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King Darkness said:
thanks! , guys , please keep in mind , all of this pieces are either bronze , or to be casted for the small g.i.joe line , so , they are not big 12 scale heads , most of this pieces are miniatures , from a few inches high, but can give you a basic idea , on what I can do


*gasp!* That stuff is amazing!!!

I would kill for a statue of el Caballero de la Mancha! Don Quixote is one of my favorite characters (I'm a Spanish Teaching and Humanities major), and I would LOVE on of those. I'm so impressed by your work! Fantastic!
Captain Aldeggon said:
*gasp!* That stuff is amazing!!!

I would kill for a statue of el Caballero de la Mancha! Don Quixote is one of my favorite characters (I'm a Spanish Teaching and Humanities major), and I would LOVE on of those. I'm so impressed by your work! Fantastic!

thanks for your feedback! , let me see if I can get the molds , or a copy at the bronze factory , and I will contact you , with the price , and I love the quixote too , I have done like 100 small pieces for this collection over the past 2 years , hope the rest of the guys like my pieces too!
I'm a bit ashamed of the reaction here in this thread. I didn't want to post until I saw some images, if not I'd just forget about it.
Melvinpelayo scammed people for a little over a grand, that didn't mean Renard or any other new member here is the man in question coming back for more.
You guys really need to lighten up.

Mastersculpt_Renard, great looking work so far. Sculpting in 1:6 scale is an eyestrain and I can't image what it's like to sculpt in an even smaller scale.
I can't wait to see your 1:6 work!
Don't be reluctant to post here again, the reaction here is not representative of every member of these boards.
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well what do you know..... he actually does sculpting :rolleyes: a few apologies in order perhaps guys?

That all looks like excellent stuff Renard... and I cant wait to see what you do next! :)
Sculpting at the G I Joe scale must be a pain in the butt!

But you have some nice work here Renard, really like the Thunder Cats Lion-O sword:rock
While I don't feel like was being a butt-head (though early on I was suspicious... shame on me :nono) your sculpts are really top notch Renard. :rock

I love that old fellow with the wings. Whats the story behind that? Its not from anything I'm familiar with.
I stayed out of this mess, but you can't blame the resident freaks for their skepticism. It's natural for a tightly-knit group to protect their own. Renard, welcome, and don't take any of it personally. Your swords look great!
thanks for the great feedback guys , I now understand why some people was so skeptic about me , if someone in the past scammed some of you ,those kind of reactions are natural , as well as mine , you can bet I don't take sh*** from no one! , but well , to the ones who felt I was too defensive and rude , an apologize , to the great guys who made me feel welcomed here , I feel really greatefull , and as I told you , right now I don't have any 12 inch piece to show you , I am working right now on a custom 12 inch viking warrior action figure ( a comission from a local collector) , so , in about a week , I will post some pics , now I know how to do it (thanks for the help on this , guys!) , and , my first pieces to offer you will be a GHOSTBUSTER HEAD (PETER) , and the MEDIEVAL KURGAN HELTMET(from highlander) I know it sounds like an odd mix , but that is what I feel like I wanted to do at this point , I am a fan on both movies, so if the response is good , I will be offering you very different pieces in the very near future , as you can see in the pics , I work a lot!.............by the way , the old guy with wings , is called ''Don Quixote de la Mancha" a classic book character, from the spanish literature.