Hot Toys - Batman 1966 Live-action TV Series - Batmobile

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I'm not certain, but it sounds like the Batmobile is in active development, rather than scrubbed. If so, that IS News to me.
Sounds like they're saying that do a good job it took a long time for the Hulkbuster to be released. So, likewise, it's taking a long time for the Batmobile.

Agreed. Using a RELEASED item which took years to develop as comparison seems to indicate this situation is no different or... to put it differently "Chill, we're doing it"
Every time this thread is raised, a little part of my inner child dies. The 66 figures and the promise of the Batmobile are what got me back into 1/6 collecting, but I am so tired of being disappointed.
Heard back from HT. Guys, is this News?..

First, my Inquiry followed by HT Response

I have been a Hot Toys Customer since 2005 and proponent on Sideshow Freaks for years (pjam). I'm a big fan of the 66 Batman Series and purchased both Batman and Robin expecting to be able to buy the 66 Batmobile to go with them, which, as you know, was featured with the 66 Batman figures on the pre order page. I heard you had some production issues but I had a custom 66 Batmobile made several years ago and SOLD IT believing the 66 Batmobile was "Coming Soon"

I'm VERY disappointed that did NOT happen. Yet.

What is the status of this item and when will you (Hot Toys) fulfill your promise to me and other collectors?


Thanks for interest Hot Toys products.
We are sorry that the detail of releasing this item is not confirmed yet and it is coming soon.

Maybe our teammates would like to make amazing figure like Hulkbuster to wait almost three years.

Please keep visiting our official website and Facebook page to get our most updated news!

Best regards,

VC/ Hot Toys

DAMMIT!!! This is great potential news, but also potentially painful news. Not just the hit on the wallet, but the wife's potential reaction. I'm going to have to start buttering her up from now....
When I had my Custom 66 Batmobile made by professional modeler David Etcheler, it took about 7 coats to get that glossy look. I'm guessing HT's production issues were based on cost to get this looking right, the interest level and also the protective packaging issue. This is not a complex project and nothing compared to a 1/6 Ecto-1. When they saw that actually being made and going for over 1k, they may have changed their minds as the pricepoint wouldn't be 650-750, it can now be higher and worth it.

Also, now that HT knows who I am here, I suggest they do a Limited Special Edition run with a 30-50% NRD. This way, there would be very few cancellations and they can fairly accurately guage the number to produce. I'd guess a run of 500 to start and expand if interest is stronger.

Anyway, my .02. Bottom Line: It appears they will be doing this. They can't pull the plug after their most recent response.
As iconic as the car is I'd take Joker, Penguin, Newmar Catwoman and Gorshin Riddler over the Batmobile.

All of those figures vs the Batmobile? Throw in a Craig Batgirl and I would gladly accept that line-up in lieu of the car. And a Surf’s Up 2-pack using the existing Batman and Joker figures. Oh, and a Con exclusive Gorshin wearing his suit and bowler hat. And an Egghead. Okay, now, I’m done.
All of those figures vs the Batmobile? Throw in a Craig Batgirl and I would gladly accept that line-up in lieu of the car. And a Surf’s Up 2-pack using the existing Batman and Joker figures. Oh, and a Con exclusive Gorshin wearing his suit and bowler hat. And an Egghead. Okay, now, I’m done.

What about Mad Hatter and the other two Catwomen?
I had such hope for this line when it was announced and Batman and Robin figures soon followed, but it's really been a disappointment since then. Maybe the Batmobile will eventually release but I'm not going to hold my breath. I really wish HT would subcontract out licenses when they decide to stop making figures. That way they could still make money while fans could continue building their collections. For example, after producing Batman and Robin and deciding that they didn't sell as many units as they had hoped (for argument's sake let's say 8,000 '66 Batman figs and 6,000 '66 Robin figs), they could have subcontracted the license to a smaller company to produce Batgirl + motorcycle, Joker, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler (limited to say 1,500 figures each). Collectors get more characters, a smaller producer gets to make money, and Hot Toys gets a piece of the revenue. Why just sit on a license year after year that generates no revenue? The only rationale I can figure is to keep out competitors and limit the collector choices.
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Joker and Batgirl should have been made- wonder if 66 Batman is a separate licence for HT apart from current DCEU movie characters? Do they even have the license still?
Or Hot Toys could charge higher to compensate for smaller sales of new 1966 Batman figures. I don't think they have any idea how popular the Yvonne Craig Batgirl, Julie Newmar Catwoman, and Lynda Carter Wonder Woman would be. Me-TV and Heroes & Icons have online stores that hot toys should sell to. Lots of people who are fans of the show don't even know Hot Toys exist.
The '66 Batman and Robin is what brought me to Hot Toys. Newmar Catwoman, Bat-Girl, Joker would be no-brainers for me to add to my collection if HT made them. Instead they rehashed the Batman figure and offered alternate versions that didn't exist in the show/movie.
Howard is really missing a great opportunity. Guess too busy pumping out more Marvel figures and Star Wars. Guess everyone wants another Thor lol.
I think they're still committed, just lax, or fear they may lose the 1/6 license for the 66 Batmobile to BW. We KNOW they'd make it.
I think they're still committed, just lax, or fear they may lose the 1/6 license for the 66 Batmobile to BW. We KNOW they'd make it.

I wish Blitzway had the license. They would have done an amazing job I am sure. Many of us collectors who are 40 years old an up would definitely buy it, even car enthusiast would. The 66 is one of the most iconic, if not the most iconic cars of all time. I am talking car lovers now, but I am sure for many collectors it ranks way up there also.
As iconic as this vehicle is, Im still disappointed that Hot Toys never released it. I remember a few years ago, they even had a light blue repaint Batman on display titled "TV series version", and they never released that either. I dont understand why Hot Toys teases its fans/customers, with some items that they dont intend to release.
Maybe with all the QC and shipping problems with the 89 batmobile and maybe Delorean, HT realised that they lost money or did not earned enough with vehicles. So they will certainly stop sell them or increase significantly the price at 1500-2000$...:dunno