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Re: Pixar Steelbooks

More Steelbooks added to my collection. Couple more to go and I've got all the Pixar films in Steelbook Blu Ray.

Steelbook obsessed?? Yes! When it comes to certain valuable collections of films. Can't complain about great artwork with no crappy text on it, and nice metal collectible rare cases! :yess:

Just need Rataouille and Wall E and I'm caught up.





They are amazing :thud:
Ok...I have to ask. Why do you guys keep taking pictures of movie boxes? Just say what you bought. :lol
Ok...I have to ask. Why do you guys keep taking pictures of movie boxes? Just say what you bought. :lol

Because if the cases I get are special and collectible worthy, and not everyone might have seen them or have them, since they are often exclusive to one store or country, I want to show them to you all!!
Saying what I bought isn't enough, when the movie case itself is a collectible :) Now for basic wide releases that everyone will get or see, I get your point.
So there. :pfft:

Because if the cases I get are special and collectible worthy, and not everyone might have seen them or have them, since they are often exclusive to one store or country, I want to show them to you all!!
Saying what I bought isn't enough, when the movie case itself is a collectible :) Now for basic wide releases that everyone will get or see, I get your point.
So there. :pfft:


it's still the same movie :huh
Because if the cases I get are special and collectible worthy, and not everyone might have seen them or have them, since they are often exclusive to one store or country, I want to show them to you all!!
Saying what I bought isn't enough, when the movie case itself is a collectible :) Now for basic wide releases that everyone will get or see, I get your point.
So there. :pfft:


it's still the same movie :huh

Exactly...It's a freakin aluminum case for a Blu ray or DVD disc. And im sure hundreds of thousands if not more are made. What is so special or valuable about that? :lol
A-Team and Despicable Me.
Borders just sent me another 50% off anything coupon, so I will use it to buy Videodrome to get caught up on my Criterion Blus. :yess:
I guess they don't want kids to see the cover and think Qui Gon Jinn smokes. :lol

They do more then smoke :lol

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