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Steve Jobs: 7/10

Great dialogue and great acting. But I couldn't help but think it felt limited about how much of his life it covered even though it covered about 15 years. The focus felt too narrow (it was basically about his relationship to his daughter Lisa) and it left you feeling like there was much more of his story to tell.

Tusk: 6/10

Very impressed again by a Kevin Smith movie. I was equally impressed by his Red State, but I was almost afraid of watching this one since it got such divisive/bad reviews. But it turned out not to be nearly as odd or disturbing or ludicrous as I was led to believe. Michael Parks really sells the part and the movie works mostly because of his talent. Justin Long was quite good too. I think Smith is definitely getting better and better. His dialogue feels much more natural. Either that or he's getting better actors to recite his dialogue properly. And the actual directing and cinematography was quite good--very polished and professional. The Walrus suit was pretty crappy, but eh, I went with it.
I didn't say it Teenage mutant ninja turtles didn't stand up, I said it didn't age well, meaning dated. Some movies you can watch and they look like they can belong in any time period. Turtles isn't one of them. Nothing to do with the technical aspects. I still won't watch the bay turtles movies. Just some of the goofiness, like them doing 3 stooges motions and sounds, plus fight choreography has come a long way. I need to watch the second movie again but I remember better fighting in that one.
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace - 6.5/10
Total Recall, the old one - 6/10

Both movies are the same, amazing production values and interesting concepts and themes, hindered by bad performances, lazy scripts and bad direction, but it's even more jarring in Total Recall because TR is more sci-fi as opposed to TPM which is just fantasy, and even so, TPM does a much better job exploring the concepts it presents.

But ultimately lots of heart and personality on both movies, that make the cheesiness tons of fun instead of eye rolling.

Both movies have little to do with each other, I just watched them almost back to back so it lent itself for a comparison.

As for Total Recall, I just found out it's based on a novel, maybe the story is better delivered there so I'm gonna check it out, see if I can find out a little more about those aliens.
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace - 6.5/10
Total Recall, the old one - 6/10

Both movies are the same, amazing production values and interesting concepts and themes, hindered by bad performances, lazy scripts and bad direction, but it's even more jarring in Total Recall because TR is more sci-fi as opposed to TPM which is just fantasy, and even so, TPM does a much better job exploring the concepts it presents.

But ultimately lots of heart and personality on both movies, that make the cheesiness tons of fun instead of eye rolling.

Both movies have little to do with each other, I just watched them almost back to back so it lent itself for a comparison.

As for Total Recall, I just found out it's based on a novel, maybe the story is better delivered there so I'm gonna check it out, see if I can find out a little more about those aliens.

Phillip K. ****'s stories have resulted in a lot of great movies, unfortunately nobody has really done "We Can Remember it For You Wholesale" justice. That being said, Arnies was far more entertaining than Colin Farrell's.

Edit - Geesh! ****** ****ing language filter.
Phillip K. ****'s stories have resulted in a lot of great movies, unfortunately nobody has really done "We Can Remember it For You Wholesale" justice. That being said, Arnies was far more entertaining than Colin Farrell's.
Yeah well, Arnie's always super fun to watch, that's what I figured about the story, I already downloaded the audiobook for the next time a take a stroll or something.

I've never read anything about Phillip K Deck :lol watched the movies but never read the books, I'm looking forward to reading/listening to his stuff.
I was going to say, "only if your 7", but then my 7 year old would take issue with that.

:lol no offense taken here man, I wish I was 7 years old again. TFA is a better made movie I guess, but it's just so bland that I appreciate TPM more. It had great visuals for its time, a great soundtrack and even a more interesting villain in my opinion. In fact as I'm typing this in now starting to this it's a better movie, JAr Jar Binks, terrible acting and all :lol

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The Phantom Menace > The Force Awakens
I would put them sort of on equal level. I even think I gave TFA the same score IIRC.

TFA is better made, better directed, better scripted, but lacks personality, originality and heart, it doesn't feel like Star Wars anymore to me, it feels like fan fiction of Star Wars.

While TPM is incompetently made in some important aspects like script and direction, it has a ton of heart and personality, it's also original and it feels completely Star Wars.

I honestly think all that stuff about the republic and the taxation of trade routes and everything was interesting, and could've been better exploited, I feel if TPM had a better script and was better directed, it could be right up there with the OT, which could be said for the entirety of the PT :lol while I don't feel TFA has anything to contribute to the lore, it even feels like a total waste to throw away all that fantastic EU stuff just for TFA.

At least Zahn is bringing back Thrawn.
I would put them sort of on equal level. I even think I gave TFA the same score IIRC.

TFA is better made, better directed, better scripted, but lacks personality, originality and heart, it doesn't feel like Star Wars anymore to me, it feels like fan fiction of Star Wars.

While TPM is incompetently made in some important aspects like script and direction, it has a ton of heart and personality, it's also original and it feels completely Star Wars.

I feel if TPM had a better script and was better directed, it could be right up there with the OT, which could be said for the entirety of the PT :lol while I don't feel TFA has anything to contribute to the lore, it even feels like a total waste to throw away all that fantastic EU stuff just for TFA.

At least Zahn is bringing back Thrawn.

This pretty much sums up how I feel, but TFA is just so forgettable I have to rank it lower than TPM. If I'm being objective then yea, it's probably a better movie.

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Oh wow you're proving my point about your credibility in *other* threads too? :lol


Damn I was hoping you didn't see this :lol

But I do recognize TFA as a better made movie, just really forgettable.

Yeah, but it had the advantage of using the OT as a template.

But TFA has the advantage of using the original characters/actors and they were just as boring in my opinion.

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