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Look what I found in the mail!
Fennec is not the problem, it is just Boba's post Sarlacc escape story line. I will admit I had expectations for him to escape the Tuskin camp (killing some), finding his armor, ship and going after Han, Luke and the gang. Remember the Jedi killed his father and to a certain extent, Luke attempting to escape caused him ultimately to be ingested by the Sarlacc. REVENGE would have been the top priority you would have thought for a bounty hunter.
I’m sure they might have thought of that at some point in development, but if you think about it, it makes more sense in what has happened. Would I be mad that some dudes ruckus caused me to fall into the sarlaac? Hell yeah… but after being stuck in there I’d wonder why my “friends” didn’t bother to try and get me out at all. That’s obviously his beef. He pissed he got left in there. I expect my enemies to do that. That’s what enemies are for, but you’d expect your friends to help you.

I’m not making excuses for the show, but I can see the direction they were trying to go. HOWEVER, if that’s the direction they wanted to go, Boba should still be angry and pissed off for a good portion of time. I get that he was with the Tusken’s for quite a bit, but it was like he just flipped and switch and become new, non-killing, peaceful Fett. 🤷‍♂️ I still enjoyed the show so far. Is it what I anticipated? FAR from it. And it’s certainly not what I wanted, but I’m okay with it for now. There’s a larger story being built with these shows so while you shouldn’t NEED the larger story to enjoy one show, I’m still hoping it all pays off.
...Dont you think though that Boba, as a dedicated loner a la Jango, didnt really HAVE friends to come rescue him in the first place? One of the few people who knew he was down there was Fortuna, and he didnt lift a finger to help Fett.

I could see a change of heart arising from his realization that yeah, every now and then maaaaaaybe its a good idea to have someone who knows where you are, and at least sorta might want to help you....? Its just that I feel they're trying to rush big changes for him, just so fast. Too fast. He needs more time, leopards dont change their spots much and if they do, it wont be overnight.
Hell yeah… but after being stuck in there I’d wonder why my “friends” didn’t bother to try and get me out at all. That’s obviously his beef. He pissed he got left in there. I expect my enemies to do that. That’s what enemies are for, but you’d expect your friends to help you.

I’m not making excuses for the show, but I can see the direction they were trying to go. HOWEVER, if that’s the direction they wanted to go, Boba should still be angry and pissed off for a good portion of time. I get that he was with the Tusken’s for quite a bit, but it was like he just flipped and switch and become new, non-killing, peaceful Fett. 🤷‍♂️ I still enjoyed the show so far. Is it what I anticipated? FAR from it. And it’s certainly not what I wanted, but I’m okay with it for now. There’s a larger story being built with these shows so while you shouldn’t NEED the larger story to enjoy one show, I’m still hoping it all pays off.
Ramatuelle partially answered for me.....
...Dont you think though that Boba, as a dedicated loner a la Jango, didnt really HAVE friends to come rescue him in the first place? One of the few people who knew he was down there was Fortuna, and he didnt lift a finger to help Fett.

I could see a change of heart arising from his realization that yeah, every now and then maaaaaaybe its a good idea to have someone who knows where you are, and at least sorta might want to help you....? Its just that I feel they're trying to rush big changes for him, just so fast. Too fast. He needs more time, leopards dont change their spots much and if they do, it wont be overnight.
Before TBOBF, I only knew the character from the O.T., kids Christmas special, Droids cartoon series, P.T. and clone wars. We will not include books or comics, as I never read any where Boba is concerned. Alright, he has been established as a legit badass that needed no one. As far as I'm concerned with his character in TBOBF (exclude Mando appearance), he should have been left dead in the Sarlacc pit. At least up to this pint in the series. Still willing to give the show a chance to build on this new version, as you will read later.

I figured that the time in the Sarlacc pit would have intensified his feelings for the worst. Imagine if you were confined, slowly being killed, knowing that you are your only chance of escaping. Like Ramatulle stated, he didn't really have friends and none to rescue him. He was a sole gun for hire. Just him and the slave-1. Sure he teamed up, but no alliance to no one as far as I know. Even with all that said, I am willing for him to sacrifice some characteristics for the development of his story arc. One, just because he's older and not as spruce as before. Two, maybe he is longing for some type of belonging, whether it be a family, tribe house or whatever. Three, maybe he his some hidden agenda where he knows he cannot acheive it on his own, but this is probably unlikely. But when you are attempting to take over a gang, syndicate or group that belongs to the underworld of crime.....good look with the way he is trying to earn respect and rule. He would have been killed a long time ago I believe, but I am trying not to over think and critique the hell out of everything.

Hey, maybe being in the Sarlacc for a period did give him time to reconsider his decisions in life and then being with the Tusken tribe changed his outlook. Maybe being with the Mando to save Grogu changed him even more. Maybe he is aware of his clone sister and trying to do right. What I really considered though was his dialogue with Fennec Shand, when he told her he was tired of their kind being killed for nothing and they should be on top. I am open to some change to Boba's character, but we will see what becomes of him in the future.

Keep telling myself, "Stop trying to predict and preconceive everything." Still not helping though.
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Back to the topic at hand. Many of us are considering they bring out General Kenobi when the show drops. Hopefully there will be flashbacks that includes Kenobi and Skywalker in their respective armor. But wouldn't it be awesome if they also had Rex and Cody in their Phase 1 armor? Make it happen Lucas film and Hot Toys.
Regarding change of heart of Boba, consider he tried to sell death sticks to Kenobi at one point. Then he went home and rethought his life, which took a big time since he's a slow learner. Voila. While waiting in Sarlacc's stomach, he reached a conclusion.
Back to the topic at hand. Many of us are considering they bring out General Kenobi when the show drops. Hopefully there will be flashbacks that includes Kenobi and Skywalker in their respective armor. But wouldn't it be awesome if they also had Rex and Cody in their Phase 1 armor? Make it happen Lucas film and Hot Toys.

I'm confident their Phase 1 armors will come sooner or later, easy to do and easy money, but if the rumors are true that both Hayden and Ewan have flashbacks with their armor on, it'd make sense that Rex and Cody would be around in their Phase 1 armors.
Back to the topic at hand. Many of us are considering they bring out General Kenobi when the show drops. Hopefully there will be flashbacks that includes Kenobi and Skywalker in their respective armor. But wouldn't it be awesome if they also had Rex and Cody in their Phase 1 armor? Make it happen Lucas film and Hot Toys.
Honestly, no. We already got Rex and Cody. I would much rather they make some other Clones in their Phase 2 armor so they can be army built with what's out already. Fives, Echo, Kix, Waxer, Boil, Heavy, Hardcase, Fox, Thorn, Wolffe... I want those guys. Not more of what we have already.
I'd take an Ugnaught...
If Hot toys had any sense...that taller Jawa and R5D4 they had revealed the SAME time as the Jawa and Gonk droid (different colour back then)we have now.
The only other 3 figures I'd want have been mentioned several times,so I'll not even whisper their names anymore.
I'd take an Ugnaught...
If Hot toys had any sense...that taller Jawa and R5D4 they had revealed the SAME time as the Jawa and Gonk droid (different colour back then)we have now.
The only other 3 figures I'd want have been mentioned several times,so I'll not even whisper their names anymore.

No no wrong thread