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I disagree, Ben got the Bruce Wayne/Batman dynamic perfect, he made Bale seem like a mopey monk.

Sorry they were meant to be separate ideas. Simply stating I liked the Nolan trilogy. And I enjoyed Bale's performance once I got over his Batman voice.

With regard to Affleck, I thoroughly enjoyed his Bruce Wayne/Batman portrayal as well. In my eyes, they're just different interpretations of the Batman character. My initial comment was more so referring to how I enjoyed this version of Batman's fighting style vs the Nolan movies.
Everything about Batman was perfect except for that HUGE thing.

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Or the dozens of others. I out like 10 examples in the Wonder Woman thread. He does it in every medium short of Adam west tv show. Lol

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Every movie, I mean every movie...if you sit down and analyze, you're gonna find flaws.
The difference is, there a lot of people who would rather enjoy the movie rather than sit there afterwards and find flaws.

The precious supersmart Nolan...his answer to a batman who broke his back and actually have a bone protruding is to have someone punch it back in place. Really?!!!
Or you have less than 3 minutes for the bomb to go off to save the city...most people would be fumbling to attach that bomb and get it out ASAP...but he sat there to listen to a speech and not to mention Nolan was ok with Talia's death scene. one of the worst death scene in movie history.

Everyone acknowledges that BvS certainly has quite a few more flaws than it should. But still...theres a really good movie in there.
It's not about liking a bad movie, it's liking a very good movie, with quite a bit more flaws than it should.
Even though a lot love this movie, no one is saying its a perfect flawless movie.
But something I've said before, the pros far outweigh the cons.
A lot of us would rather sit there and enjoy the movie and have fun rather than sit there and try to find flaws.

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I have the notion that no movie is made specially for me, and even more, that any movie that is an adaptation of another medium brings an interpretation and personal vision (from the director/writer/producer).

With that, I don't focus on what "is" at the original media, but if the interpretation kept the core (and IMO, people don't quite understand what core is) of the source material.

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Sometimes, we think something is core to the character, but on a second view, we notice it isn't. For instance, one characteristic that seemed core for Iron Man was the regular human/no power idea. But in the comics, they added "powers" thru extremis and it didn't change his core (which is being a technological character, turning him into a mystic would probably be a breaking point. Even when he dabbled in "magic", during the Dark Reign comic, when he goes to Asgard to make Weapons, he takes a technological approach to it).

There were movies that I disliked, and due to a lack of insecurity, I felt no need to try to prove that my reasons for disliking were what made the movie deviate from the "correct vision".

That said, I did like Man of Steel and loved BvS. I'm glad I'm loving the DC cinematic universe up until now (and I love the Marvel one too, with two movie exceptions, some cool movies and a few masterpieces)
Sorry they were meant to be separate ideas. Simply stating I liked the Nolan trilogy. And I enjoyed Bale's performance once I got over his Batman voice.

I went the other way. I liked his Batman until his voice started to get really ridiculous.
Just viewed BvS a second time, as buff as Ben Affleck was, he wasn't as buff and ripped as when he was in the batsuit. So there's still some kind of padding I suppose.

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Just viewed BvS a second time, as buff as Ben Affleck was, he wasn't as buff and ripped as when he was in the batsuit. So there's still some kind of padding I suppose.

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It's pretty obvious that he's wearing a big muscle suit. In some scenes it just looked ridiculous.