Willow series on D+

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Super Freak
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
So, after looking, no Willow thread?

Anyways, there's this...

What a sorry looking cast. :lol Dempsey Bryk looks like a tool with his shirt open to impress the ladies.. And whats with the permed Ginger girl?? Who's she banging at Disney?? 1st Solo, then F&TWS, now Willow?? She isn't a very good actor..:slap She almost turns me off for this.

But Warwick is a funny guy. I like him. His HBO mocumentary about himself was good stuff.

I enjoyed the Willow movies as a kid. Haven't revisited it yet with my kids. Now that this is coming out I will watch it again on D+.
Bryk looks like Val Kilmer's son... so good casting there.

Willow was meh (although I had the hots for Kilmer's wife, Joanne Whalley)... but if this is funny, maybe it will be good.
Disney continues to scrape the barrel of our childhood memories and demonstrate their inability to come up with anything new.

I liked the movie back in the 80s, so I hope they don't mutilate this.
As someone who loves the Solo movie, I appreciated the joke there, as I feel like that everytime I mention the movie to someone...
Really funny video there. If they keep that spirit in the show then it could be something worth checking out. I'm not sure about Kilmer's current health status, but he may not be in any shape to appear even in a cameo. Guy has had a tough time over the past decade or so dealing with throat cancer.
I'm bored. So, since no one else bumped this, I shall

Opening like so many other trailers with quiet piano notes - in this case of the Willow theme.

And here's the splendid Laura Legends' reaction vid.

Last edited:
  • Release mediocore product
  • Get bad-mixed reviews
  • Wait some decades
  • Release new mediocore followup to said product
  • Probably don't profit from nostalgia bait of the kid fans that are now grown up
  • Repeat
Bryk looks like Val Kilmer's son... so good casting there.

Willow was meh (although I had the hots for Kilmer's wife, Joanne Whalley)... but if this is funny, maybe it will be good.

Warwick Davis is really pretty good at subtle comedy. He's mostly in the background but he's still hilarious. Val Kilmer shows up too. These are bits from BBC's Life Too Short with Ricky Gervais.
I can't wait to see who they cast for the grown up Elora Danon.

After all, in the original movie she was clearly a red-headed little baby.


So now she should be about 35 years old or something.

So I'm thinking Tessa Thompson should be PERFECT!!

OH MY GOD IT'S HERE!!! The television event of a generation has FINALLY arrived on Disney Plus!!



I won't watch this dung even for free. I really loved the original as a kid. Madmartigan is the ****.

In the 90s when they released a series of novels (written by Chris Claremont) as official sequels to the movie, the first thing they did was kill off Madmartigan and Sorsha. WTF?? I had zero interest in the books cause of that. Just like I have less than zero interest in this. No Madmartigan, no deal.

Apparently, they didn't "kill off" his character in this like they did in the books, but he's not gonna be in it at all. Not even one scene, like Top Gun. Sorsha's in it though. So hot.

So in this sequel, Elora should be about 35 or so. So Disney went ahead and cast.....a 20 year old blonde. The ginger-cide continues!!

But there's great news!! If you love lesbian love stories, and you love lesbian love stories starring Enfys Nest/Flag Smasher, you're gonna LOVE "Willow +".

I know when I was a kid in 1988, thrilling to the exploits of Madmartigan as he faced down the imposing General Kael on the steps of the castle in the rain, I remember thinking to myself "this is pretty good....I guess....I sure wish there was a romance between two bland, interchangeable young women to really keep my interest."
I know when I was a kid in 1988, thrilling to the exploits of Madmartigan as he faced down the imposing General Kael on the steps of the castle in the rain, I remember thinking to myself "this is pretty good....I guess....I sure wish there was a romance between two bland, interchangeable young women to really keep my interest."

Yeah, I'm not watching this. :lol

It's getting trashed in reviews. It's another predictable Disney show like everything else they are churning out today. It's being compared to Disney Channel (TV) shows. It's the typical story for today's environment. Everything flipped.

Really subverting expectations here... :slap

Apparently Val and the lady had 2 kids. A boy and a girl. And, instead of the Princess being captured and the strong male lead has to rescue her, it's a "new and original take". The Prince gets kidnapped, and TWO strong female lesbian warriors in love set out to rescue the boy....

Maybe if this came out 10 years ago I'd give it a go. But now it's just lumped in with every other show. Instead of a new take, it's just more of the same.