Star Trek: TOS/TWOK/Into Darkness head sculpts and uniforms

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The Enterprise is from the old AMT 1/2500 Enterprise set,which featured the OS version, TMP and Next Gen.There were 2 versions of the kit;regular(light blue )and a chromed version(the Anniversary version if I remember right). Round2 has re-issued the OS and TMP molds in new kits with new tools of the respective Klingon cruisers, the Romulan BOP and the Reliant.I've put a bit of extra work into this one;replaced the nacelle heads with reworked Lite-Brite pegs(an invaluable resource)and re-sculpted the shuttle bay.Originally I was going to use the "E" from the old Space ship set,but it's twice as big and looked a little awkward.This feels right, size-wise...PS
i wanna see the chris pine headsculpt. can someone please point me where it is?

I thought he meant Spenser's Chris Pine sculpt in post 512


Wax Murderer, I am still jealous of your Captain's chair.

On a side note, I ordered the Kor painted sculpt and outfit yesterday.
It looked too amazing to pass up.
Can't wait to get TWOK uniforms after that.
Time for a bump, and what better reason than new pix of the boys on their shelf...

And a close-up or 2...

Spock V.2 is absolutely an improvement over V.1;as you can see, he has acquired his"prop",courtesy of AMT(all it lacks is paint and decals at this point).Kirk is siting on his prop;haven't decided what Bones gets, aside from a tricorder. Sulu is still WIP, as are the weapons...PS

Just a bit of -hopefully- constructive criticism.
I think the paint apps are a bit exaggerated, for want of a better term. It seems that you highlighted the details too much, which makes the sculpts look very harsh in the photos.
I know nothing of painting, but a friend of mine who paints all my custom figures for me sometimes has the tendency to over-accentuate the details on the sculpts and I have to ask him to tone it down a notch or two.
Hope this helps.
It will take a few days to get them together. Understand, they are basic drawings that I worked up using the bridge plans from the Franz Joseph Star Fleet Tech Manual.As drawn, the 2 pages are 1to1for dimensions on the pedestal and base,with a rough render of the seat.I'm afraid most of the detail design happened in my head as I went along,using reference photo's I googled and whatever odds and ends I had on hand.Still interested?...PS
It will take a few days to get them together. Understand, they are basic drawings that I worked up using the bridge plans from the Franz Joseph Star Fleet Tech Manual.As drawn, the 2 pages are 1to1for dimensions on the pedestal and base,with a rough render of the seat.I'm afraid most of the detail design happened in my head as I went along,using reference photo's I googled and whatever odds and ends I had on hand.Still interested?...PS

Don't go crazy over it. I am sure mine wouldn't end up looking very good and I would end up getting one from Nanjin anyway :)
Got some birthday money to spend, so Sulu finally gets a proper head.I'll also order fresh Alumilite resin,so the weopons project can get moving again. How about that;a bump with actual information...PS
Pants and shirts are done I saw them today. I’m molding the boots Monday and because the DVD comes out next week I wanted to make sure everything with the coat pattern is good before I have her make more.