SSC Superman 1/6th Scale figure

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What confuses me is why the outer box is black when it would look better in blue like the inner box. Am I alone in that it should be in the superman colors
What confuses me is why the outer box is black when it would look better in blue like the inner box. Am I alone in that it should be in the superman colors

Amen, sista.' It would have looked great if the shield was on his chest like the HT Spider-Man 3 Spidey box. Or at least the back of his cape.

That's my whole point. When SSC said "Comic", they clearly meant comic as opposed to tv/film. This DC line was intended to be generic comic-book versions, meaning not based on a specific movie/tv appearance, or on 1 specific comic artist. As you've pointed out, not everyone likes all comic artists' renditions either. What SSC has done with Batman, Joker, Catwoman, Harley, and now Superman, is they've clearly taken elements from different artists over the years and created, yes, their interpretation. In essence, if Sideshow artists were drawing a comic, this is how their DC characters would look. And if they did so, no comic-reading fan would say "WTH!!! That's not Batman! or That's not Superman!" because all of the traditional elements are there. If these were based on a specific comic, or artist, then it wouldn't be "DC Comics Superman"; it would be "DC Comics Neal Adams Superman", or whichever artist's look they chose to replicate.

For me, personally, in my opinion, the only thing I'm disappointed in is the musculature. I'd like him to be more heavily muscled, but ya, it looks "comic book" to me.

And what's so bad about that? Making an amalgam, which this doesn't look like, seems like something Mattel or Kenner have done for a toy you can find in Walmart not an adult collectible. I hate to compare SSC to Hot Toys but when they make a figure it is based on a specific movie not what they looked like in 3 or 4 movies. Even Medicom, like them or not, makes figures based on specific comics which at least gives them a guideline for how it should look. If SSC had based it on a comic then it probably would look more like the Superman we know and love. As for the "DC Comics Superman," do you think Superman looks like this in the DC Character Style Guide?

We all know Hasbro made a more accurate dome for Vader than SSC, well here's their FAO Schwarz History of Superman 3 pack from the late '90's.
Not only does the face and body look more accurate but the Hasbro Supes looks like he'd whoop the SSC's Supes behind in a fight.

And that is basically the whole problem with the figure. The body needed to be bulkier to not only fit the suit better, but to not make the head look so big. The neck is too skinny and you cannot really see his muscles as much as Batman.

I know that some people here don't mind that as they have the skill to swap bodies and mod and all that crap. But most of us don't and I honestly do not expect to have to do any of that with this figures. I like my figures to be ready to be posed as soon as I take them out of the box. Yeah, some require some arranging and aligning clothing or accessories because of them getting messed up on the box, but that is understandable.

But with this figure, no matter how much they try to arrange it to look good, it just doesn't help. I have only seen one pose at a certain angle were it looks ok.

I really wanted this figure, but I can't support mediocrity.

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are those actual mini comics or just a cover with cardboard in middle.

As far as sideshow Im still buying mine, If all i have to do is change bodies let out seams and move the snaps so cape stays where i want it, then it's no biggie. all the other incarnations of superman i don't like. I don't like the S&M pleather superman done by medicom, looks kinda young and Asian could be a Connor Kent but not Clark.

Superman's muscle mass went up and down from 70's to now depending on artist rendering.
I like ironically Jim lee's take on superman as seen in this picSuperman-by-jim-lee-jpgw389.jpeg

and this i think from same comic

Personally would model the sculpt to look more like this guy (Sean O'pry) He literally has superman's face just no body to speak of.if only the custom sculptors would take this face and make it 1/6 superman

I know it's a live person but could be rendered in comic book fashion but it's literally superman brought to life if ony the actor would gain 80lbs in muscle he would take the place of any superman known on earth.
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How many days before you can't cancel? I'm still on the fence...
I got the ex with coupon. So many other things I could've used that coupon on if I cancel....
I picked mine up a year ago from monkey depot, the moment sideshow announced sups I was prepared just in case it was a disaster. Sadly there not cheep anymore. But it's a lot cheeper than buying another batman and taking that body. I swear muscle bodies are getting to be $80-150 bucks lately.

Hey guys i found some cool z-brush renders to bad there not working for sideshow


and a few bizarro
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The Bergholtz sculpt is better than all of those.:dunno
sideshow just fu**** it up.

That bizzaro is amazing though....I'd love a figure of that.
What berholtz sculpt.

I doubt we will get a bizarro or lex in armor suit because the sales for sups are going down because people have to invest more money into him. Body swapping between bats and him will be bad because his costume will be stretched out to fit sups body. What's funny is villains tend to sell better than hero's
I think he's saying the old man in the Superman suit was actually sculpted by Andy Berholtz. Does this seem to be a common statement, "The sculpt is great, Sideshow just fumbled on the paint."
What berholtz sculpt.

I doubt we will get a bizarro or lex in armor suit because the sales for sups are going down because people have to invest more money into him. Body swapping between bats and him will be bad because his costume will be stretched out to fit sups body. What's funny is villains tend to sell better than hero's

What do sales with superman have to do with the possibility of getting more DC characters?
You are absolutely right but think about it like this, what if this isn't a comic Supes, what if it's SSC's interpretation of the character? I know it has been questioned that I keep saying that as if it is a bad thing but let's look at the final product. This Superman figure bares just a passing familiarity to a comic style Superman. If we were to judge this figure simply based on how comic accurate it is then it fails tremendously, hence the fan outcry against it. If we view it as a Sideshow interpretation then at least the design choices make some sense. When you take a character who 9 times out of 10 is built like a middle linebacker and give him the build of a swimmer and say that's how we see the character then you better believe that not only is this Sideshow's interpretation but it is not a comic book based figure. It's a shame, too as SSC could have really cornered the market on 1/6 comic book figures.

Gentlemen & Ladies,

This is a SSCs interpretation. They said this at SDCC. Look at the Flash and Green Lantern...even the suits will now have an interpretive slant to them. Think SSCs GIJoe line and apply that design language to the DC property. Even the SDCC pics showing the production proofs of both Supes and Batman showed the difference between the two body types. I guess I'm not getting why everyone is so surprised :huh

Speculating here, but based on the conversations my brother and I had with several SSCs staff, it would seem this interpretive route is what allows them to make anything close to the classic DC stuff. If not, we'd get all FU 52 stuff :nana: That's why the costumes are changing from a straight spandex style to the more textured realistic look.

I don't knock the complaints about this figure...they are valid. But it would seem like we saw this train coming down the tracks months ago :huh
Gentlemen & Ladies,

This is a SSCs interpretation. They said this at SDCC. Look at the Flash and Green Lantern...even the suits will now have an interpretive slant to them. Think SSCs GIJoe line and apply that design language to the DC property. Even the SDCC pics showing the production proofs of both Supes and Batman showed the difference between the two body types. I guess I'm not getting why everyone is so surprised :huh

Speculating here, but based on the conversations my brother and I had with several SSCs staff, it would seem this interpretive route is what allows them to make anything close to the classic DC stuff. If not, we'd get all FU 52 stuff :nana: That's why the costumes are changing from a straight spandex style to the more textured realistic look.

I don't knock the complaints about this figure...they are valid. But it would seem like we saw this train coming down the tracks months ago :huh

I don't mind their takes on certain characters that wear straight-up spandex such as the Flash and Green Lantern (though, Green Lantern's costume is open to interpretation since some artists draw his suit as a spandex costume, while others draw it as a construct the ring produces), and if what you say is true about them having to put their own little spin on a character otherwise we'd get New 52 versions, then I'm glad 'cause I can't stand the God-awful New 52 costumes :yuck. As long as they can find a way to make the 1:6 look or atleast resemble what appears in the comics then I'll be happy. Or they could just shrink they're PF's down to 1:6 since those are accurate enough whilst still having an interpretive spin on them.
I don't mind their takes on certain characters that wear straight-up spandex such as the Flash and Green Lantern (though, Green Lantern's costume is open to interpretation since some artists draw his suit as a spandex costume, while others draw it as a construct the ring produces), and if what you say is true about them having to put their own little spin on a character otherwise we'd get New 52 versions, then I'm glad 'cause I can't stand the God-awful New 52 costumes :yuck. As long as they can find a way to make the 1:6 look or atleast resemble what appears in the comics then I'll be happy. Or they could just shrink they're PF's down to 1:6 since those are accurate enough whilst still having an interpretive spin on them.

Only speculation. They didn't come right out and say it but we did get into the conversation about if DC wanted them to do FU 52 and that's how the interpretive conversation started. Our question was why slant that way now since they already produced Joker, Harley, Catwoman, Bats and Superman almost directly from the comics and the answer we got wasn't too direct. What we took away from the conversation was they didn't have to do FU 52 because they were doing more interpretive stuff and less strictly comic book versions.
I think he's saying the old man in the Superman suit was actually sculpted by Andy Berholtz. Does this seem to be a common statement, "The sculpt is great, Sideshow just fumbled on the paint."

Even the paint looks great - the only thing I think people are perceiving as bad about the heads is how it is proportioned to the body.
What do sales with superman have to do with the possibility of getting more DC characters?
Not more dc characters just no personal villains, I think they will focus on JLA characters like most companies and villains as an after thought. As far as flash and GL. I think hal could be part textured(black) but flash needs a smooth suit
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And what's so bad about that?

We all know Hasbro made a more accurate dome for Vader than SSC, well here's their FAO Schwarz History of Superman 3 pack from the late '90's.
View attachment 154083
Not only does the face and body look more accurate but the Hasbro Supes looks like he'd whoop the SSC's Supes behind in a fight.

It's not that there's anything bad about a specific comic-based figure. All I was repeating was that not everyone likes the same comic artist's interpretation. For SSC, as a business, there is a bigger risk of alienating buyers by going with a specific artist.

But obviously I can't debate here. If people here really think that those Hasbro Supes, or the Hasbro Vader for that matter, look better than what SSC has produced, then I guess I'm in a minority.