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Bucky Underbelly

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Daenerys Targaryen Season 7 2.jpeg
Daenerys Targaryen Season 7.jpeg
That second photo shows the sculpt looking pretty excellent. InArt should come out with something amazing but, with threezero, you definitely get good value for money.
I’m almost glad the show bombed so hard the last couple of seasons. Saved me a lot of cash by killing any interest I might have had in owning the collectibles.
Unfortunately for me, I was still very interested in having a bunch of collectibles. Horrendous last four episodes or not, the cast and production value was still among the best we'll ever see. I've never regretted commemorating that in my collection.
People collect much worse figures from much worse entertainment... for instance, Batman Forever.

I've been very satisfied with the 13 GoT figures I've gotten from 3Z... despite a few with problems. And since Cersei and Joffrey, they do seem to be getting better.
People collect much worse figures from much worse entertainment... for instance, Batman Forever.

I've been very satisfied with the 13 GoT figures I've gotten from 3Z... despite a few with problems. And since Cersei and Joffrey, they do seem to be getting better.
I’d probably argue against Batman Forever being ‘worse entertainment’ than when GoT started nosediving.
Say what you will about the Schumacher Batmans but at no point watching those movies have I ever felt as disappointed and betrayed as with GoT.

It was the best thing on TV up to the season 5 finale. After that, Hodor was the last character to get a satisfying conclusion. Where’s his figure, dammit! I could use a new doorstop.
I’d probably argue against Batman Forever being ‘worse entertainment’ than when GoT started nosediving.
Say what you will about the Schumacher Batmans but at no point watching those movies have I ever felt as disappointed and betrayed as with GoT.

It was the best thing on TV up to the season 5 finale. After that, Hodor was the last character to get a satisfying conclusion. Where’s his figure, dammit! I could use a new doorstop.

Oh come on, nostalgia is one thing... but you can't tell me Batman Forever is better filmmaking, storytelling, acting, etc then even the worst episode of Game of Thrones. Your inner child may think so, but put your rational hat on for just a moment here.
I’d probably argue against Batman Forever being ‘worse entertainment’ than when GoT started nosediving.
Say what you will about the Schumacher Batmans but at no point watching those movies have I ever felt as disappointed and betrayed as with GoT.

It was the best thing on TV up to the season 5 finale. After that, Hodor was the last character to get a satisfying conclusion. Where’s his figure, dammit! I could use a new doorstop.
That's nonsense. Especially about Hodor. Jorah, Theon, Beric, Walder Frey, even Ramsey Bolton had satisfying ends to their stories. The final episodes tailed off and no one will argue that. But even seasons 6 and 7 had their moments. Saying this show is bad entertainment is genuinely foolish sentiment. Seinfeld had a terrible ending and that's still gold anytime. Plenty of other shows just like that.
I actually loved that Jon had to kill Dany -- once I accepted that the story went to "dark" tragedy.

My biggest disappointment was Jaime and the unsatisfactory way Cersei met her demise. She, more than anyone, deserved to die in a terrible way... as terrible as she was to everyone else. And he... well, he just melted into his own worst being, didn't he? He learned nothing, that was the saddest thing of all.
Yeah she definitely deserved worse, but I actually like that the show didn't feel the need to give every character some spectacular, action movie death scene like we see with so many other series finales. Sometimes you're just going to get crushed under some rocks. 😄
I actually loved that Jon had to kill Dany -- once I accepted that the story went to "dark" tragedy.

My biggest disappointment was Jaime and the unsatisfactory way Cersei met her demise. She, more than anyone, deserved to die in a terrible way... as terrible as she was to everyone else. And he... well, he just melted into his own worst being, didn't he? He learned nothing, that was the saddest thing of all.

I totally agree with you. I don't mind Dany going evil. After rewatching the entire show again over the last two months for the first time since seeing the ending back when it came out, I was actually surprised how many small scenes and things seem to allude them going that way, some quite early on actually. The only thing they botched up about that was that it was too rushed when it finally happened.

Jaime was one of my favourite characters and they totally messed up his ending. He basically went from a smug and insufferable SOB to a broken man that for the first time learns the ways of the real world and people less fortunate than him and finding honor in that. Only to run back to Cersei in the final episode and end up pretty much where he started. 8 seasons of excellent storyline thrown away within one episode.

This is the ending I would've liked to see for him:

He should've been the one to stab Cersei in the back, the way he did with the Mad King. Cersei actually carried out the plot for which he killed Aerys by blowing up the Sept. She basically was the Mad King reincarnated.
After killing her, Arya should've walked in the throneroom, ready to kill Cersei, but finding her dead and Jaime on the throne, just as her father did when Jaime killed Aerys. Only instead of being called the Kingslayer in a derogatory way, he'd be the heroic Queenslayer, something Arya would make sure Brienne would know. A bit later, after Arya fled the collapsing castle and leaving Jaime behind, Dany would land Drogon in the destroyed throneroom, finding Jaime there still sitting on the throne. She'd then have him burned to death by Drogon for (what she'd in her insanity see as) treason and usurping of her throne.
Oh come on, nostalgia is one thing... but you can't tell me Batman Forever is better filmmaking, storytelling, acting, etc then even the worst episode of Game of Thrones. Your inner child may think so, but put your rational hat on for just a moment here.
I'm making a semantic argumemnt against the term 'better entertainment.'
What is the purpose of entertainment? To entertain. That's a subjective term in itself and Batman Forever does what it sets out to do as entertainment.

Is Game of Thrones of a measureably higher quality in all production, writing and acting fields? Of course. Doesn't make it better at entertaining people. Just look at The Irishman. It's got quality wrotten all over it- but how entertained is the audience throughout?
That's nonsense. Especially about Hodor. Jorah, Theon, Beric, Walder Frey, even Ramsey Bolton had satisfying ends to their stories. The final episodes tailed off and no one will argue that. But even seasons 6 and 7 had their moments. Saying this show is bad entertainment is genuinely foolish sentiment. Seinfeld had a terrible ending and that's still gold anytime. Plenty of other shows just like that.
Quote where I said it's 'bad entertainment.'

They failed Jorah so hard. He should have been the one to kill Dany for me. Would have been far better than simping out one last time. His love for her actually seemed real compared to the forced Jon Snow guff.
Ramsey Bolton getting his comuppance wasn't nearly brutal enough either. Undoing Jamie's entire arc in an episode pretty much taints all the great moments he had throughout the show so how anyone is supposed to watch those again and care is beyond me. Clegane-bowl was the cheap, fan-servicing trash we always knew it would be. The Night King! Come on! You can't rewatch GoT without feeling rage at how crap and meaningless everything will ultimately turn out. Same with Lost. Why put yourself through any of that show again when it ultimately leads to disapointment?

The last season of GoT essentially did what Batman & Robin did to their respectve franchises. GoT was just less quotable.
I mean, everyone LOVED game of thrones during 2012, 2013, 2014...HIGHLY ENTERTAINING. One of the best shows ever.

And yeah, I understand some people got highly disappointed and upset 2016 and onward. But this doesn't change the joy and entertainment you all felt during 2011-2015 year after year after year.

To say the show is horrible and some older flicks are far better entertainment...well, maybe if you look back as a whole, but not for all the hours and hours you already enjoyed it.

Personally I don't get into any fandom neither here nor star wars despite liking all these things. You should never marry a show or movie or franchise. Enjoy while you can and move on. I still love GoT despite not liking the last few seasons much. But whatever
I'm going to post this, just cause it might be a slightly different perspective. I never watched GoT when it aired, I saw the first ep and that was it, didn't enter it and didn't follow anything about until I heard all the complaints online about the end. However, my partner, whom I met 7 years ago, said it was her favourite show and after she got through the last season I said I'd love to watch it with her from the start to share her love for it, more than anything else. Of course I fell in love with it and by season 4 I was trying to catch up with 3Zero figures on the secondary market. I really loved the story arcs of everyone and by the time it got to the final season I was prepared to be disappointed. I asked my partner if she liked or didn't like the ending and, in her words said "It was an ending, and sometimes you don't even get that with a lot of series." but wouldn't really say if she hated it or not, I figured she was being diplomatic and thinking I might pull the plug on if she coloured it too poorly.
We get to the last season and the Long Night or whatever the big battle with the Night King. Loved it all the value of Arya as one of my favourite characters was thoroughly exhilerating. The winding up of that story was something I had no problem with. We got to the end of the season with all the upheavels we all know and I loved it. I asked my partner what people had a problem with and her main argument was the Dany/Jon thing not being a happily ever after. I was flabbergasted ANYone would think that would be any kind of ending given the treatment of any character in the previous seasons. I thought Dany's downward spiral into complete unhinged megalomania was documented as far back as her character went and was an inevitability given all the things that lead up to that point, I mean HOW many times did she have to say 'I'm not the Mad King!' whenever his tale was brought up. And Jon, for the entire series was only ever actually happy when he was with Ygritte, regardless of his other daliances. His return to the free folk was such a perfect way for him to actually have his own life that wasn't being determined by every other character in the show for the first time was wonderful.
The small counsel at the end of the series was a great endcap for so many great characters too. I can't really think of anything I didn't enjoy about the final couple of episodes beyond the Drogon destroying the red keep scenes running a little too long.
Just my opinion based on watching it outside of any other real influences. We went back and watched it all again from the start once we were done too, and I enjoyed it even more the second time through.
Sorry for the long post, had a bit of time on my hands!