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I don't know, it would be kinda cool if GL convinces SS to add cute little CGI creatues to the scene right before the big boulder chases Indy.

Maybe in Last Crusade when the German fighter is about to strafe his son on the beach Henry Sr. can shout, "No, NOOOOOO" as he charges the seagulls and causes them to take flight.
Target has it for $79. Best Buy $89 and Wal Mart didn't post a price in their add. I'm guessing they'll come in at $69 for the entire saga.
But also restored and released the original theatrical cut on home video at the same time. A HUGE contrast to what George has done.

That's because, say what you will about the sappy movies Spielberg has gone too at times, he still is a dedicated filmmaker who respects the medium and his prior work and the fans that loved his original work.
This post from will forever sum up my feelings on any and all "alterations" made to the original trilogy:

Good quote and sums up my feelings. Instead of making them better or more of "his holier than thou vision" they look more like patchwork jobs the more I see them.
It's an average movie. And the ending is a big deal especially if someone is going to reference the bastardization of source material.

Not really. The ending is pretty much the same minus the squid. The squid would not have worked in a live action movie. Snyder did probably the most respectful adaptation of any source material I've seen. I am currently re-reading Watchmen and still am surprised by scenes, dialogue, all pulled from the comic in the movie. Some scenes are tweaked, but if you read the comic and watch the movie, even the non-DC, original theatrical, you can see most of the comic in the movie, instead of recreations and reboots of iconic characters with little regard to the source material, like "Wolverine" (I watched that monstrosity last night again and was appalled by them reinventing the wheel); "X-Men" movies (sure some are great, some are bad, but all seem to forget who was an X-Men in what decade, particularly the new movie which is well done, except for sticking to the source matieral); The Batman movies (none are anywhere as close to the source material as Snyder's Watchmen is to its source material). The only other director who really stuck to source material was Peter Jackson and the LOTR movies. Non-comics, but same point, especially with the 4 hr editions.
The missing squid isn't the problem with the ending. It's the missing sentiment and dynamic shift the movie ending changes from the source. None of that's the point though. I was simply stating that if you're going to call something out for bastardizing a source then using the Watchmen film as your reference is a bit odd.