The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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It must be the new Disney Mandate...

Story and creativity is no longer important. Only diversity, representation, and simply stringing the viewer/fan along so they continue to consume and wait for the next bigger and better thing that will be the bestest yet...

Oh yeah, and throwing in some remember berries for nostalgia... :lol
So did anyone get weird vibes from Bo-Katan when...

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I think she is remembering.

I think she's remembering that she hasn't bumped helmets in a while lol...
The point was to get "the kid back to his people" and in doing so the character of Din, who was a one dimensional bounty hunter bad-ass, grew to be a better person/character, understand the more important values of life, etc. Hence why the end of season 2 was so emotional, because he'd fulfilled his duty and the two were parting ways after their adventure.
It was, but it was never going to be the end, it's Grogu's show just as much as it is Din's. It's always going to be the two of them.
Now it's fetch quests, and again, the kid is now pointless, other than to look cute and sell toys. SW for SW sake.
It's a father and his son bonding and learning on a space adventure.
So did anyone get weird vibes from Bo-Katan when...

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I just took that as her finally realizing maybe her dad was right with all the actual Mandalore beliefs and it was just her getting her mojo for it back and that’s what will change her mind.
I don't know what what kind of misery weed you guys are smoking (not shocked honestly). I absolutely loved this episode (and for the record, I was a bit underwhelmed by the first one). It gave us more time with Bo-Katan and revealed more about the fall of Mandalore and Mandalorean culture in general. It also had a lot of classic Star Wars feels. I also like the relationship they seem to be setting up with Dinn and Bo-Katan.
No misery here. Just a little sadness that another show I was really enjoying is taking a path I'm not interested in following.

I deleted my post. I don't want to piss in the pool here while everyone enjoys their swim. It's nice that so many folks are...happy with this. I'll watch quietly from the sidelines.

I just took that as her finally realizing maybe her dad was right with all the actual Mandalore beliefs and it was just her getting her mojo for it back and that’s what will change her mind.
That's not the daddy on her mind...

I don't know what what kind of misery weed you guys are smoking (not shocked honestly). I absolutely loved this episode (and for the record, I was a bit underwhelmed by the first one). It gave us more time with Bo-Katan and revealed more about the fall of Mandalore and Mandalorean culture in general. It also had a lot of classic Star Wars feels. I also like the relationship they seem to be setting up with Dinn and Bo-Katan.

Or reality weed? Or expectation weed (based off the standard set previously in this series)? Or hope weed (hoping that they could bring a level of writing skill beyond standard-fare fodder - maybe a bit more Andor level)?

Each to their own, I guess... but when you've eaten quality cuisine, why be happy with **** sandwiches?
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Agreed. I can see him being scared but not halting.
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Yeah, was he out of Whistling Birds? You can hand-wave it away anyway -- obvious plot contrivance.
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A lot of people don't watch cartoons.
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anybody see the new Lost in Space series on Netflix…well this ep 2 reminded me of it 😳
See one of my previous posts. General Grievous and alien Robot's techno-vampire lovechild!

I like her😁. For me she gives an "everyman" hard-scrabbling vibe, doing what she has to, to get by. She's not wafting about in makeup and gauze, or pretty but poor and dignified, and all the other trope stuff:pfft:.
No, just all the *other* trope stuff. I hate the character. Cardboard cut-out on the level of a Saturday morning cartoon except for the Jawa stuff. :slap
So did anyone get weird vibes from Bo-Katan when...

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There's an aspect of his sincerity (misguided or not) that appeals to her world weary cynicism.
Can someone tell me the point of the show now?
*theme from SNL's 'Lowered Expectations' plays*

It borrows liberally from Koike and related genres, Burroughs and other episodic pulp, tries awkwardly to please everybody. Occasionally succeeds. :LOL:
The "kid" is completely pointless now...
Yeah, I wish he was still off screen, but ... never happen.
Din also comes across as a dumb ass now - driven by blind faith, that he's witnessed so much to the contrary? He's regressed as a character... or maybe it's all the knocks to the head that have rendered him mentally impaired?
He's in an abusive, fanatical cult. I can give his waffling on that count a pass, if not the writing which is clumsy -- but then I've always found his character to be inconsistent.
No misery here. Just a little sadness that another show I was really enjoying is taking a path I'm not interested in following.

I deleted my post. I don't want to piss in the pool here while everyone enjoys their swim. It's nice that so many folks are...happy with this. I'll watch quietly from the sidelines.


I for one would like to have read your insights.
So the empire used to destroy planets this way like Mandalore ..were everything laid waste and the atmosphere became dangerous to breath

Before they built the death star that could destroy the planet in seconds :unsure:

I think the old way was worse because the planet had to suffer as we can see
So the empire used to destroy planets this way like Mandalore ..were everything laid waste and the atmosphere became dangerous to breath

Before they built the death star that could destroy the planet in seconds :unsure:

I think the old way was worse because the planet had to suffer as we can see
Bombarding a planet's surface into a glass parking lot was seen in books and other media after the OT. I don't think it's something Lucas necessarily took into account in the 70s.

A Death Star blowing a planet's core into hyperspace and turning it to dust instantaneously does track with the Emperor's rule-by-fear doctrine and megalomania, though. After all, you can (maybe) engage a fleet of Star Destroyers but the Death Star was supposed to be an unstoppable planet killer; the final word in Imperial Doctrine.
I don't know what what kind of misery weed you guys are smoking (not shocked honestly). I absolutely loved this episode (and for the record, I was a bit underwhelmed by the first one). It gave us more time with Bo-Katan and revealed more about the fall of Mandalore and Mandalorean culture in general. It also had a lot of classic Star Wars feels. I also like the relationship they seem to be setting up with Dinn and Bo-Katan.
The seasons tend to start slow and pick up as they go on. The combination of expectations being very high and there being less of an established driving force behind the narrative don't help.

Keep in mind what's been moving the plot forward for now was getting to the living waters in the mine. Now that he's done that, hopefully they'll switch gears and move forward with the bigger arc of the season.

I do like the first two episodes overall. But it is hard to go from the explosive finale that was The Rescue to this. His TBOBF episodes and these first two episodes should've been combined into a special presentation mini series or something instead.
I don't know if it's hand-waving, but I distinctly got the impression that the first thing that happened when Mando was injected was total body paralysis. He would still need to move something in order to set off the whistling birds or flamethrower or grapple cord, but he couldn't cause he was totally incapacitated. That explanation worked for me.

Then the eyeball thing started to drain his blood. Gross. That eyeball was a cool effect but didn't match anything we've ever seen in SW so far.
Rama's great big, itty-bitty completely ******** Episode 2 review:

[This contains a mix of good and bad, so bear with me] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*I found the opening sequence VIOLENTLY annoying. Violently. This person really annoys me, the sound of their voice is triggering even. IS this person really as bad as Episode 1's Babu Frik squad? Just might be!

*Flippin', zippin' Grogu: come ON, man.

*Stunning visuals. Stunning. 💯The surface of the planet covered with green shards and plates of glass: stunning. The jetpack descents into the subterranean city: frickin' stunning. That horrible cyborg: not stunning, but most certainly memorable. WTF is that thing? We'll never know.

*Grogu actually does stuff these days. I am fine with that, as long as he's not flippin' and zippin'.

*Let's talk about Bo-Katan: the only real Mandalorian present in this episode. I SAID WHAT I SAID!!!! Bo is the real deal. THAT is a Mandalorian. Bo is not ******* around. She is wielding the Darksaber, which not even Din can do correctly. Bo: no problemo! Gimme that thing. She has her little shield, she is slicing, dicing and kicking ass. Bo has all my respect. Her ship is cool as ****. I look forward to the Hot Toys Deluxe version with the Darksaber, shield and throne. Make it happen, HT.

That is some for-real girl-power right there, and I am here for it. This is the wife for Din. I will accept no substitutes. Not only does Bo kick ass, she is smarter than Din the Himbo. He needs that. Get it, girl!

*So, we are down in the mines where evidently, we are hearing the Call of Cthulhu. *bemused* Okay!! I am down with that. Thank goodness for Bo! She is the only one doing any heavy thinking, evidently.

This week's tally:
Mandalorian episode 2: * * *
TBB "The Outpost": * * * * *
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Agreed with MyenShi here...How different the perception of this season's start would be if those two BOBF Mando episodes were the ones (maybe combined?) to open this third season and the actual opener was the third one in. Fair to say the praise would've been over the moon for THAT kind of premiere. There would have to be some kind of "bridge" episode to explain Grogu's quick return to fold it into this show. I still stand by the idea that Grogu should have been away longer from Mando than what we got.

As it is, Grogu is now the "cowbell" of this show and as Mr. Walken says,
"Need more cowbell!"


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