SSC 1:6 Scale Dusty!

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The original figure had facepaint, that is the way I would want it.

Yeah, I don't want them to lose the sculpt with the camo paint; just include a "clean" portrait as well. The camoed portrait is Dusty's "field" portrait, but I think a "clean" portrait would look better with his beret, as if he was attending a mission briefing or something before hitting the field.
Shouldnt it be Maxi Pats?

With wings! :lecture

Tired of the same generic pants pattern. That would be nice to see changed up. Also would like to see goggles closer to the card-art, as I could never get the googles on Duke to sit right in any way, on helmet or head.

Not so sure why they decided to suddenly start making Joe's look like real people now too, other than to try and sell more figs to people wanting to bash a Bana sculpt.

It's a nice figure, but nothing about it is s_____ing Dusty to me. Also yeah, what's up with no extra hands?

Can find dust goggles on Bay that look close to the card art...Dont know how they'd look propped up on the helmet, but it's an option...
