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Not yet. Wb/dc operate their license and merch different then marvel. In fact they do it with an iron fist. Lol they really micro manage it. Which is fine. But becuase of this, and the added time and costs of dealing with both studio(WB) and source (dc) for both approvals and payment I would imagine hot toys will be a little slower to start with handling the new DCU. Especially given the lower sales of the flagship character of this universe (mos superman). I would expect th to go slow until BvS drops and see how it does. Given the industry rumblings and concerns over the whole DCU process and lack of overall direction (not what i am saying but what is being said) all of which I am sure hot toys is aware of, may make them cautious.

Thanks for the reply, I figured as much but as I'm really looking forward to both the movie and figures, I was hoping there was something mentioned out there.
Hopefully they will pursue it, as it's a cool counter to the Marvel way of doing things. I'm a Marvel and DC fan, so the more the merrier.
It seriously concerns me as to why these 'rumours' exist – look at the DCU movies so far... MOS, followed by BvS... it's clear that the latter is addressing the events of MOS and the consequences... now that's seems to be going in a very definite direction to me! This is followed by Suicide Squad, whilst a different director is at the helm, it's clear Snyder is in on the process, and Batman (possibly Lex too) is in this film too... so definite links between the two, and again a definite direction!
Add to this, with Enchantress involved, magic will be established which will tie in Shazam and possibly Justice League Dark.
So why rumours of no direction... Hmmm, seems to me some kind of agenda at work here... I mean, who would possibly benefit from a rival comic book franchise failing?

Oh and as for Hot Toys MOS figure not selling well... well in respect of what? Personally I think that's just down to the costume not being very good, as the film was fantastic.
Let's face it – the Marvel licence doing well is probably purely down to Iron Man figures selling well, and HT will love that as they probably cost far less to produce than a fiddly, intricate Superman costume!

Lots of people don't think the movie was fantastic though, and for being a Superman movie there is a general feeling that it under-performed at the box office. Also Zack Snyder doesn't engender the kind of confidence Kevin Feige over at Marvel does.
Lots of people don't think the movie was fantastic though, and for being a Superman movie there is a general feeling that it under-performed at the box office. Also Zack Snyder doesn't engender the kind of confidence Kevin Feige over at Marvel does.

I love how people sweep under the rug all the bombs Feige has worked on. He did Ang Lee's Hulk, Elektra, both terrible Fantastic Four films, Blade Trinity(which I don't hate, but it does sideline Blade which sucked). Not saying his current work isn't good(not great) but people act like he has never touched a bad film.

I like the direction DC is going. I like seeing actual consequences to events in these films. As much as I like Age of Ultron and TWS, those films are utterly devoid of real consequences. Things happen and the world largely moves on ignoring them. Black Widow dumps what would amount to the CIA, MI6 etc files online. No one says anything. In fact Fury is able to go get another Helicarrier to help out in this adventure. The Hulk and Tony rampage in South Africe, which should have killed and injured thousands. They simply go into hiding for a scene or two. I loved MOS, and I love how BvS seems to be dealing with all the things that happened in that film. I hope DC ignores the morons wanting them to be like Marvel and does their own thing. Comic books(books in general) are great because they are all written differently. One author may do epic fantasy, another may do light hearted fun, another may do dark horror. If this is the approach WB/DC is taking, and it appears it is, then I am all for it.
interested in deadshot and killer croc, i have no idea about the other characters . i have SS harley otherwise will get this HQ version.
I love how people sweep under the rug all the bombs Feige has worked on. He did Ang Lee's Hulk, Elektra, both terrible Fantastic Four films, Blade Trinity(which I don't hate, but it does sideline Blade which sucked). Not saying his current work isn't good(not great) but people act like he has never touched a bad film.

But the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies represent the first time he's actually had full creative control without having to answer to an outside studio. Even Disney supposedly leaves Marvel alone to do their own thing now. And the eleven Marvel Cinematic Universe movies so far have grossed 8 billion dollars, with Avengers 2 still going strong. He was even able to launch Guardians of the Galaxy, a property no one had even heard of, to grosses higher than Man of Steel ($106 million higher according to wikipedia.) That's just incredible. So, yeah, he engenders a confidence in financial and production circles that Zack Snyder, who relaunched Superman in a movie that ultimately under-performed financially, simply does not.
But the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies represent the first time he's actually had full creative control without having to answer to an outside studio. Even Disney supposedly leaves Marvel alone to do their own thing now. And the eleven Marvel Cinematic Universe movies so far have grossed 8 billion dollars, with Avengers 2 still going strong. He was even able to launch Guardians of the Galaxy, a property no one had even heard of, to grosses higher than Man of Steel ($106 million higher according to wikipedia.) That's just incredible. So, yeah, he engenders a confidence in financial and production circles that Zack Snyder, who relaunched Superman in a movie that ultimately under-performed financially, simply does not.

Feige has not written one line of a script. So he gets way to much credit. And seeing as how it will take damn near 17 films before we get a POC as a lead hero, 18 for a woman to take a starring turn, and still no plans to w female POC to be featured as a hero, he does not get enough flack in my opinion. But that is a conversation for another time.

And as far as Marvel/Disney allowing creative freedom: ask Edward Norton, Jon Favreau, Edgar Wright and others how much freedom they were allowed.
I think it's too soon to compare Marvel and DC when it comes to movies.

DC had a rough start but they'll catch up
Lots of people don't think the movie was fantastic though, and for being a Superman movie there is a general feeling that it under-performed at the box office. Also Zack Snyder doesn't engender the kind of confidence Kevin Feige over at Marvel does.

There is a large element of 'emperors new clothes' attached to the MCU right now – Marvel fans are seriously turning into cult followers, who will see no wrong in any of the movies! Take 'Age of Ultron' for example. On Superherohype they have a poll to rate the film out of 10... over 30% of voters gave it 10 out of 10... most votes were for 8-10... now where can I buy those glasses that give you Marvel-vision, because it was an OK film... come on guys be honest a 7 at the very most – poor character development, the locations (Korea and Eastern Europe) were indistinguishable, poor villain (yet again Marvel)! I genuinely believe MOS was twice the film AoU is in every way! But box office doesn't reflect quality of the film... just look how much Titanic made! :cuckoo:

But, see here is the nub of the problem – general audiences take note of reviews and comments about movies... you should make up your own mind, but that's not human nature. It's also human nature to agree with people who shout loudest! So negative posts about MOS did have an effect whether you like it or not... and the negativity was ridiculous. The film had great acting, great special effects, great battles – probably the only superhero movie so far where the villain/s had a real threat about them... they even started to destroy the world! It also set up Krypton so well in the opening scenes that you wanted to see more of it (can't say the same for Asgaard in Thor after how many appearances?) Sure it wasn't perfect, but the complaints for the whole were petty – I mean, people complained about the flashbacks... seriously it didn't take much concentration to follow them... those people must have hated the critically acclaimed Reservoir Dogs with it's non-linear storytelling!
Now I admit to slight bias because MOS is my favourite superhero movie to date – but i'm not a Superman fan, Batman's my favourite – yet I really didn't like TDKR... Marvel fans, however, don't seem to be able to acknowledge problems.
You also have to factor in that Marvel's films are aimed at families, children especially - you really think the amount of different Iron Man armour and costume changes for Captain America are essential to the storylines... nope, marketing baby... toys, merchandise!
DC on the other hand is aiming at teens and adults, that also has a large effect on box office.
I love how people sweep under the rug all the bombs Feige has worked on. He did Ang Lee's Hulk, Elektra, both terrible Fantastic Four films, Blade Trinity(which I don't hate, but it does sideline Blade which sucked). Not saying his current work isn't good(not great) but people act like he has never touched a bad film.

I like the direction DC is going. I like seeing actual consequences to events in these films. As much as I like Age of Ultron and TWS, those films are utterly devoid of real consequences. Things happen and the world largely moves on ignoring them. Black Widow dumps what would amount to the CIA, MI6 etc files online. No one says anything. In fact Fury is able to go get another Helicarrier to help out in this adventure. The Hulk and Tony rampage in South Africe, which should have killed and injured thousands. They simply go into hiding for a scene or two. I loved MOS, and I love how BvS seems to be dealing with all the things that happened in that film. I hope DC ignores the morons wanting them to be like Marvel and does their own thing. Comic books(books in general) are great because they are all written differently. One author may do epic fantasy, another may do light hearted fun, another may do dark horror. If this is the approach WB/DC is taking, and it appears it is, then I am all for it.

Well put! I agree 100%
but be prepared to be jumped on by the MCU fanboy army for liking DC and Snyder..
I think MOS is a better and far more interesting superhero film than AoU(i enjoyed it but feel it was a letdown) Talk about playing it safe..ughhh
TWS still is a great film, I think Civil War will be the real test of the superhero fatigue I believe is slowly setting in with audiences..
Well put! I agree 100%
but be prepared to be jumped on by the MCU fanboy army for liking DC and Snyder..
I think MOS is a better and far more interesting superhero film than AoU(i enjoyed it but feel it was a letdown) Talk about playing it safe..ughhh
TWS still is a great film, I think Civil War will be the real test of the superhero fatigue I believe is slowly setting in with audiences..

Regarding the Winter Soldier, and Kevin Fiege overseeing everything MCU – can anyone explain how in the flashbacks we see Bucky being brainwashed when first caught, with Armin Zola present in the room... the very same Armin Zola who was captured on the train Bucky fell from in the First Avenger?
He was captured and then allowed to operate independently thru hydra...since shield was inflicted with hydra from the least that's one explanation
It seriously concerns me as to why these 'rumours' exist – look at the DCU movies so far... MOS, followed by BvS... it's clear that the latter is addressing the events of MOS and the consequences... now that's seems to be going in a very definite direction to me! This is followed by Suicide Squad, whilst a different director is at the helm, it's clear Snyder is in on the process, and Batman (possibly Lex too) is in this film too... so definite links between the two, and again a definite direction!
Add to this, with Enchantress involved, magic will be established which will tie in Shazam and possibly Justice League Dark.
So why rumours of no direction... Hmmm, seems to me some kind of agenda at work here... I mean, who would possibly benefit from a rival comic book franchise failing?

Oh and as for Hot Toys MOS figure not selling well... well in respect of what? Personally I think that's just down to the costume not being very good, as the film was fantastic.
Let's face it – the Marvel licence doing well is probably purely down to Iron Man figures selling well, and HT will love that as they probably cost far less to produce than a fiddly, intricate Superman costume!

This isn't marvle smear campaign. Sure there are some interconnected themes. But that does not make a coherent story. Right now there is no overall guidelines for what the themes, rules, plans, future are for DCU. The rumblings are not coming from all outsiders, but people directly involved in these projects. No matter what anyone says now, MOS was not shot or written with a connected universe plan in mind. There is no over arching theme right now for DCU. No master plan or goals. In fact there overall plan so far has been, we have no overall plan. They want to allow each film maker for each movie the freedom to make stand alone films but take the overall universe into account. The problem is, no one knows what that means. Marvel has and had a series bible as it where. The main themes and story, the relationship of characters, the things that are off limits, and an established "reality" all in one "book". And when there is a questions there is someon to go to who has final say. DCU does not have that. Nor anything close. The issues have nothing to do with Marvel. A large part of the issue is what marvel faces with xmen and f4...a secondary entity has the film rights. In dc case it's WB. Meaning the people that know and love the source material best are not the ones with control. It just complicates things.

As I said in my last post, I am pulling very hard for this to work and do well. I turned down working on im3 and aou and CW (civil war being one of my favorite cross overs to date) to work on BvS and Justice league and some of the DCU films. I'm very invested in this. But I can tell you from having worked on im1 and 2 and other marvel projects it is a very different experience at DCU. Now how that translates is the question. I'm hoping they both (marvel and Dc) do well. But I think it would be in dc best interest to come up with a grand plan, and someone to oversee it all. I don't see any other way you keep continuity and make it seem linked over a 20 film line up with out that.
I thought DC shared their plans for all the movies being connected when they announced Wonder Woman, Shazam, Flash, Justice League 1 & 2 and Green Lantern.

Seems like they would have a plan in motion if they announced all those movies. I'm sure someone is overseeing everything for connectivity :dunno
I thought DC shared their plans for all the movies being connected when they announced Wonder Woman, Shazam, Flash, Justice League 1 & 2 and Green Lantern.

Seems like they would have a plan in motion if they announced all those movies. I'm sure someone is overseeing everything for connectivity :dunno

I think technically Zack Snyder is the person overseeing everything, but he doesn't have the power Kevin Feige does to be the "final answer"--Snyder ultimately has to report to Warner Brothers. Feige on the other hand has complete control. Also, frankly, looking at Snyder's past work, he's no Kevin Feige, sorry. As for MOS, Clark letting his father die in a hurricane and then practically destroying Metropolis in his fight with Zod while giving no thought to the innocent people who must have been dying by the thousands? No thanks. I'll take Christopher Reeve's Superman instead.
Whoa, this is what you boys talk about in the DC section?

I genuinely believe MOS was twice the film AoU is in every way!

Well put! I agree 100%
I think MOS is a better and far more interesting superhero film than AoU



Hey to each his own right? :D
This isn't marvle smear campaign. Sure there are some interconnected themes. But that does not make a coherent story. Right now there is no overall guidelines for what the themes, rules, plans, future are for DCU. The rumblings are not coming from all outsiders, but people directly involved in these projects. No matter what anyone says now, MOS was not shot or written with a connected universe plan in mind. There is no over arching theme right now for DCU. No master plan or goals. In fact there overall plan so far has been, we have no overall plan. They want to allow each film maker for each movie the freedom to make stand alone films but take the overall universe into account. The problem is, no one knows what that means. Marvel has and had a series bible as it where. The main themes and story, the relationship of characters, the things that are off limits, and an established "reality" all in one "book". And when there is a questions there is someon to go to who has final say. DCU does not have that. Nor anything close. The issues have nothing to do with Marvel. A large part of the issue is what marvel faces with xmen and f4...a secondary entity has the film rights. In dc case it's WB. Meaning the people that know and love the source material best are not the ones with control. It just complicates things.

As I said in my last post, I am pulling very hard for this to work and do well. I turned down working on im3 and aou and CW (civil war being one of my favorite cross overs to date) to work on BvS and Justice league and some of the DCU films. I'm very invested in this. But I can tell you from having worked on im1 and 2 and other marvel projects it is a very different experience at DCU. Now how that translates is the question. I'm hoping they both (marvel and Dc) do well. But I think it would be in dc best interest to come up with a grand plan, and someone to oversee it all. I don't see any other way you keep continuity and make it seem linked over a 20 film line up with out that.

No coherent themes..? I have no such rumblings... Sorry but these 'people directly' involved don't convince me that they are actually in the know at all... the links between MOS, BvS and SS are just as coherent... maybe even mores... than most Marvel properties.
I don't agree that MOS was made without thought to a larger universe... this is Snyder we're talking about – I believe he wanted to do this all along, however the studio probably wanted to play safe... however there is the Wayne Tech satellite, Luthorcorp lorries, the open stasis pod in the Kryptonian ship Clark goes into etc. So Bruce Wayne exists in this universe... Lex Luthor exists... possibly another Kryptonian walking around somewhere... does a Superhero movie have to have an after credits scene where they virtually smack you round the face with a plot, to qualify as creating a shared universe?
He was captured and then allowed to operate independently thru hydra...since shield was inflicted with hydra from the least that's one explanation

That's what you call an excuse for making a major plot gaffe... but then, this is the MCU and that can't be... right?
No coherent themes..? I have no such rumblings... Sorry but these 'people directly' involved don't convince me that they are actually in the know at all... the links between MOS, BvS and SS are just as coherent... maybe even mores... than most Marvel properties.
I don't agree that MOS was made without thought to a larger universe... this is Snyder we're talking about – I believe he wanted to do this all along, however the studio probably wanted to play safe... however there is the Wayne Tech satellite, Luthorcorp lorries, the open stasis pod in the Kryptonian ship Clark goes into etc. So Bruce Wayne exists in this universe... Lex Luthor exists... possibly another Kryptonian walking around somewhere... does a Superhero movie have to have an after credits scene where they virtually smack you round the face with a plot, to qualify as creating a shared universe?

How do you know they are coherent? On top of not having seen two of the three movies, two of them are not even finished.

As for the people you say are not in the know...I worked on them. So I feel pretty confident I would have a better grasp on how these are done then say, someone who didn't.

As for your building and corp names being a sign of a shared universe...if THAT is all it takes nearly every movie every made shares a common universe.

Do they need a post credits But what happens when you don't have a detailed laid out plan you can get the stuff that often happens in comics, where one story contradicts another, and lots of contradicting info and things that make no sense.

Just for example....if superman was around on earth for 32 years, over lapping with older batman, why did he not do anything? Or let's say, with the way they are letting future films be "connected" but independent and the filmmaker of each flick has total control...let's say in Aquaman a major event contradicts what was shown in SS, or what not.

As for someone saying Zach has kinda the Fiege roll...not the case. dC/WB has a kind of "board" with executives and others on it. But no one is in charge. And they have made it clear that they do not want to have a set of rules. They want to allow each director/filmmaker to have full autonomy.

Superman vs. Batman? DC's Real Battle Is How to Create Its Superhero Universe - Hollywood Reporter

Here's some of the same points....

Also, up until 2012-13 the WB plan was to have Chris Nolan run the whole DCU, having him as essentially their Kevin Fiege...they where also planning to bring Bale back as batman. Problems arose, partly because they made this plan without actually having Nolan or bale on board. So that caused a total reboot of thier plans. But the people in charge, and those in charge of the money mostly, where tired of seeing marvel and disney destroy them at the box office. So they quickly changed man of steel 2 into batman vs superman and this whole new thing began. The problem is, it's like marvel going from iron man 1 straight into avengers. Without fleshed out world or characters, and no firm guidance it's a shot in the dark.

Personally I'm very happy with how BvS has looked so far. That doesn't mean people's concerns are unfounded.
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