LOST discussion - thar be spoilers ahead!

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I had a dream that the finale ends with them floating along a river to a small shanty town and there's multiple old versions of all the characters that have died on the show, all wandering aimlessly down a path, like they're walking away from the town. They showed Old Locke, Old Sun and Jin.

And then I jumped up and down yelling "I was right, oh yeah, I was right." Then, I woke up.

For some reason, that reminds me of the end of No Country For Old Men.
It was mostly really creepy cuz there were old clones of Locke walking around. I think it was the scene with Anthony Cooper that put that in my brain.
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That has been my guess since they intro'd the sideways story and would allow for dead characters to still have a happily ever after, Charlie could end up with Claire, Sawyer with Juliet, etc. With the sideways characters beginning to learn of the other life, it's building to a some kind of choice they must make. Which life to choose?
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I don't think the writers are done riding the sacrifice theme yet.
That has been my guess since they intro'd the sideways story and would allow for dead characters to still have a happily ever after, Charlie could end up with Claire, Sawyer with Juliet, etc. With the sideways characters beginning to learn of the other life, it's building to a some kind of choice they must make. Which life to choose?
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I don't think the writers are done riding the sacrifice theme yet.

I agree with this post. But a question about the part in spoiler tags:

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I agree with this post. But a question about the part in spoiler tags:

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The day has passed. No more spoiler tags for me!

But Sun is currently prego in the sideways reality... :nana:
If the sideways timeline trumps/replaces/follows the original, then Jin and Sun (carrying a certain level of memories and experiences from the last six seasons) would be together for the new birth of their daughter, and she would be raised by both parents from day one. Jin wouldn't miss out on the first three years of her life, Sun wouldn't be consumed with revenge, their daughter wouldn't end up as an orphan--and that would be a better scenario for them all.
The day has passed. No more spoiler tags for me!

But Sun is currently prego in the sideways reality... :nana:

:slap I forgot they said the baby was ok after the gunshot.

Yeah, I could see the birth of Sun's daughter and/or Aaron in the finale.
I must admit, although I am absoultey loving this season and these last few episodes ("The Candidate" especially), I certainly thought we were going to be further along by this point in terms of the Sideways and Island worlds connecting. To date we only have Desmond and Hurley that are fully "aware" and we still don't know what the implications of them BEING "aware" are.

I had thought, and suppose I still do.... that it was going to boil down to a choice on behalf of each character. I have long thought the show was going to boil down to each character becomming FULLY AWARE of both worlds IN both worlds, but then, being forced to choose between the two. One will have to end and one will have to go on. Not the worlds, but the peoples exsistence in them. No one person can exist in both. Now, I don't REALLY know how that would be accomplished and fully realize that it makes much more sense for one world to just cease completely and one to go on... but what I've loved about this theory (and why I've thought this for so long) is that I LOVE the dilemma it forces the characters to face and just how rich a storytelling device it could be.

Jack seems all but ready for his first day of training as "the new Jacob", but how much more difficult a choice would it be for him if he were connected (truly, fully connected) to his Sideways incantation and had to give up a life with David to stay?

I also have a theory that Jin lied to Sun when he told her everything was ok with her AND the baby. What if he was just assuring her of that until she was well enough to hear the truth; that the baby had died. What if once awoken to the Island reality, Sideways Jin and Sun decided to choose their Island life, knowing that they don't have one there and fully accept dying in a world where their daughter lives (this also sends a swift validation of what some are percieving to be Jin's selfish actions of staying and dying with Sun).

All Locke has ever wanted to do was to stay on the Island, the place he had his spiritual awakening in a "place where miracles happen." What would he give to go back forever? A live married to Helen?

You see how rich these choices could be?? I still feel that some variation on the idea of characters choosing one over the other is coming... i just don't know how in the time we have left this is going to be accomplished... and to what end?
You see how rich these choices could be?? I still feel that some variation on the idea of characters choosing one over the other is coming... i just don't know how in the time we have left this is going to be accomplished... and to what end?

Well we do have that extra half hour now. :yess:
What if all of the characters on the island are meant to die?

What if it's the only way to bring balance to the universe?

What if it's the way that we'll get both the shock of seeing them die on the island and the satisfaction that they still live (in the sideways world)?

They keep showing us the redemption of the characters.

What if at the end of the series it's Jack and Locke sitting on the beach, having the same conversation that Jacob and MIB were having way back when? The whole "come full circle" idea, if you will.

What if I don't know what the heck I'm talking about?...

What if all of the characters on the island are meant to die?

What if it's the only way to bring balance to the universe?

What if it's the way that we'll get both the shock of seeing them die on the island and the satisfaction that they still live (in the sideways world)?

I actually predicted just that towards the beginning of this season, so I think you might be on to something!
I suspect that we aren't going to get the two timelines merged or connected (or whatever) as neatly as we might like. I think there will be some big clues in the finale, but I have a feeling that we are still going to be theorizing and interpreting and coming to our own conclusions after the credits roll on the 23rd.
I agree. But I don't want it to be completely open ended, with no resolution.

So haw many of you are gonna do the whole 22nd and 23rd LOST weekend?

Saturday: 2 hour LOST pilot.
Sunday: 2 hour retrospective, 2 1/2 hour series finale, Jimmy Kimmel's after party.