Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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I think it depends about your toy presentation, if they're displayed well, then they can look like museum or wax museum type pieces.
But if is just all over your room with no futzing or any presentation...then it can look like a boys room with toys.

*weeps as he looks around his collection room*
My wife has got me the Hulk for x mas....most women I'm sure couldn't care less about boys and their toys.
:lol Sorry man, no offense.

None taken. I feel bad today anyway. Both because I have some kind of cold with a non-stop runny nose and relentless sneezing and because I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have. My room looks awful. And with more incoming. More good stuff granted but still...
None taken. I feel bad today anyway. Both because I have some kind of cold with a non-stop runny nose and relentless sneezing and because I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have. My room looks awful. And with more incoming. More good stuff granted but still...

Are they in a detolf or some kind of cabinet or are they just laying around on top of desk, cabinets, etc?
Are they in a detolf or some kind of cabinet or are they just laying around on top of desk, cabinets, etc?

Laying around everywhere as you described in your previous post. 2 ill-suited bookshelves and some other tables, TV cases and whatever I happened to have, nothing matching anything else. And I've got boxes and boxes of stuff I'm trying to sell and boxes and boxes of NECA/McFarlane junk that I wish I could sell but....**** me. Daunting.
Laying around everywhere as you described in your previous post. 2 ill-suited bookshelves and some other tables, TV cases and whatever I happened to have, nothing matching anything else. And I've got boxes and boxes of stuff I'm trying to sell and boxes and boxes of NECA/McFarlane junk that I wish I could sell but....**** me. Daunting.

I know some people dont have the luxury of having an Ikea near by, but if you do, I highly recommend getting some detolf.
Really cleans up the display and makes the figure look high end with a nice LED lighting.
Best of all, they're very cheap. they're only $65.
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And yes, maybe I'm in a point in life where things are hitting me differently than what some of you experience. There's always the girlfriend analogy: how much they spend in shoes, bags, whathaveyou. Well, they look f$&@#g hot when they wear them. I can't be alone in this. I just can't. It's hard to find a girl that finds this hobby acceptable, and if you did, marry her already. That just doesn't apply to me, and it's becoming a very hard thing to deal with.

Will I quit? I doubt it. Although I've started selling part of my collection (HT) locally so that I can stop feeling this sense of guilt and somewhat buyers remorse for more than half the HT figures I own (Barney Ross. I BOUGHT Barney Ross. WHY?)

Sorry if becoming annoying. This is the ONLY place I can talk about this freely. My family? Ha!
My gf? Suuure. I love her to death, and she's right when she says I shouldn't spend that much on these things. And she believes they cost $150. Yup.

I really don't want to take away the excitement that is for some of you to own this figure, so excuse my rant.

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I don't think about how much I've spent on my collection. You shouldn't have to. If you start feeling buyers remorse, then what's the point in living? Enjoying life includes buying things that make you happy, especially if you can afford it. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. You mentioned about putting that money to better use such as family or giving it to better causes...well, if you can afford your hobby AND take care of your family AND donate it to charities, I don't see a problem.

I mean, if you start thinking about all of that, why not just stop buying ANYTHING in that case? No tv, no cable, no smartphones, no clothes. Become a monk or priest and start traveling the world to heal the sick.

If you're a good person, then you're a good person, despite your spending. Taking care of family, helping out a friend, helping out a stranger, those are actions of a good person. Not giving to charity and what not, that doesn't make you horrible. If anything, this hobby helped make you realize you want to, then go do it...that's even better.

I'm not berating you or anything bud, I just don't want to hear you doubting yourself or feel bad because you bought an expensive item. I WOULD think differently of you if you said "food for family or Qs001??"....then I'd be like "dude....seriously??"

As for the GF/wife scenario. I'm not against them buying name brands. While they do look hot in them, the truth is they are spending hundreds on FABRIC. Fabric that will either one day no longer be in style, or can't fit anymore...the former happening MUCH faster. But they enjoy it. It's a hobby for them as well. My stance on this is, I don't complain about your hobby, don't complain about mine. Should the day where our hobbies are putting us into financial ruin, then we will stop.

We can argue ethics all day long, but IMO, we collectors are just enjoying life with kick a$$ collectibles. You said you used to drink and party...well, isn't that just the same as "recklessly" spending money? No, because its a night out with friends. You're having a good time.

So don't worry about It man. Just live.
One more thing to add. This is what I told my GF once when she started to complain about my hobbies (gaming, toys...all the geek stuff). Is my hobby hurting anyone? Is it physically hurting you or your family? I can be doing even worse things like drugs, alcohol abuse, gangs. If my lifestyle isn't harming anyone or myself, stop nagging. So unless I'm setting your house on fire, let me be.

That sounded harsh, but that was said when I was at my angriest. But it's the truth.

If you take your girl out, treat her well, love her, do all the things a loving BF should do...then what's wrong with your hobby? What? Because you should conform to what 'society' deems as a real man? Wear a v neck sweater on top of a button down, playing backyard football with your sports buddies, coaching your nephews softball league?


A man is someone that provides for his loved ones, a real man never cheats on his GF, a real man makes others around them feel secure. If you meet one of those criteria, then you're good to go. And your significant other needs to reevaluate herself if she's bothered by your simple hobby.

Things are great in my relationship. It took some work to get to where we are today. The reason I'm so passionate about it is because I've heard horror stories from friends and acquaintances. It's unfortunate really. When good relationships break up over the lamest things when all thats needed is a slight paradigm shift, an open mind.

Of course, there's always an extreme....when the guy ONLY focuses on his hobbies and neglects all aspects of his life.
finally got mine in yesterday. looks absolutely amazing. very nicely done ht. does seem a tad smaller then enterbays 1/4. the only real issue I had was the display base. its hard to find a good way to make him stand on the base the way they have the rocks. but overall I was very very satisfied with it in all. wonder what they're next 1/4 offering will be.
My batman in his final resting place!
One more thing to add. This is what I told my GF once when she started to complain about my hobbies (gaming, toys...all the geek stuff). Is my hobby hurting anyone? Is it physically hurting you or your family? I can be doing even worse things like drugs, alcohol abuse, gangs. If my lifestyle isn't harming anyone or myself, stop nagging. So unless I'm setting your house on fire, let me be.

That sounded harsh, but that was said when I was at my angriest. But it's the truth.

If you take your girl out, treat her well, love her, do all the things a loving BF should do...then what's wrong with your hobby? What? Because you should conform to what 'society' deems as a real man? Wear a v neck sweater on top of a button down, playing backyard football with your sports buddies, coaching your nephews softball league?


A man is someone that provides for his loved ones, a real man never cheats on his GF, a real man makes others around them feel secure. If you meet one of those criteria, then you're good to go. And your significant other needs to reevaluate herself if she's bothered by your simple hobby.

Things are great in my relationship. It took some work to get to where we are today. The reason I'm so passionate about it is because I've heard horror stories from friends and acquaintances. It's unfortunate really. When good relationships break up over the lamest things when all thats needed is a slight paradigm shift, an open mind.

Of course, there's always an extreme....when the guy ONLY focuses on his hobbies and neglects all aspects of his life.
Well said- you can be our Freaks relationship doctor-..all true true true...reality has a sneaky way of intruding on our collecting madness!
Manage to open and play with this figure for an hour or ao yesterday. Heres my small review on this figure:


* this figure is amazing! In hand the head, shoulders etc all looks proportionate and doesnt look undersized at all. It really looks like Bale and is very heavy and sturdy. After handling this and the DX12, it feels like a cheap mattel piece.

* body is sturdy and can hold up poses easily.

* eyes doesnt look too bug-eyed. And doesnt need any darkening on the eyelids like the dx12.

* sticky bomb gun and EMP is very detailed.

* really stands out from from the other 1/6 batman stuffs. Its like having a mini bale batman in your collection. Even though its a different suit, this is definitely the better figure compared to EB's batman. With the crappy body, belt that are too small, and the shiny cowl. Really cant wait for HT's BB suit version.


* the base is too gimmicky and i have a hard time finding a good pose since theres too many uneven stone sculpting and i dont wanna bend the leg since it says on the instruction that the suit will have lines after prolong handling and stressing. Ended up using my EB base for now.

* hands looks kinda huge and weird compared to the rest of the body.

* suit seems to be as fragile as the dx12 ones, i noticed a few tiny hair line scratches just after handling it for a while.

* figure is really big and kinda hard to handle and futz. Might take a while to get used to the size and weight.

* scarecrow's mask, bane's mask all look kinda cheesy and cheap. But then again, when blown to this size, i cant really blame them since they have little detailing to work with.

Havent tried taking out the cape just yet as im atill enjoying the backpack HK scene version for now.
Manage to open and play with this figure for an hour or ao yesterday. Heres my small review on this figure:


* this figure is amazing! In hand the head, shoulders etc all looks proportionate and doesnt look undersized at all. It really looks like Bale and is very heavy and sturdy. After handling this and the DX12, it feels like a cheap mattel piece.

* body is sturdy and can hold up poses easily.

* eyes doesnt look too bug-eyed. And doesnt need any darkening on the eyelids like the dx12.

* sticky bomb gun and EMP is very detailed.

* really stands out from from the other 1/6 batman stuffs. Its like having a mini bale batman in your collection. Even though its a different suit, this is definitely the better figure compared to EB's batman. With the crappy body, belt that are too small, and the shiny cowl. Really cant wait for HT's BB suit version.


* the base is too gimmicky and i have a hard time finding a good pose since theres too many uneven stone sculpting and i dont wanna bend the leg since it says on the instruction that the suit will have lines after prolong handling and stressing. Ended up using my EB base for now.

* hands looks kinda huge and weird compared to the rest of the body.

* suit seems to be as fragile as the dx12 ones, i noticed a few tiny hair line scratches just after handling it for a while.

* figure is really big and kinda hard to handle and futz. Might take a while to get used to the size and weight.

* scarecrow's mask, bane's mask all look kinda cheesy and cheap. But then again, when blown to this size, i cant really blame them since they have little detailing to work with.

Havent tried taking out the cape just yet as im atill enjoying the backpack HK scene version for now.

Awesome mini review!!
Strange, you find the hands are too big and I think they may be a bit small. :slap
I agree with pretty much everything else.
The close fisted one looks small, i agree bout that. But the rest that i find that are a bit too big is prolly because of the strap sculpting, which is why some folks are trimming and getting rid of the top part of the strap.