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Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

How about investigating what happened? He would find out Superman grew up here and tried his best to save every living being on the planet. Could he have been better at containing the loss of life and damage, yes, but he did help save the planet. Oh, and Metropolis and Gotham being together is so stupid and goes against every version of the DC universe that has come before. If that's true Clark would have confronted the Batman a long time ago. Wouldn't Clark be spending most of his time saving people in Gotham? Why wouldn't Bruce have shown up to protect Metropolis as Batman when the aliens first announced themselves in MOS before crap hits the fan? There was plenty of time considering they are right next to each other.

All thes questions...any further back and we wouldn't have any stories. Why didn't Bruce seek counseling when he grew up to get over the death of his parents? Why didn't Jor El make a pod big enough to house him, his wife and Kal? For an advanced civilization, Why didn't krypton see their destruction sooner and evacuate the planet? Why wasn't Jarvis able to detect A missile carrying helicopter? How was Steve Rogers able to survive being frozen? Why didn't the scientist make more super solider serum and hide them in case his original batch were stolen or destroyed?

Simple answer...it's a movie, who gives a crap?

Yes, he has a contengency plan in case they go bad, he doesn't attack them just because there is a "1% chance" that they might go bad. It's a last resort, not a first response.
Batmans unhinged. It's been stated, no, beaten over our heads multiple times in the film.

How dumb is this version of Batman to fall for this? The comic version of Batman would see this crap coming a mile away. You know, after actually trying to figure things out. This Batman can't even use google. Oh, and this Clark is fine with killing if you threaten Lois.
See above.

No, I wouldn't moan If Superman was a known criminal who kills innocent people, that would be fine, yes. But he's not, he's a hero who helped save the entire planet! But oddly enough, in this new universe the only people Batman doesn't kill are the known super villains, like Croc, Harley and Joker
Once again, see above. This is why some would say "didn't understand the movie" because of $#!+ like this. The dialogue conveying batmans cruelty was very IN OUR FACE, JUST in case people forget while watching the movie. Batmans lost it. His paranoia is through the roof. He doesn't trust anyone anymore. He saw the destruction superman was capable of. Unhinged, untrusting Batman=Cruel Batman.

Yep, in the comics he's so driven and mentally unstable that he refuses to use guns, because it's what killed his parents, and he won't kill because in his crazy point of view it would bring him down to the criminals level.

So if I have nightmares about Trump taking over the world is it all right to attack him then? No, It would be completely wrong and idiotic.
And Captain America never swore off guns like past versions of Batman but in a war I could see him giving in. That's one thing that I could look over.

So you're comparing yourself to Batman? I see...so I take it you've been fighting a losing battle on crime for years, had a protege tragically die, and saw a super powered ALIEN FROM ANOTHER EFFIN PLANET destroy a city??

Edit- I wanted to add: you can for damn sure bet there are MILLIONS that if given the chance, would END trumps life. he is a hateful being that I would love to kick in the face. But we're in the real world, where if that were to happen, consequences will follow...also...BATMANS FICTIONAL.

Bruce has never heard anyone else say the name Martha? Does he just automatically give anyone a pass if they do? Does the Joker know this? Is this why he's still alive even though he killed Robin? If this is the same guy that's wiling to execute someone on a chance that they could go bad he's not stopping because Superman says "Save Martha". He would jam that spear right through his chest.
I am not going to give this movie a pass just because We get to see Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman together. But I'm also not going to say you are "not getting it" if you don't agree with me. People are allowed to like or dislike different things.

Why did Bruce Wayne become Batman? How many Batman comics have you read? How many times have we seen him obsess over the death of his parents? Do you agree that he thinks about it all the time? Do you also agree that he's still in pain over it?? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this $#!+ out man. The name Martha is powerful to Bruce. Just because we don't see him react to another person muttering the name doesn't mean he doesn't react to it at all. Who the hell knows? Maybe he's standing in line getting coffee and all of a sudden someone calls out "Martha! Come sit here!" and he begins to have a panic attack. Do we as an audience really need to see that?! Really?

It maybe off the mark by saying some were "misunderstanding the movie", but for damn sure some weren't paying attention.

Now please, for the love of God, those that wish to continue talking trash about the movie, go to the movie thread. Grown tired of being apart of the echo chamber and feel it's necessary to pee in our cereals? You need a new hobby.

in case you guys haven't noticed...WE LOVED THE MOVIE. You can't change our minds nor can we change yours. Let's stick to talking about the figure mm'kay? Don't like it either? Then it's time to stop posting.
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excuses more than reasons honestly.

all that needs to be said is joker is alive and he wants to kill superman instead because lol 1%. really good one writers, reall goood.

he kills a few grunt henchmen also... but joker is still alive.
By the intro and a few other scenes, it's pretty obvious of the impact his parents death has had on him. It would be really clunky if he had to remind the audience every single time through dialogue lol.

There's also irony in the scene where he has superman at his weakest before we get that Martha call back. It's a very well done scene.

Reminds me of Man of Steel. People complained that Clark does nothing heroic despite the movie showing him save people from a burning oil rig and school mates from drowning without question. Completely selfless without drawing attention to himself. Just seems like such people just get so caught up in their own baggage that they ignore the details that give them exactly what they're looking for.
excuses more than reasons honestly.

all that needs to be said is joker is alive and he wants to kill superman instead because lol 1%. really good one writers, reall goood.

he kills a few grunt henchmen also... but joker is still alive.

Well agree to disagree. That's the best way to move on from this.
Re: Possible Hot Toys DC TV license?

The dialogue conveying batmans cruelty was very IN OUR FACE, JUST in case people forget while watching the movie. Batmans lost it. His paranoia is through the roof. He doesn't trust anyone anymore. He saw the destruction superman was capable of. Unhinged, untrusting Batman=Cruel Batman.

Alfred alone answered this.

"Oh yes it has, sir. Everything's changed. Men fall from the sky, the Gods hurl. That's how it starts, sir. The fever, the rage. The feeling of powerlessness that turns good men (referring to Batman).....cruel."

excuses more than reasons honestly.

Depends on your perspective. Same can be said about some of the people I've seen that are bashing the film. It seems like they're just finding excuses not to like it. However, it's really neither here nor there. Some people simply saw (and by saw, I mean interpreted) something different than the next person. Everyone's mind works differently.
This is what happens when people try to make sense of not just comic books, but Hollywood movies based on comic books.

I was under the impression this was the reason. :lol

Based on what I've read it is clear that many of those who disliked BVS went in the theater carrying a heavy load of expectations based on their understanding of Batman and Superman as icons.
This is the problem with truly iconic characters, people have their own perception of what and who they should or shouldn't be.
Batman and Superman have constantly evolved since their creation, that's the price of eternal life in fiction, still these folks will stick to the version they know as if it were the only truth.
This baggage prevented them from seeing the film that was showing, instead they lamented a film that would have reflected their expectations.
Let's take Batman for example, they completely failed to see the remarkable arc of Batman in BVS, one of redemption.
The film is very clear; Wayne has been Batman for 20 years, he is older and burdened by the losses he endured and the feeling that he didn't make a difference.
As a result he has come unhinged, he is more brutal and paranoid, not a well man.
The arrival of the Kryptonians and the ensuing destruction boost his fears, he sees stopping Superman as the only possible path to secure the hearth and make up for his failures.
He is of course wrong and it is the name Martha, in context, that acts as choc therapy and brings him back.
The shared name of their mothers brings his and Superman's shared humanity to the fore in an instant.
If you have never experienced a moment when a single word or image can change your mind or make you realize something important you haven't lived long or well enough.
The Batman story arc in BVS could have been titled Batman Returns, it is a terrific piece of writing.
Same thing for Superman and the rest.
Many folks missed the whole film.
They should see it again for what it is, not what they want it to be and who knows they may realize that this is the best superhero film we've had so far.
excuses more than reasons honestly.

all that needs to be said is joker is alive and he wants to kill superman instead because lol 1%. really good one writers, reall goood.

he kills a few grunt henchmen also... but joker is still alive.

You work hard at ignoring simple facts.
1- Nothing in BVS indicates that the Joker is alive, or dead, that's baggage you brought in.
2- Since you haven't seen Suicide Squad you do not know what happened between the Joker and Batman.
3- What you wrote is based on nothing, excuses more than reasons really.
Based on what I've read it is clear that many of those who disliked BVS went in the theater carrying a heavy load of expectations based on their understanding of Batman and Superman as icons.
This is the problem with truly iconic characters, people have their own perception of what and who they should or shouldn't be.
Batman and Superman have constantly evolved since their creation, that's the price of eternal life in fiction, still these folks will stick to the version they know as if it were the only truth.
This baggage prevented them from seeing the film that was showing, instead they lamented a film that would have reflected their expectations.
Let's take Batman for example, they completely failed to see the remarkable arc of Batman in BVS, one of redemption.
The film is very clear; Wayne has been Batman for 20 years, he is older and burdened by the losses he endured and the feeling that he didn't make a difference.
As a result he has come unhinged, he is more brutal and paranoid, not a well man.
The arrival of the Kryptonians and the ensuing destruction boost his fears, he sees stopping Superman as the only possible path to secure the hearth and make up for his failures.
He is of course wrong and it is the name Martha, in context, that acts as choc therapy and brings him back.
The shared name of their mothers brings his and Superman's shared humanity to the fore in an instant.
If you have never experienced a moment when a single word or image can change your mind or make you realize something important you haven't lived long or well enough.
The Batman story arc in BVS could have been titled Batman Returns, it is a terrific piece of writing.
Same thing for Superman and the rest.
Many folks missed the whole film.
They should see it again for what it is, not what they want it to be and who knows they may realize that this is the best superhero film we've had so far.

:goodpost: :clap

Regarding the bold text, I really like how they explored that aspect in the film when it comes to Superman.
So people are disappointed they didn't see in BVS the old Superman they knew all these decades? Was Superman's personality (and costume) altered because the character was returned to the Siegel/Shuster estate after a very long legal battle? So it's been settled between DC and the relatives of Supes' creators that the changes to DC's version of Superman will reflect in the comics (new 52) and the current movies (Man of Steel and onward)?
Based on what I've read it is clear that many of those who disliked BVS went in the theater carrying a heavy load of expectations based on their understanding of Batman and Superman as icons.
This is the problem with truly iconic characters, people have their own perception of what and who they should or shouldn't be.
Batman and Superman have constantly evolved since their creation, that's the price of eternal life in fiction, still these folks will stick to the version they know as if it were the only truth.
This baggage prevented them from seeing the film that was showing, instead they lamented a film that would have reflected their expectations.
Let's take Batman for example, they completely failed to see the remarkable arc of Batman in BVS, one of redemption.
The film is very clear; Wayne has been Batman for 20 years, he is older and burdened by the losses he endured and the feeling that he didn't make a difference.
As a result he has come unhinged, he is more brutal and paranoid, not a well man.
The arrival of the Kryptonians and the ensuing destruction boost his fears, he sees stopping Superman as the only possible path to secure the hearth and make up for his failures.
He is of course wrong and it is the name Martha, in context, that acts as choc therapy and brings him back.
The shared name of their mothers brings his and Superman's shared humanity to the fore in an instant.
If you have never experienced a moment when a single word or image can change your mind or make you realize something important you haven't lived long or well enough.
The Batman story arc in BVS could have been titled Batman Returns, it is a terrific piece of writing.
Same thing for Superman and the rest.
Many folks missed the whole film.
They should see it again for what it is, not what they want it to be and who knows they may realize that this is the best superhero film we've had so far.

Very well said man..
So what's your end goal here? To prove how much you hated it? Ok, job well done. What next? To change someone else's opinion? Hey, I'm open to the idea, just as long as you are as well...

And after post after post after post...it appears to me no ones opinion is changing. If you wanna continue crapping on the film, go to the movie thread. There you'll find the same dozen or so members in an echo chamber of hate towards BvS. Let us, the ones that enjoyed the film, be. We are excited for these figures, we are excited for the next series of films set in this universe. Why the **** should it matter to you? You don't like it, good for you. You wanna share that hatred? There's another thread for exactly that.

You're not going to convince anyone as much as we aren't going to convince you. So my suggestion is: let it go. I hated age of ultron...so you won't find me in there. I sure as hell love BvS, and guess what, I'm here.

It wasn't even me who brought it up. I just can't stand it when people who like this film dismiss any critics with valid points as 'trolls'. I don't have blind hate for BvS. I loved MoS. There are parts of BvS I liked. It's just entirely unfair (not to mention hypocritical) to ridicule people who are making legitimate points.
This debate got old 2 weeks ago. You guys are a stubborn bunch. Some people like it, some don't. Who cares?
It wasn't even me who brought it up. I just can't stand it when people who like this film dismiss any critics with valid points as 'trolls'. I don't have blind hate for BvS. I loved MoS. There are parts of BvS I liked. It's just entirely unfair (not to mention hypocritical) to ridicule people who are making legitimate points.

To be honest, I have yet to see a 'valid' point brought up!
Originally Posted by Sevreed View Post
How dumb is this version of Batman to fall for this? The comic version of Batman would see this crap coming a mile away. You know, after actually trying to figure things out. This Batman can't even use google. Oh, and this Clark is fine with killing if you threaten Lois.

This is the prime example of what Antihero mentioned a few posts ago –*people have their own view of what Batman should be, because he is such an icon and has been portrayed in all media so many ways... from the campy fun of Adam West, to the dark brutality of Ben Affleck.
Take this quoted comment...
Firstly "How dumb is Batman?" ...remember the critically acclaimed "Knightfall" storyine? Consider a classic comic book storyline, in which everyone escapes from Arkham Asylum - Batman refuses all help to catch everyone and insists on doing it all himself, consequently exhausting himself, leading to having his back broken by Bane... how dumb was that Batman then?
Also "Superman doesn't mind killing if Lois is threatened" ...as already discussed Christopher Reeve's Superman risked the entire planet's lives to turn back time and save Lois - he also killed Zod and Non... must be ok to kill if you do it with a wink and a smile eh?
Why are these things even brought up? I've never read an Avengers comic personally, but are they all killers in the comics? Only asking as the first 5mins of AoU is a blood bath - the Avengers kill dozens of people... i've yet to read the movie criticised for this!
This is the prime example of what Antihero mentioned a few posts ago –*people have their own view of what Batman should be, because he is such an icon and has been portrayed in all media so many ways... from the campy fun of Adam West, to the dark brutality of Ben Affleck.
Take this quoted comment...
Firstly "How dumb is Batman?" ...remember the critically acclaimed "Knightfall" storyine? Consider a classic comic book storyline, in which everyone escapes from Arkham Asylum - Batman refuses all help to catch everyone and insists on doing it all himself, consequently exhausting himself, leading to having his back broken by Bane... how dumb was that Batman then?
Also "Superman doesn't mind killing if Lois is threatened" ...as already discussed Christopher Reeve's Superman risked the entire planet's lives to turn back time and save Lois - he also killed Zod and Non... must be ok to kill if you do it with a wink and a smile eh?
Why are these things even brought up? I've never read an Avengers comic personally, but are they all killers in the comics? Only asking as the first 5mins of AoU is a blood bath - the Avengers kill dozens of people... i've yet to read the movie criticised for this!

Valid point :) I liked BvS, but I do think there's a LOT wrong with the film. Sometimes, it seems, the press, critics, loathe something just for the sake of doing that. Sure John Carter and Lone Ranger had problems, but they were not the abominations that the critics made them. There's a lot wrong with BvS. I thought I would hate it, going in. I had read all the reviews, my friends hated it, but then my oldest son (17) said to me, just before we entered: "Why does people who haven't even seen this film hate it so much? I think that is stupid." And then I remembered, people who have never seen John Carter or Lone Ranger or BvS HATES it. Critics I know hate it, without haven seen it. I think a consensus is birthed somewhere just before the release of the film, that this is crap. And it is so easy to hate.
It has made 800 million dollars world wide. The cost is 250+adds. It's fair to say WB will get their money back. It wasn't a HIT. It wasn't Avengers (which I didn't like and which by the way had a LOT of problems as well), but I think it was all right.
BvS isn't the best film ever made - but it's not the monster most people needs it to be. I sincerely hope DC will continue their universe, they have a lot to offer and they are doing something Marvel isn't. And I like that.
I myself don't have a problem with the portrayal of the characters, generally. Or the tone. If you can't accept variations then you'll probably never like anything that differs from your ideals.