Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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I am, if Hot Toys continues to produce likeness that is poor and not realistic (for some of their figures) I won't buying them. It's a shame because I like the character and I want the figure but if they can't produce accuracy or realism then I am not interested. I bought the DX12 but I used the Medix mod head for it. Now that is a $300 figure, you should not have to mod a $300 figure. Now this one by Hot Toys is 1/4 scale and roughly $500 if you count shipping. I won't be buying a $500 figure if I have to mod it, unless I absolutely love the character to death and have to have a perfect representation of it. :gah:

Making modification to an already expensive collectible is solely your issue. And IMO modification are done at the collector's discretion usually to achieve the most screen,comic accurate image. If you don't like the final product either don't purchase or if you did return it or sell it. There are plenty of collectors with varying interest and tolerance for not 100% screen accurate Collectibles. If you want museum or 100% screen accurate collectible you can always spend extra on modifications or commission an artist to make your collectible to your exact specifications. In addition your concerns and criticism is well taken bc I believe it helps to keep manufactures (HotToys) in check.
Making modification to an already expensive collectible is solely your issue. And IMO modification are done at the collector's discretion usually to achieve the most screen,comic accurate image. If you don't like the final product either don't purchase or if you did return it or sell it. There are plenty of collectors with varying interest and tolerance for not 100% screen accurate Collectibles. If you want museum or 100% screen accurate collectible you can always spend extra on modifications or commission an artist to make your collectible to your exact specifications. In addition your concerns and criticism is well taken bc I believe it helps to keep manufactures (HotToys) in check.

I agree with everything you said, it is solely my decision but many people on Hot Toys faebook say the same thing I am, when people post their mods of the DX12. I like the character but not so much I want to mod it since it cost $500, but like you said that is a personal decision on my part and I am no way trying persuade people to mod theirs. I was just generally making a statement, I didn't mean it to sound like a rant.

Yep, it's all down to personal preference but that doesn't mean something is a fail just because it may not reach your highly set standards :lol

At the same time it's totally fine that you wan't something more
Then maybe you should re-think about what kind of collectibles you collect!

It's obviously not a fail is it. You aren't collecting like for like museum pieces that are like thousands of pounds and are for the most part 100%, if you were then i could understand. your collecting a (expensive to some i know) pricey adult toy. That's all it is.

If you want 100% likeness then don't collect 1:6 posable action figure. You aren't buying a shrunken bruce wayne head your buying a 1:4 scale head with the likeness of him, not to mention that on the most part they are really good likeness too, hence the reason you all still buy them

I'm not saying that there are't things that could be better but lets be real here. Your paying for a 1:4 adult toy and that's what your getting, thats what they've always been. It cant possibly be a fail because it works in the manner it was intended

And before you say something about some figure that has sculpted eyes and that looks pretty much 100% accurate, EVERY figure looks like a toy in some shape or form. Look at Bane for example

If you really care about accuracy and realism over everything else, why aren't you collecting statues or busts? oh wait that's because nobody has done anything decent, so instead you have to mock a product that is completely fine for the purpose of why its being made.

If it was a statue that came with a pers system that made it look like a toy. Then i might agree with you

I stopped collecting 1/6 clearly because of the fact that 1/4 is the better representation between the two. I just don't understand what the point of having a head sculpt "likeness" if it's not going to be an accurate likeness. Why bother attempting to make it look close just to fall slightly short? I think you're allowing the fact that they're toys in your mind to cloud your better judgment. I don't buy them because they have really good likeness. I buy because they're the best option available. They're the best option available because Hot Toys is in the driver seat.

"With great power comes great responsibility". Thus meaning as a business I expect that with the hold HT has over the community, they'll do whats asked of them and create outstanding products. Not good or even very good products. Outstanding ones. And to be completely honest, none of my friends who're in their mid to late 20's think what I have are toys. They don't even want to get close to my collection out of fear. They have no idea where they're from or how much they cost. Based merely on educated guesses alone they assume my collection is very expensive. My family also always tells the younger children to "Be careful around his figures. They aren't toys". Even the people who don't collect recognize that there is a difference between a toy and a collectible figure. So, i'm just saying. I see your points though.
I agree, but at the end at the day they are expensive toys, nothing more. You pose them how you want and that's what you get enjoyment from, not much different to the enjoyment a child gets when they play with it. The difference is we are adults now and this is the typical adult way of enjoying figures.

My only quarrel was the fact that there are certain collectors who tarnish and badmouth pers as a fail to see the real issue that lies with the actual sculpt making the pers look rubbish.

I am under no illusion and i actually think it's the other type of collectors that are under some sort of illusion, because no matter how you look at it and make excuses as to why there not 'toys', there's no escaping the fact thats all they actually are.

Could they make the pers look better? certainly. But there are many more immediate inaccuracies that detract from the realness before the pers and it's used as a scapegoat really. The whole boot/foot joint on both the 1/6 & 1/4 Batmans look far more unrealistic that the pers

I stopped collecting 1/6 clearly because of the fact that 1/4 is the better representation between the two. I just don't understand what the point of having a head sculpt "likeness" if it's not going to be an accurate likeness. Why bother attempting to make it look close just to fall slightly short? I think you're allowing the fact that they're toys in your mind to cloud your better judgment. I don't buy them because they have really good likeness. I buy because they're the best option available. They're the best option available because Hot Toys is in the driver seat.

"With great power comes great responsibility". Thus meaning as a business I expect that with the hold HT has over the community, they'll do whats asked of them and create outstanding products. Not good or even very good products. Outstanding ones. And to be completely honest, none of my friends who're in their mid to late 20's think what I have are toys. They don't even want to get close to my collection out of fear. They have no idea where they're from or how much they cost. Based merely on educated guesses alone they assume my collection is very expensive. My family also always tells the younger children to "Be careful around his figures. They aren't toys". Even the people who don't collect recognize that there is a difference between a toy and a collectible figure. So, i'm just saying. I see your points though.
I'm nowhere a professional photographer. But the EB Batman really is a museum quality figure compared to the 1/4 Hot Toys Batman... And it was $324 at pre-order back then. Not $500... This means that we can get museum quality figures from Enterbay, but not from Hot Toys and their PERS...

I'm nowhere a professional photographer. But the EB Batman really is a museum quality figure compared to the 1/4 Hot Toys Batman... And it was $324 at pre-order back then. Not $500... This means that we can get museum quality figures from Enterbay, but not from Hot Toys and their PERS...


I wouldn't say that looks 100% real though. It still looks like a toy because of the eye. Just in a different way

Granted not as toyish as the pers eyes there, but theres no reason that the pers cant be made to look far more realistic than painted eyes could, they just havent.

And that's not down to the pers
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I agree, but at the end at the day they are expensive toys, nothing more. You pose them how you want and that's what you get enjoyment from, not much different to the enjoyment a child gets when they play with it. The difference is we are adults now and this is the typical adult way of enjoying figures.

My only quarrel was the fact that there are certain collectors who tarnish and badmouth pers as a fail to see the real issue that lies with the actual sculpt making the pers look rubbish.

I am under no illusion and i actually think it's the other type of collectors that are under some sort of illusion, because no matter how you look at it and make excuses as to why there not 'toys', there's no escaping the fact thats all they actually are.

Could they make the pers look better? certainly. But there are many more immediate inaccuracies that detract from the realness before the pers and it's used as a scapegoat really. The whole boot/foot joint on both the 1/6 & 1/4 Batmans look far more unrealistic that the pers

:goodpost: Well, I never disagreed with you in the first place. I'm not about to now. Maybe they are toys. They sure have a funny way of creating an illusion that they are more than that. I just don't believe I was making excuses about them not being toys. Rather I was stating facts. At least facts true to me and my experiences.

Yes, they could make PERS look much better. And your argument about the boot is a perfect example. Because I personally hate the way it looks. As opposed to DX02's boots which were one piece and film accurate. Also very funny how the one thing I hated about DX02 was the PERS. It was the biggest issue with the figure in my opinion. I guess QS001 is following suit. :thud:
I'm nowhere a professional photographer. But the EB Batman really is a museum quality figure compared to the 1/4 Hot Toys Batman... And it was $324 at pre-order back then. Not $500... This means that we can get museum quality figures from Enterbay, but not from Hot Toys and their PERS...


Don't waste your time Tyranus7 trying to make your point, These Hot Toys fan boys will still continue to argue with you and it will never end.

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What are you talking about dude? It has nothing to do with fan boyism, its trolling. He's been doing since the DX12 was previewed and its gotten worse since he got that EB figure. Its ****ing weird.

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
I agree, but at the end at the day they are expensive toys, nothing more. You pose them how you want and that's what you get enjoyment from, not much different to the enjoyment a child gets when they play with it. The difference is we are adults now and this is the typical adult way of enjoying figures

I agree at the end of the day these are toys, but Enterbays 1/4 scale ones sure don't look it.

My only quarrel was the fact that there are certain collectors who tarnish and badmouth pers as a fail to see the real issue that lies with the actual sculpt making the pers look rubbish.

Well that is the main complaint in this thread, all I can say to you is FFS get over it! Let people have decide for themselves. If you are happy with PERS than that is fine but don't try and think your argument is right and try to persuade others to think your way.

Could they make the pers look better? certainly. But there are many more immediate inaccuracies that detract from the realness before the pers and it's used as a scapegoat really. The whole boot/foot joint on both the 1/6 & 1/4 Batmans look far more unrealistic that the pers

Oh FFS most people do not pay much attention to boots etc although I will admit that still bothers me but that is nit picking. The most important thing is the head sculpt and having something that is inaccurate when they know they can do so much better if they abandoned the PERS system like Enterbay has is ****ing stupid IMO! However, I am the type of the collector that prefers likeness and realism to playing with eye ***** if it sacrifices likeness and realism. Most people like I said before only care about the character and it doesn't matter about the likeness and realism.
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What are you talking about dude? It has nothing to do with fan boyism, its trolling. He's been doing since the DX12 was previewed and its gotten worse since he got that EB figure. Its ****ing weird.

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2


Wow fiend, I never knew that, this does sound ****ing weird if he has the Enterbay Batman. He must not like it? :dunno

Wow fiend, I never knew that, this does sound ****ing weird if he has the Enterbay Batman. He must not like it? :dunno

Yeah, ignore T7, just take our word for it. Its as if he stood in front of a loved ones grave, made a blood oath to hate on the dx12 and felt like its his mission to go on every board known to man (even ones that aren't about batman, and most likely not about toys either) to let his feelings be known.

It's sad really.

Wow fiend, I never knew that, this does sound ****ing weird if he has the Enterbay Batman. He must not like it? :dunno

I love my Enterbay Batman, is by far the best Batman figure in any scale, and the best Batman figure from any Batman movie (yes, better IMO than the Hot Toys 89's Batman)...

What happens if fiend is in love with his DX12 and he felt insulted every time I said the DX12 is a waist of a figure. Hot Toys had the chance to produce a pretty accurate TDK Batman costum, considering that was their 3rd attempt, but they failed in an epic way. So from time to time a batch of newbies comes to the forum and say something like: "the DX12 is my first Batman figure, but is perfect and the definitive Batman, and blah blah"...

That's pretty annoying to me, because the four years old Medicom TDK Batman is still wayyyyy more accurate than the ugly DX12 head sculpt. Anyway I guess I don't have to blame on the newbies because when time happens, you get your eye more trained on details, and then they will be able to see how crap the DX12/Q001 are.
Can a mod please ban him? I don't care if what I'm saying is a violation of the TOS. Ill take one for the team if it means getting rid of this broken record player. I'd love it if everyone ignored him, but it's just not possible.
When you put someone on ignore, they should just be completely removed from what you see on the forums. Even when on ignore, I see his useless trash posts from people's quotes. Quite annoying
When you put someone on ignore, they should just be completely removed from what you see on the forums. Even when on ignore, I see his useless trash posts from people's quotes. Quite annoying

That's why I didn't bother with the ignore, cause it doesn't do ****.

His recent post? How many times has he repeated himself?? Some people can't grasp the concept of moving on. It's like he truly, honestly doesn't realize how pathetic and sad he's become.

I've never wanted the host of the party to kick out the annoying drunk thats always trying to get people to high five him and thinks he's cool by doing obnoxious things and making loud noises so badly.
What are you talking about dude? It has nothing to do with fan boyism, its trolling. He's been doing since the DX12 was previewed and its gotten worse since he got that EB figure. Its ****ing weird.

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2


Wow fiend, I never knew that, this does sound ****ing weird if he has the Enterbay Batman. He must not like it? :dunno

I take but what I said I thought you were talking about that Frank Jaeger guy. I don' t think T7 means to troll I think he is just upset.

Yeah, ignore T7, just take our word for it. Its as if he stood in front of a loved ones grave, made a blood oath to hate on the dx12 and felt like its his mission to go on every board known to man (even ones that aren't about batman, and most likely not about toys either) to let his feelings be known.

It's sad really.

He is probably pissed off how Enterbay can produce such realistic products but the one figure he likes the most Enterbay will not produce and so he has go to Hot Toys for it. However, Hot Toys can't sculpt this figure at all and it probably pisses him off as it is one of his favorite characters. So I agree with T7.

I love my Enterbay Batman, is by far the best Batman figure in any scale, and the best Batman figure from any Batman movie (yes, better IMO than the Hot Toys 89's Batman)...


Yeah I agree, I misread Fiend's post, I really apologize for agreeing with him in the first place. :peace

What happens if fiend is in love with his DX12 and he felt insulted every time I said the DX12 is a waist of a figure. Hot Toys had the chance to produce a pretty accurate TDK Batman costum, considering that was their 3rd attempt, but they failed in an epic way. So from time to time a batch of newbies comes to the forum and say something like: "the DX12 is my first Batman figure, but is perfect and the definitive Batman, and blah blah"...

Well TBH it has only failed in collectors like us (which are the minority) that like realism, likeness and accuracy. The majority of people are happy with an inaccurate head sculpt as long as the figure as a whole represents the character.

That's pretty annoying to me, because the four years old Medicom TDK Batman is still wayyyyy more accurate than the ugly DX12 head sculpt. Anyway I guess I don't have to blame on the newbies because when time happens, you get your eye more trained on details, and then they will be able to see how crap the DX12/Q001 are.

Yeah the Medicom one is still way better (as far as accuracy goes), the only advantage the Hot Toys one has is that it looks nicer and not cheap looking. Like I said T7 do not waist your time trying to prove your point I just got bashed so hard by someone there in the DX12 thread and everyone started to jump in and bash me even more, then someone agreed what I said and must of explained it beter than me and the person who originally bashed me STFU!

I know it hurts when you want a figure so bad but the company ****s it up but unfortunately on this thread you cant express your opinion most of the time because Hot Toys fan boys outweigh people who prefer accuracy over poor likeness. :(
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I hate to say it but a lot of people are right about the SSF boards being a bit ridiculous. If you state your opinion and people don't like it, hope you're prepared to be gang raped and crucified..