costume)

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I don't like it, he looks a woman in the bat suit. No offense to any women folk. I mean the slim look was only achieved in the film thanks to wonderful lighting that complemented the suit making it look less bulkier then it actually was. Making it that small just look unnatural, attractive yes, but unnatural.

seem's to me that someone just made a mess out of a reaaaaaaly expensive action figure...

Don't like it. The waist is like a batgirl...

no i wouldnt try that, i would however get the suit on a mj slim body and see how that looksmaybe swat out the arms from the dk bosy onto the mj slim body if possible

Whoa, check out this guy's mod!




Looks awesome. Anyone else wants to attempt this? :D

it looks great but now the legs are too buff u need to chop out some of the legs to get rid of the hippy feminine look someone was talking about then he will look balanced and perfect

I always thought the chest was too big, but it does appear smaller and slimmer in the pics of the modded Batman. I want to see more pics...

Did he do anything to the head? It looks great in the shots.

I think also that the chest part is the biggest problem body-wise (the hot toys cape asside) what makes him look to bulky when compared to the movie...
those mods make him look more feminem indeed...and it seems the chest plate of the suit is hard, not-strechable? so actually if you want a smaller chest you should remake the whole chest area :)

I actually believe it would make him LOOK a lot more slimmer if there was even stuff added to his belly-area, under the chest area, so that it has less a triangular shape what makes him so bulky...

so it has a more square look, like in the movie
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Filling up the waist perhaps? That would be the best way to mod the figure cause the problem is really the thin waist, not the big chest. HT TT body has kinda a thin waist going on.
As someone said, perhaps filling it up to pull the armour tighter, making it less bulgy/fatty but i really dont see much difference
I can't figure out what this person did to theirs do to horrible translation. Something about filling the armor with paper to make it taller? but it looks much better...

STOP! It's too much! Another month of torture!

It's so sick looking!

Thats the best picture I've seen so far.
I see the old pictures are still on Hot Toys website.


Photos belong to, gctoto11

gctoto11 said:
Please see for yourselves again with my own figure... It's no frills.. out of the box... posed a lil:






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Bale was thin, I want my TDK suit to reflect that.

Bale wasn't thin at all ... he was same size he was at the end of the filming for BEGINS.

The mod to that Hot Toys Batman gives him the more accurate look and size. It's all in the suit, people.

The BEGINS suit pushes out in the chest and abdomen areas making him look even bigger.

The Dark Knight suit, with it's mesh underlining really hugged the body. It's supposed to have a sleek look. And it's funny, because so many of The Dark Knight suit inspired toys just got this all wrong.

Like they all assumed TDK suit made Batman bulkier and more massive than the BEGINS suit.

The HT TDK Batman could've been so much better if they a) had capes you could switch out. One being the wired cape for the bat-pod, the other being a free flowing cape that didn't bulk up and sit above TDK suit's shoulder pads, and b) if they thinned the suit out. It looks way too bulky.

Oh, and how could I forget the symbol on TDK suit is WAY too big on the Hot Toys figure.

Besides that ... it's ok. That guy's modification makes the figure totally bad ass.

Who knows, maybe you'll get an updated better figure alal they did with the Joker a few months down the line. You know, with accurate size, accurate chest symbol, switchable capes, switchable head sculpt with lenses ... who knows about the possibilities you'll get in an improved version.

THIS is The Dark Knight, himself.

THIS looks like the character from the film.

THIS figure is outstanding.

Look at the intensity in the eyes, the accurate physique and pose.

A thing of beauty right there.
Does anyone know what suit is that on the Bruce Wayne?


Looks just like the one he wore in the film. Armani I believe. That was the best suit, IMO, he's worn in all the movies. Grey pinstripe suit, witht he burgandy tie. Very ganster, early 1930's inspired look.

BTW, where is the rest of this picture? I want to see the Michael Keaton and B89 Batman.
Suit info.

gctoto11 said:
the suit was bought in mongkok's Richmond Centre in Hong Kong. It's a really nice three piece suit that comes with everything (shirt, vest, tie, blazer, pants, shoes) However, I changed the shoes to a better looking leather one so to add some fun to it.. I just bought another suit today, (from the same manufacturer) and will post some pics later.. hope u liked it !!

Do they have a website, & how much are they? USD?

gctoto11 said:
I don't think they have a website. In fact, I just bought it in a small shop and there's just a plastic bag wrapping it . The price is around 35 US . Hope this helps

gctoto11 said:
89 Batman
well i started translating the mod post but google translator is far from perfect so I gave up... here's what it gave me. anyone want to make more sense out of it, by all means go ahead, I'm tired.

First, dismantle the whole figure, it is actually very easy to open. Be careful not to break it because it is just attached to a plastic shirt with a little glue....

this is what i'm most concerned about.
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