Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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Had to Google Brie Larson. I've seen a couple of movies she's been in but I have no memory of her 😅
Whew man. Bavk in like 2019 or so she was all the rage for worst possible reasons. Those anti woke people absolutely hated her guts and they thought she’d destroy the mcu
Nothing we can do if others don’t like it, lol.

Zack Snyder Failed Rebel Moon's Best Character

Jimmy the robot is one of the only interesting characters in Rebel Moon, and this speaks to the Zack Snyder movie's issues with storytelling...... Unfortunately, it's received fairly negative reviews, with the biggest criticism being towards the quality of writing. This namely affects the characters, with many of them being entirely underdeveloped....One character in Rebel Moon who is seemingly poised to be important is Jimmy, a robotic knight. Voiced by Anthony Hopkins, the character is initially given a fair bit of attention, only to ultimately become irrelevant. This is sadly symptomatic of the movie's larger problems, with the narrative focusing too much on the wrong things.....

Perhaps the biggest issue with the story of Rebel Moon is its pacing. The overwhelming majority of the movie feels like loosely connected vignettes that introduce each character. Sadly, this doesn't offer much in the way of actual character development or a cohesive plot....By all means, the story is essentially over at the two-hour mark, but barely anything happens beyond the ragtag heroes being introduced. Thus, it all goes by as quickly as it begins, and audiences are left with little reason to care...

....As mentioned, Jimmy is easily the best and most charismatic character in Rebel Moon, though this isn't saying much. His strength as a character isn't derived from how well-written he is, but rather because of how his energy compares to the bland nature of almost everyone else on screen. From Sofia Boutella's character Kora (the protagonist) to Ray Fisher's Darrian Bloodaxe or the mercenary Kai (played by Charlie Hunnam), the rest of the characters in the movie are completely bland and rote.....

Nothing new or at least interesting is done with these archetypes, with the characters lacking even a fraction of the charm of the Star Wars heroes and villains that inspired them. Whereas Star Wars hero Luke Skywalker had a boyish curiosity and struggled upon finding himself in the middle of a galactic conflict, Kora is simply an incredible fighter already, if for no other reason than to have cool fight scenes. Lacking even the faintest whiff of true humanity and character, these cast members also have no stakes or tension. This even makes Jimmy the victim to perhaps the movie's biggest problem: shameless sequel bait....
The summation at 48:50 sums it up for me. I also quite like: when every moment is super, none of them are.

Yes, I watched the entire video. It has some really good points.
Whew man. Bavk in like 2019 or so she was all the rage for worst possible reasons. Those anti woke people absolutely hated her guts and they thought she’d destroy the mcu
I've seen very little of the MCU. I'm just not into superhero movies in general really.
Having said that, I watched the 3 Iron Man movies with my son recently and loved them. Iron Man 3 was my least favourite because of the people with silly lava/fire powers but still enjoyed it enough.
I was told I need to watch the Avengers to get the rest of Iron Man's story. I tried to watch Avengers but couldn't get through it.
Iron Man shooting rockets and lazers in power armour suit, great, but something in my brain hates dudes in capes shooting energy beams *shrug*
The Iron Man suit is fantastical in its level of technology but still feels grounded. The clunky mechanical parts coming together in the suiting up scenes, the whirring sound when he's moves. It feels like it has weight. A certain clunkiness. It's almost like a heavily upgraded Robocop. Love that stuff.

Apparently Captain America movies might be my thing. I've been told the second one is kinda like a spy thriller.
This is such a curious thing that he’s doing here. I don’t expect it to register with everyone. In fact if anything my expectation is it likely will not.

But I do simply enjoy the story, the characters, and the storytelling for the PG13 version of Part 1 for what it is even just at face value. Like maybe the deconstructive aspects will be more apparent in the director’s cuts. But I don’t see obvious deconstruction going on in either the PG13 cut or the novelization which is reportedly the story told in the director’s cut.

Edit: Ah okay, actually he does say in this interview (starting at about 6:39) that the PG13 cuts are “earnest” and straightforward, and in contrast the director’s cuts will be deconstructionist. So no real deconstruction going on in the PG13 cuts.

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This should trigger a lot of folks in the dislike or hate camp! 🤣

Zack Snyder Has Plans For at Least 6 ‘Rebel Moon’ Movies

You left out a key part of that...

Snyder has big plans for the Rebel Moon universe, POTENTIALLY expanding to six films IF the fan support and Netflix backing align.

As I recall he also had big plans for the DCEU but his vision didn't quite get the studio and fan support that he'd hoped. I'm not a hater but right now I'd categorize this as wishful thinking. Netflix has already cut & run on properties that were of higher quality and cheaper to produce than RM. That article indicated that RM had 34M viewers during its first week, but how many of them actually liked it and will come back for more? I may eventually watch Part 2 out of morbid curiosity, but ZS's lazy storytelling & underdeveloped characters in Part 1 didn't exactly leave me pining for more of this derivative, slo-mo Seven Samurai in Space. But of course your mileage may vary. :lol
You left out a key part of that...

Snyder has big plans for the Rebel Moon universe, POTENTIALLY expanding to six films IF the fan support and Netflix backing align.

As I recall he also had big plans for the DCEU but his vision didn't quite get the studio and fan support that he'd hoped. I'm not a hater but right now I'd categorize this as wishful thinking. Netflix has already cut & run on properties that were of higher quality and cheaper to produce than RM. That article indicated that RM had 34M viewers during its first week, but how many of them actually liked it and will come back for more? I may eventually watch Part 2 out of morbid curiosity, but ZS's lazy storytelling & underdeveloped characters in Part 1 didn't exactly leave me pining for more of this derivative, slo-mo Seven Samurai in Space. But of course your mileage may vary. :lol

And more sex and violence may bring in viewers - I guess. But *&^% writing and editing is *&%$ writing and editing. :poop:
instead of saying he wants to do six movies why doesn't he just focus on the ones that he is doing. I can't imagine something happening like Netflix doesn't follow through with his plans and he starts crying about his vision wasn't finished and a small group of people lobby for the Rebel cut.
His head is way to big. Great ideas but terrible execution. If it's a hit thats great but if not on to the next.
instead of saying he wants to do six movies why doesn't he just focus on the ones that he is doing. I can't imagine something happening like Netflix doesn't follow through with his plans and he starts crying about his vision wasn't finished and a small group of people lobby for the Rebel cut.
His head is way to big. Great ideas but terrible execution. If it's a hit thats great but if not on to the next.

That’s a complete misunderstanding of what happened with Rebel Moon, lol. That’s not what happened at all.

He pitched an R-rated “Heavy Metal” long form movie that deconstructs the sci-fi space opera (i.e., Star Wars). Netflix said fine, we’ll let you make that. But give us also PG13 2 hour cuts that work better for ad supported streaming platforms such as their own ad supported plan and presumably for possible licensing to other ad supported services such as Amazon Prime, Pluto, and Tubi. Because that’s where streaming is making its money, is with the cheaper ad supported platforms. They make way more money from ads than premium subscriptions.

But anyway, no one complained that there was no director’s cut, there was no fan lobbying to “release the Rebel Moon director’s cut,” etc. He filmed both versions simultaneously because that was the arrangement with Netflix. But to be clear it was Netflix that insisted on him making also the shorter PG13 cuts. That was never Zack’s idea. But he was like fine, I’ll do that if that’s what’s required to make the movie he actually wanted to make.
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People that dislike what Snyder does to begin with… in all honesty it’s hard to imagine them somehow magically liking whatever he comes up with for the director’s cuts of Rebel Moon. I’m sure they’ll come at it hard as ever.

But I like what he does so I won’t let that negativity cow me. I’m just being a voice for those that do like the deconstruction and his offbeat, subversive vision in general.