Things I Regret

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Jul 19, 2008
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Here's another thread for the lineup. Have at it!

Some of my regrets:
-I bought Elite Dangerous for $14 a few weeks ago. I don't have a flight stick, and don't intend to buy one soon. $14 down the drain.
-Not wearing warmer clothes this morning.
-Not studying advanced Japanese (there's a really cute Japanese chick who frequents a local bookstore in Manhattan, but she doesn't know English).
-That second serving of Chinese food from last night. Now, I have to butt clamp and take meditative breaths until I get home.
-Not making this thread a hell of a lot sooner.
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- My first girlfriend. Although thank god I didn't do anything with her.

- Not being more outgoing during school other than cracking jokes.

- Being overweight when I was younger.
Here's another thread for the "F#$%ing" lineup. Have at it!

Some of my regrets:
-I bought Elite Dangerous for $14 a few weeks ago. I don't have a flight stick, and don't intend to buy one soon. $14 down the drain.
I know that feel bro.
- Spending money on tons of stuff from Toy Anxiety and Monkey Depot that I will never use.
- Selling my 2001 Camaro SS.
-not sleeping around i knew when i had the chance
-not dating chick friends because i didnt want our friendship to sour (friendships ended anyway)
-selling some of my toys
-not buying some toys when they were cheaper
-not taking more vacations
-not keeping up with friends
Not spending time with Mr. Green's mother more often. Understanding came too late but such is life. At least Mr. Green is improving.
I regret not telling my parents no a long time ago which led me to give up all my wishes and dreams for my life.

I regret ever getting into collecting because I haven't been able to enjoy it much despite all the money I've spent.

I could go on, but this just depresses me. :lol
I have regrets going all the way back to 4 years of age.

The kids I met the first day I'd arrived in this outback dump of a town who said that they'd go to the shop and buy me some liquorice with the 50 cents my mum had just given me. I watched them walk down the end of the street and disappear right into their house.

Dredging up 40 years of regrets, **** that I'm leaving.
No regrets here. Sometimes I feel depressed, but the nice thing about life is it always offers second (or more) chances. It's never too late for anything, it all evens out and balances in the end.