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Well... I had a crap day today at work and the one thing I was looking forward to was the new ep of Book of Boba. Ofcourse that was crap too...

There were some good things. I liked the flashback, the Krrsantan scenes, the Rancor stuff.

I hated the biker gang. Didn't mind the characters alltogether, but the bikes looked like crap and that chase was ridiculous.

Also the episode was way too short again. I'd much rather have only 5 episodes of decent length than this crap...
Now wait, that Kamino flashback was also fire.

More of that, less children on bikes.
Just re-watched the episode again and most of the stuff was okay except those kids on bikes. They really stunk the episode out to the point that it distracted from the good stuff. The Mayor’s Major-domo is also pretty awful and distracting. It was like L3 in Solo, just more impactful because of the short length of the episode.

Still a very below average episode, and an outright bad episode after last week’s masterpiece. Starting to think this is more of a Robert Rodriguez directing problem than a show issue.

The Pykes are great however, even though they’re obviously a red herring for the main villains of the show.
Reactions to this show have been painfully predictable on this forum considering what was being said about the stuff in the commercials before the show came out. That woman on the bike had a target on her back here for weeks now. I knew she'd be panned.

The show is fine.
At first I thought BBW (Big Black Wookiee) was going to be Boba's version of the Rancor. Trapped in the pit and fed people. Then the "gift" arrives and BBW runs away (looking very funny as he does it)
Reactions to this show have been painfully predictable on this forum considering what was being said about the stuff in the commercials before the show came out. That woman on the bike had a target on her back here for weeks now. I knew she'd be panned.

The show is fine.
I have enjoyed the majority of the show thus far except for parts of today's episode. You are accusing others of confirmation bias while exercising it yourself. People can have valid criticisms of valid negative aspects without the implication being a bigot.
This has all the makings of what should be a great show.
beloved legacy character
2 hutts!
a cool wookie
Crime syndicates
The obligatory female character that is superior to the men and makes them look foolish. (every show has them now, not just Star Wars).

Instead we got dancing and friendly Tuskens, my chemical romance on colorful speeders, another train, and a crap story.
Here is how I end the series based on the spoilers
blah blah blah crime. Blah blah blah crimson dawn. The girl from solo causes boba a ton of trouble. Everything looks bad. Boba calls an old enemy. Han Solo (de aged) comes to the rescue. He sees girl from solo. She tells him, I love you (holding a blaster behind her back). Han says, I know and shoots first. Han always shoots first.
End credits
Reactions to this show have been painfully predictable on this forum considering what was being said about the stuff in the commercials before the show came out. That woman on the bike had a target on her back here for weeks now. I knew she'd be panned.

The show is fine.

So what part of a twenty year old street kid becoming Fetts main enforcer, (or one of them) strikes you as legit? Do you think she would be either feared or respected by serious gangsters?

Do you really think she carries the same gravitas as someone like Fennec, who has earned and proven her chops? Are other syndicates going to take the Anime Biker Gang seriously?

We iced the Tuskens and THIS is their replacement? A bunch of almost literal children? Dont make me laugh.

Its like if I personally went to Italy and read the head Mafioso of them all the riot act. Would that be respected? The whole group would snicker and then they would cut me in half with automatic weapons.

I have yet to see ep 3 but skimming through all these comments, I'm lowering my expectations. If its not good to me, oh well. 1 and 2 are still good and there's always next week.
I think the major thing that’s missing are some badass Boba scenes in the non-flashback timeline. In Daredevil, Matt gets beat up a ton, almost too often, but he also gets redeemed through some great action sequences, usually within the same episode.

Correct me if im wrong, but we havent really seen current-era Boba win a single fight yet. I get that for the sake of drama you cant have your main character be invincible, but we really need some scenes of him getting some cool stuff done, before the finale.

The Tusken stuff has been great, I really dislike the new biker gang, idk. Mixed feelings overall after this third episode.
The great thing about TBOBF is that's so obviously not canon that you can just have fun with it, and not have to be concerned about inconsistencies, or that there are mods with their hairdryers decked out with multiple mirrors, or rockers sporting Tatooine chapter vests.

It's so completely wacky that it'll likely turn out to be The Book of Boba Fett as written and embellished by the mayor, so as to discredit Boba Fett.
Problem is that Faverau wrote pretty much all episodes as I understand it. Filoni wrote 1 or 2 maybe. Presumably the ones he directed. So can't put all blame on Rodriguez I guess. Also depends how much latitude directors have on the script and what things are like. Faverau would have had to have specified kids and not thugs. Bright coloured speeders ??

It's strange as Faverau typically seems to have had his finger on the SW pulse....

Good point on the writing part on Faverau, at the same time I can just see RR's print all over the 2 episodes he's directed, which so far are the 2 weaker episodes. He's not Zack Snyder or Michael Bay bad, but he had a few hits and that is really it (don't get me started on how he dropped the ball with Sin City 2). Like RR definitely had a hand in the Spy Kids and their speeders lol, I can't believe how out of place they looked.

Mando Chapter 4 was a stinker, but I’d take that any day of this episode. This was CW Martez Sisters/Bad Batch Scooby Doo mine car episode level of bad.

The one redeeming feature it could’ve had was Boba vs BK, and we ended up seeing him fight him in his undies. At least he put a bath robe on for the end of the fight. What a wasted opportunity.

As for the dweebs on the blinged up mobility scooters, please even Rian Johnson and JJ would’ve been embarrassed to include them.

Chapter's 4 and 5 for me were real bad, but I'd definitely watch those again before I watch this episode again lol.

Shows are gonna have bad episodes, I get that, Mad Men, Sopranos, The Wire, etc etc all have their fair share of crap episodes, but for the series to start off struggling like this, just isn't a good look.

I hope it rebounds and finishes strong, but I find it hard to believe that the Boba we saw in Mando and the one were seeing now, are the same person.

I was afraid a series about Boba might not be best for the character, and that he might work better as a supporting/guest character, and its looking that way right now.
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Yup, this is the spoiler I read. Really, really hope that last “enemy” is in the show and HT surprises with a pre-order. Preferably in his OT gear.
Re-watched the episode again. Honestly, it's not bad. It was actually quite good before the biker scene. It's not that the bikers were kids, it actually make sense to have the younger people who are usually lower rank do the dirty work. The problem is how the kids, more importantly the bikes, looked. If this episode is scored out of 10, making the young biker gang look more like the usual Tatooine locals would instantly give this episode a +2. I think it was Rodriguez that wanted to make them look like that.
The thing about that leak is it could so easily have been cobbled together by any fan. Most of the info was out there. Everyone knew BK was in it, the biker kids were in the trailer, and there was leaked art of Boba riding a Rancor. The Crimson Dawn connection is a bit of a no-brainier considering the huge push they had in the WOTBH comics. I don’t think the leaks said anything about the Hutts, the Pykes, the Tuskens etc., did they?

Hats off the the leaker if everything he/she said turns out to be true, but the
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in Chapter 5 just seems really far-fetched.
So what part of a twenty year old street kid becoming Fetts main enforcer, (or one of them) strikes you as legit? Do you think she would be either feared or respected by serious gangsters?

Do you really think she carries the same gravitas as someone like Fennec, who has earned and proven her chops? Are other syndicates going to take the Anime Biker Gang seriously?

We iced the Tuskens and THIS is their replacement? A bunch of almost literal children? Dont make me laugh.

Its like if I personally went to Italy and read the head Mafioso of them all the riot act. Would that be respected? The whole group would snicker and then they would cut me in half with automatic weapons.


It just doesn't bother me.


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