Threezero Game of Thrones - Daenerys Targaryen!

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I don’t get why someone would not like a character based on one part of their story but I can understand the dany thing better than those silly comments I wasn’t reading on the Jon Snow thread about people stopped liking him because he “did nothing in the zombie battle episode”.

To the guy who ran in the other direction from this figure you made the right move. Unless you have talent to transform your figures these figures are indeed terrible. I’ve been saying that for years. And I’m also a hypocrite because I have them all but only 50% I’m really happy with after my mods and the other half have so much work done and are still lackluster.

Tyrion is good as is I’ll give them that, and that was the first one. White walker too... Arya is not bad I suppose but if you ask me really needs a rehair and not just anyone can do that. The rest are truly terrible this is the list of what I had to do to mine

Dany - new hot toys body (mix of several) complete repaint, new hair in the front
Hound - complete repaint and rehair
Ned - completely new head with paint job and custom hair job, fullmetal ice sword , new boots, new body, new hands
Jon - completely new head with paint and custom hair job, new belt , fullmetal longclaw, new body , new boots new handsa
Arya - rehair and paint tweaks
Jamie - completely new head, new body
Tyrion- sanded down those ridiculous hands and repainted them
White walker- shockingly did nothing
Really? [emoji15][emoji15][emoji15] It's not a perfect figure, but with good lighting in your showcase, it improves a lot. I'm telling you, with some Hot Toys the same thing happens.

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I get it...but as I mentioned in an earlier post I am not a toy photographer...barely take pictures of them at all...I buy so I can walk into the room and enjoy them. If I have to light a figure a certain way to enjoy it then it is not for me. I am sure that there are many Hot Toys figures that need to be lit for enjoyment too but those are the ones that I do not buy. I would consider them to be fails on the part of Hot Toys and not want them in my collection. Lighting should enhance a figure it should not be required to save a figure.
I couldn't agree more, the thing is meant to be looked at in personify it looks bad in person that's all that matters.

as I mentioned if you can find an artist who can pull it off (I have not seen many that can make this look better) and you have the money and the time to spend into upgrading it you can get away with a 7/10 figure at best. Otherwise this figure is a 4 or 5/10
I couldn't agree more, the thing is meant to be looked at in personify it looks bad in person that's all that matters.

as I mentioned if you can find an artist who can pull it off (I have not seen many that can make this look better) and you have the money and the time to spend into upgrading it you can get away with a 7/10 figure at best. Otherwise this figure is a 4 or 5/10 was looking at photos like that one that made me drive across town to buy it (thank goodness it was at my LCS and I did not order it) when I saw the real thing it felt like a bait and switch so I almost felt compelled to warn fellow collectors not to confuse the amazing photographic work of some of the people on this thread with the frankly terrible figure making work of Three Zero.
If a figure needs to be lit a certain way to look good, its not a good figure.
I don’t get why someone would not like a character based on one part of their story but I can understand the dany thing better than those silly comments I wasn’t reading on the Jon Snow thread about people stopped liking him because he “did nothing in the zombie battle episode”.

I get it. The terrible final season and really bad 7th season taints the legacy of the show and the brand as a whole.

Dexter was an amazing show for a few seasons, but when people think back on it that isn’t the first thing that pops into their mind, it is the freaking lumberjack ending.
I get it. The terrible final season and really bad 7th season taints the legacy of the show and the brand as a whole.

Dexter was an amazing show for a few seasons, but when people think back on it that isn’t the first thing that pops into their mind, it is the freaking lumberjack ending.

Honestly when i think back on Dexter i remember the Ice Truck Killer and Trinity killer. My favorite seasons. I constantly rewatch seasons 1-2 and skip to the Trinity Killer season. And I pretend the ending didn't happen.

Spoiler Spoiler:
Honestly when i think back on Dexter i remember the Ice Truck Killer and Trinity killer. My favorite seasons. I constantly rewatch seasons 1-2 and skip to the Trinity Killer season. And I pretend the ending didn't happen.

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I'm still waiting for a company like Xensation to make a Dexter figure. Really excellent show when it was at it's peak.
As underwhelming as I found the final seasons of GOT, I think I'd still like to do a rewatch in a few years, just to enjoy all the great performances and watch all those amazing Tyrion scenes again. Especially since I never saw the episodes more than the one time anyway.
I've watched everything again before Season 8 and 1-4 is simply top tier TV. So many great moments. Sad to see it fall so low.
It really wasn’t so low though it’s still better than 90 percent of the stuff on TV or otherwise.

People need to put things into perspective.

Agreed. S8's low is all other TV show's high! Sure it could've ended better but this series set the bar so high, it became its own worst enemy. IMO, this show's biggest hurdle has always being able to top itself from one season to the next.
It really wasn’t so low though it’s still better than 90 percent of the stuff on TV or otherwise.

People need to put things into perspective.

I don’t know man, that seems like a strange justification for something that is bad.

I wouldn’t know wether this statement is true or not because I rarely watch television. I only watch a couple of shows, so I can only judge Game of Thrones on its own merits, and it because a shell of itself.
I don’t know man, that seems like a strange justification for something that is bad.

I wouldn’t know wether this statement is true or not because I rarely watch television. I only watch a couple of shows, so I can only judge Game of Thrones on its own merits, and it because a shell of itself.

Bad to whom though? No offense, but this is the classic mistake of assuming that just because you yourself did not like something or a large contingent of your own echo chamber did not, no one did...or even worse it is objectively "bad." Appreciation for art or entertainment is one hundred percent subjective. I have watched each episode of each season (including 8) multiple times since I watched the first episode on the night of its premiere. There are elements of the show that I have liked more or less than others, but to ME the show in its entirety is a television masterpiece. My opinion and I am sticking to it. That means that the show was not was simply "bad" to you. :) Don't know and don't care if the show was "good," just know that it was good for me.
My only issue with the season was how rushed it felt, it really screwed up character development, which is a shame.
Season 7-8 should have been full seasons.

Loved the cinematography, music and the acting was superb though. There were some beautiful moments throughout this season and some character arcs.
Agreed. S8's low is all other TV show's high! Sure it could've ended better but this series set the bar so high, it became its own worst enemy. IMO, this show's biggest hurdle has always being able to top itself from one season to the next.

Yeah not having read the books, I can't say i noticed any huge dropoff in quality after S5. The only real change was a more rushed pace in the last two seasons, but even that didn't stop the show from still being riveting and compelling as hell to watch.
Yeah other than the compression and rushed feeling of trying to pack too much in, personally I don't have too many issues with the show to be honest. Some things could have been explored more if they had the time, and it is a shame that they didn't, and there were a couple of choices that I wasn't overly sold on, but overall I'm still plenty happy enough, and will revisit the show again without hesitation in the future. Also just like last season, I suspect this season might flow better as a binge watch, rather than as spaced out episodes, but we'll see.

Some folk complain that there weren't any big revelations these past two seasons, but from a narrative viewpoint when you are wrapping everything up and already have all the players on the field there's not much place for much in the way of big twists or shocks any more. You've kind of passed that point in the storytelling journey for the most part, I think. Endings are a bit perfunctory by nature, as you have to bring all the threads back together and close them off, not launch new ones. My feeling anyway.

Then again it probably also helps that I never saw Dany as a hero or as some great emancipator, so not only wasn't I disappointed at that turn, I've long expected it, so felt none of the outrage many others seem to about that. To me she was never much different to the likes of Stannis, burning down anything that got in the way of her and her perceived destiny. She just had cool dragons and a pretty face and was mostly killing people we didn't like or have much sympathy for, which made it more palatable. Until it suddenly wasn't. Which, to me, was kind of the point.

Still, to each their own. Not being dismissive of those who were genuinely disappointed for whatever reason (some of the outrage displayed is pretty over the top and silly though, as usual), but this time I'm actually in the group happy with things overall, so it worked out for me for once. :)

Anyway, I'd still like a Dany on my shelf.