Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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Damn did I miss nekkid jedi?

There's apparently archive/BTS footage of Porkins in ANH. Actor struggled to get into the only human scale cockpit for the X-Wing. So he ended up, as rumor goes, being helped into it somewhat half clothed and only really having the front of his top uniform duct taped to him.

The way practical lighting works, long shoots and schedules and costuming, people literally cook. Hootkins/Red Six was basically in a solar oven. Some people eventually snap and go mental over it. You can't walk, you can't see, you can't breathe, you can't function, sometimes you need people around you to lead you to places because your makeup/costuming has taken most of your mobility from you. If it was him, I'd want to walk around half naked too in the instances where I could get away with it.
While it was quite wrong and offensive, I did get a chuckle out of it.

Humor is subjective. Becomes a big problem when people decide what others should deem as funny or not. Regardless if it is wrong or not. Raunchy humor has been around forever.

Comedy should be an open book. I agree it may not be funny to everyone based on it's subject matter, but if certain comedy is offensive to an individual, then move on. Don't watch, listen or participate. It's not for you. It encroaches on Freedom Of Speech. It's not harmful unless you let it be.
I laughed
pixeltwin said:
Funny if you think sexually assaulting a minor (albeit a cartoon minor) is fodder for hurks and shiggles.

a-dev said:

.... but if certain comedy is offensive to an individual, then move on.....

Sometimes you can't move on. This wasn't just insulting to Sebastian Shaw, but it causes all kinds of narrative problems.

You have to give it to Wedge. The only one who didn't get his legacy torn to shreds.
You have to give it to Wedge. The only one who didn't get his legacy torn to shreds.
Are you sure?

"Let's fly Lando!"

"Dude we're in a ****ing spaceship, what do you think we've been doing the past two hours?"


That'd be like me coming home from vacation on Delta Airlines and right at the end the captain says "we are now making our final approach to Minneapolis" and I stand up and shout "all right let's fly!"

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Sometimes when I think about what Disney did to Star Wars I get kind of upset.

I sit and watch everyone argue and fight about what's "canon" and what's "real" and what "counts"....but it's all really simple if you think about it.

If you were lucky enough to have George Lucas walk behind you while rambling on about molten-salt processes....


and you had a few minutes to really talk to him....and you ask him, "George? I mean...Mr. Lucas. Sir. What do you think? Did Luke really run away to be a hobo sipping on walrus tittymilk? Did Han Solo really get stabbed through the chest by his ugly son? Did Leia really float in space like Mary Poppins before dying so that she could power up Rey, so that Rey could fight Palpatine, who never actually died in the Death Star explosion?"

I don't know what George would have in mind for the later lives and ultimate fates of our heroes, but I'd be willing to bet he doesn't consider the Disney stuff canon in his mind. Do you think he does? Maybe he honestly doesn't care enough to think about it at all. But come on. He must think about it sometimes. That's his life's work and legacy. How could he possibly sit back in his enormous mansion and Scrooge McDuck money vault and not think about the "what ifs?"

Sometimes you can't move on. This wasn't just insulting to Sebastian Shaw, but it causes all kinds of narrative problems.

And some saw Sebastian Shaw (despite being a more refined actor), as an insult or slite to David Prowse.
Who had phisicly played the character under the mask for three films.
Then they even cast somone who somewhat looks like a young Prowse to play him when he's young.



In the end they were all interchangeable, and now even more subgect to any frivoulosu CG and voice synth "replacements".

As to the narative "problems", he waved it away as he exists as Anakin in spirit, as he was before he became Vader.
So while it irked me at first, I've come to embrace it, not seeing the narative problem.

I was more bothered with things like Yoda, who for years I imgained a spiritual tempered being whose true power, beauty and skill, manifest through absolute calm, serene state of being.
Sudenley fliping around like a lunatic doing somersaults, cartwheels and spins, like a frikin loony-toon. :lol
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And some saw Sebastian Shaw (despite being a more refined actor), as an insult or slite to David Prowse.
Who had phisicly played the charater under the mask for three films.
Then they even cast somone who somewhat looks like a young Prowse to play him when he's young.



In the end they were all interchangeable, and now even more subgect to any CG and voice synth "replacements".

As to the narative "problems", he waved it away as he exists as Anakin in spirit, as he was before he became Vader.
Yeah, I've never had a problem with Christensen replacing Shaw. It makes sense to me, and is visually more coherent in a way.
I don't know what George would have in mind for the later lives and ultimate fates of our heroes, but I'd be willing to bet he doesn't consider the Disney stuff canon in his mind. Do you think he does?

I think he made his feelings clear with the "white slaver" comment (which he regretted).

The TFA script at least started as his work but obviously went wildly off-course.

He's on the record as saying Palpatine was dead and not coming back, though he also endorsed the Dark Empire comics at the time. And Maul was brought back on his watch.