Threezero Game of Thrones - Daenerys Targaryen!

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She just had ...a pretty face and was mostly killing people we didn't like or have much sympathy for, which made it more palatable. Until it suddenly wasn't. Which, to me, was kind of the point.

Yep. Exactly. She's what we should all fear. Ultimate Evil will never be a monster -- it will be a beautiful thing that fools us all. Her turn to the Dark Side seems to be every fanboy's fantasy (especially Star Wars fanboys), so I'm shocked that there are so many who can't stomach it.

I would love to have evil Dani on my shelf. With those batwings too. :)
That was a great look, but I'd still prefer her in the wintry S7 outfit.

But Season 7 Dani had a very similar outfit to her evil finale...


For simplicity sake, I would think ThreeZero would do the above outfit or the final Evilwear.

Icy white furry robe could be problematic.
Bad to whom though? No offense, but this is the classic mistake of assuming that just because you yourself did not like something or a large contingent of your own echo chamber did not, no one did...or even worse it is objectively "bad." Appreciation for art or entertainment is one hundred percent subjective. I have watched each episode of each season (including 8) multiple times since I watched the first episode on the night of its premiere. There are elements of the show that I have liked more or less than others, but to ME the show in its entirety is a television masterpiece. My opinion and I am sticking to it. That means that the show was not was simply "bad" to you. :) Don't know and don't care if the show was "good," just know that it was good for me.

I think that is kind of the deal. When we say art is bad what we truly mean is "bad to me." I appreciate anyone who creates. It is my favorite thing to do in this world as well so I do hate all of the negativity that surrounds art, however it still sucks when you see a show reach the heights that Game of Thrones achieves at it's peak and then the lows of the ending.

I would be happy to go into what I thought were the major issues with just the finale itself if anyone is interested, but otherwise I won't waste anyone's time.
Then again it probably also helps that I never saw Dany as a hero or as some great emancipator, so not only wasn't I disappointed at that turn, I've long expected it, so felt none of the outrage many others seem to about that. To me she was never much different to the likes of Stannis, burning down anything that got in the way of her and her perceived destiny. She just had cool dragons and a pretty face and was mostly killing people we didn't like or have much sympathy for, which made it more palatable. Until it suddenly wasn't. Which, to me, was kind of the point.

I agree with this. I have always enjoyed her character arc and if anything I like it even more now that things are all said and done. I do feel her sudden turn could have been substantiated by being provoked in the moment (another unfortunate plot point damaged because the showrunners were double timing it). I definitely want an updated figure of her and would actually love two. One in the white and one in her black final look. One thing I'll never forget about Game of Thrones is how striking Emilia Clarke is in some of her costumes.
Yep. Exactly. She's what we should all fear. Ultimate Evil will never be a monster -- it will be a beautiful thing that fools us all. Her turn to the Dark Side seems to be every fanboy's fantasy (especially Star Wars fanboys), so I'm shocked that there are so many who can't stomach it.

I would love to have evil Dani on my shelf. With those batwings too. :)

It’s how it happened, not so much that it did happen.
I think that is kind of the deal. When we say art is bad what we truly mean is "bad to me." I appreciate anyone who creates. It is my favorite thing to do in this world as well so I do hate all of the negativity that surrounds art, however it still sucks when you see a show reach the heights that Game of Thrones achieves at it's peak and then the lows of the ending.

I would be happy to go into what I thought were the major issues with just the finale itself if anyone is interested, but otherwise I won't waste anyone's time.

Yeah...but I think it's important to make the distinction in discourse that art is "bad" to "me" if that is the road that you want to go down. I happen to know that an individual can only qualify their own opinion versus making an objective claim that the art is "bad." If they do not establish their understanding of that then I have no foundation to continue the discussion because I can only take them at their word that they are declaring it objectively "bad" which would kill further discussion because they would clearly not get how the whole thing works.
Just for the sake of conversation, can something be universally agreed as bad even if people liked it? If Ned Stark who is dead for yrs on the show climbed the red keep with head attached and killed Daenerys, is that bad writing even if 1 person out of 19 million people watching it? Its an extremely asinine example but is that what it takes for something to be considered bad from a general point of view?
Most people know what truly bad is. And what truly great is. You really don't need to be a rocket scientist or an art aficionado to recognize this. Its the gray stuff in-between where we all have differences. Neither season 8 nor season 7 were truly terrible. That's where the problem lies. It's debatable. Even bad Game of Thrones is better than 98% of regular television.
Just for the sake of conversation, can something be universally agreed as bad even if people liked it? If Ned Stark who is dead for yrs on the show climbed the red keep with head attached and killed Daenerys, is that bad writing even if 1 person out of 19 million people watching it? Its an extremely asinine example but is that what it takes for something to be considered bad from a general point of view?

That’s is why we have art critics. Typically if a large group of professionals agree something is objectively not good then that becomes the overarching consensus.
But Season 7 Dani had a very similar outfit to her evil finale...

View attachment 454758

For simplicity sake, I would think ThreeZero would do the above outfit or the final Evilwear.

Icy white furry robe could be problematic.

Yeah, the white with red underlay would be very tricky to replicate fir a figure. I’d say S08 Dany is what they’ll make, if they do, its the most current look and makes more sense.
That’s is why we have art critics. Typically if a large group of professionals agree something is objectively not good then that becomes the overarching consensus.

Except I would say most professional critic reviews are tainted or paid for in one way or another.
Eh, I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist when it comes to that. Pretty much every time a movie receives good reviews it is almost always obviously a good film.
Or we could cite the long list of universally acclaimed films that received negative reviews at the times of their release because the narratives or filmmaking styles were too sophisticated or complex for critics at the time and as a result the film's frustrated them resulting in them giving the film's bad reviews. With time, the same critics, usually at the unspoken behest of newer and more sophisticated critics revisited these films as time caught up to them and then heralded the same films as masterpieces. It simply took time for the viewing skills of the critics to catch up to the filmmaking skills of the artists who created these works.
Most people know what truly bad is. And what truly great is. You really don't need to be a rocket scientist or an art aficionado to recognize this. Its the gray stuff in-between where we all have differences. Neither season 8 nor season 7 were truly terrible. That's where the problem lies. It's debatable. Even bad Game of Thrones is better than 98% of regular television.

:lecture If seasons 7 and 8 were terrible it’s only relative to the show’s own good-plated standards.
Or we could cite the long list of universally acclaimed films that received negative reviews at the times of their release because the narratives or filmmaking styles were too sophisticated or complex for critics at the time and as a result the film's frustrated them resulting in them giving the film's bad reviews. With time, the same critics, usually at the unspoken behest of newer and more sophisticated critics revisited these films as time caught up to them and then heralded the same films as masterpieces. It simply took time for the viewing skills of the critics to catch up to the filmmaking skills of the artists who created these works.

That certainly does happen. Citizen Kane is proof.
That certainly does happen. Citizen Kane is proof.

I think the finales of Seinfeld and the sopranos could fit in this too. Maybe mad men... I think is more that it’s going to always feel odd a series is ending and whatever loose ends are left untied will be uncomfortable and that’s what makes things interesting but I do think just the expectation and the merit of solid work for the whole series will always skew things.

Now I think we know well enough the GOt finale is not underrated due to storytelling being ahead of it’s time and there is no doubt that this season was very rushed (as was the last).

GOt didn’t give you everything you want at least the way you thought you wanted it which is a good thing and I think when people whine about the Dany turn, brown on the throne and not Jon or this and that they are missing the big picture. Even those who whine about the way the knight walkers went.

All that stuff is just fine what’s feels askew and random about it Is that it feels like we got the cliff notes version of it all. It should have been 1.5-3 seasons longer so that the narrative felt like it connected in the way the earlier seasons did. That’s the only thing that went wrong here.