Media Hatred

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do you know what made Halloween so big? the first few minutes you were forced to see through michael myers eyes killing his family member. you were more than just a spectator... and that was so shocking back in the days cause it was one of the first movies that used a handycam to create that effect. and why did he kill his family? for no reason... :wave:
But in the same movie it's established that MM not only an absolute nuts but can teleport and can't be killed.
It's more mystical OTT than real.

This game is retarded. " its a video game just mindless fun. it dosnt mean you go out and do it in real life ". Except this is a clear parody of real life events where people dress like this guy, and say the exact sentences he has and have the same motivations. It would be like putting the 9/11 mission in a flight simulator game then defending it by "its a game!".

I cant bring myself to kill innocent animals in games that may drop an item because id feel like a peace of crap. Some people seem to get their jollys by killing human civilians begging for their lives in games. I just dont get it.
But in the same movie it's established that MM not only an absolute nuts but can teleport and can't be killed.
It's more mystical OTT than real.


These kids clearly don't understand the differences in contrast and context. Halloween, like Taxi Driver or even the Rampage movies, are a character study. They are not immersing you into the character and putting the fate of people's lives or the character's actions in your hands.

Even things like Mortal Kombat cannot compare, where you have skilled fighters willfully entering a tournament.

I'm not some prude. I've gamed hard for 25 years. This is simply not in the same ballpark as the violent controversies I've seen in the past and I can in no way pretend to support this or that it isn't going to be damaging in numerous ways.
Its a game. In call of duty or battlefield or any FPS for that matter, you kill hundreds of people because you are a justified "good guy" soldier. In this game you kill hundreds of people because you are an angry "bad guy" in a trench coat.
Its a game. In call of duty or battlefield or any FPS for that matter, you kill hundreds of people because you are a justified "good guy" soldier. In this game you kill hundreds of people because you are an angry "bad guy" in a trench coat.

These are exactly the people I'm talking about. This genuinely scares me because you don't get it.

Soldiers who volunteered dying in a war to stop a genocide and walking into a police station to murder dozens of cops because "people are all **** and should be killed" aren't remotely the same.
These are exactly the people I'm talking about. This genuinely scares me because you don't get it.

Soldiers who volunteered dying in a war to stop a genocide and walking into a police station to murder dozens of cops because "people are all **** and should be killed" aren't remotely the same.

In the context of a video game it doesn't matter. Hey if I was shopping at a supermarket and I see a policeman with his gun holstered eating a sandwich I don't panic. If I see a guy with shoulder length dreadlocks in a black trench coat and combat boots and a gun in his hand, I'm walking towards the exit.
A ****** game with a ****** camera angle.

I'd rather stick with GTA where there is at least humor to the senseless raging.

It was a bit disturbing play KOTOR full on darkside.
And a video game shouldn't be what scares people.

I live in the USA and I myself don't have any crimes on my record, short of a few traffic violations. The vast majority of people in my school and workplace don't have any serious crimes on their records either. The fact that it is perfectly plausible for any one of us to go into a shop and buy any assortment of portable death machine and shoot up a crowded area should be what scares people.
These kids clearly don't understand the differences in contrast and context. Halloween, like Taxi Driver or even the Rampage movies, are a character study. They are not immersing you into the character and putting the fate of people's lives or the character's actions in your hands.
It's like saying that analysing the psychology of some maniac and his victims makes you a maniac.
In the context of a video game it doesn't matter. Hey if I was shopping at a supermarket and I see a policeman with his gun holstered eating a sandwich I don't panic. If I see a guy with shoulder length dreadlocks in a black trench coat and combat boots and a gun in his hand, I'm walking towards the exit.

An incredibly misguided statement. Everything in life is based on context. The context you put things in are all based on your point of view. They affect decisions you make and how the content you experience affects you.

Comparing this game to Call of Duty tells me a lot about you. You really don't get it and that to me is the same sort of person who'll turn this game into a danger. Call of Duties show that wars are started and that heroes are willing to put their life on the line to stop that war and prevent further loss of life. We find that ok because we are(most of us) raised to know that innocent people have every right to live their life and not be murdered.

Most of us are repulsed by this for the same reason. It not only promotes the only objective as murdering completely innocent people because all human beings deserve to die, but rewards you for it. To me, the type of person who wants to play this doesn't know how to properly interpret the world around them or their own emotions.

People are influenced by everything that invokes an emotional response on any level. People join the army because of CoD, I learned to fly helicopters because of Battlefield.

It is irresponsible for the gaming community to stand by and pretend this is the same as any other game. I'm pleased to see so many openly and loudly against it because I have no doubt the time will come when a politician will get wind of this game or if we allow it to become commonplace, games like it, and use them as a weapon against us gamers and the industry. It's happened already with other games and we can defend them based on context. Doom is on Mars fighting demons. But the next time a murderer is found to have a copy of this game where you simply kill innocent civilians in a real world setting, their will be nothing to defend.

What you're telling us is, when you sit down, it doesn't matter about the story, or context, you just want to kill things. That's frankly, quite psychotic and not how the majority of people think.
Neither feature you killing innocent civilians begging for their lives.

Manhunt was banned and SoE?

The game was denounced by Washington state politicians for its similarity to the real-life 1999 World Trade Organization riots and protests in Seattle which caused $3 million in damages. The game features the fictional "American Trade Organization" as the antagonistic establishment.

This is the type of game that will ruin the industry for everyone. Are you aware that some countries don't allow any blood at all in their games? I don't want a future where Call of Duty has no blood and no Nazi flags because of censorship and it absolutely will happen because of trash like this.

Its a great chance for the traditional media to try to marginalize video games again, but like others said, hopefully this will never see the light
Here's the best response about this game, IMO, and where I first heard about it. It's balanced, not overly-dramatic, and not full of fear-mongering, like a lot of posts here. Feel free to hate on it -


Great video :clap


I totally agree with the girl, hell I agree with all of them... and I'm glad to see most people in this thread feel the same way about this
All it will take is one school shooting where the kid owned a copy of this. Do you know how hard they tried to blame Columbine on Doom and The Matrix and the impact that had on those respective titles? The first Matrix all but flopped as a result. Trench coats were banned in schools all over the country.

yep, i can agree on this, trench coats were banned. when i was a senior i wore one and had the school security follow me around. they didnt ask me to take it off at first but the guy kept following me so i just put it in my locker

look at what happened to Marilyn Manson, anyone saying they wont blame the media must be ignorant to the crap storm that followed manson after columbine
the guy almost lost his career and there were people stalking him and sending him death threats

yeah, to the people saying this is just a game, go and google what happened to manson :cuckoo:

It would be like putting the 9/11 mission in a flight simulator game then defending it by "its a game!".
yeah, pretty much
What a sick, sad, pathetic pile of complete & utter drivel that, as others have said, will do great harm to our pastime that is already looked down upon by non-gamers. If I was defending gaming & the other person brought this up then I would be lost for words & feel unable to defend anything.

I can't believe that there are people trying, hopelessly, to defend this abomination. It is a sorry excuse for entertainment that is completely without merit.
Here's the best response about this game, IMO, and where I first heard about it. It's balanced, not overly-dramatic, and not full of fear-mongering, like a lot of posts here. Feel free to hate on it -

Anyone who thinks putting a gun into a woman's mouth (even if not pulling the trigger, which is what happens in the trailer... over and over) is in any marginal way a form of entertainment, or an exercise of freedom of expression, has a massive problem of heart and mind.

Context is important, no doubt. But such graphical violence has no context to redeem it. It's just SICK! A "game" like this has no reason to exist. It shouldn't even be allowed to exist. And don't come to me talking about freedom. I assure you, that's not what anyone had in mind when they set up the foundations of your beloved American freedoms.

(Disclaimer: I have no idea if the developers are American or not. For all that matters, it seems to have been programmed by ISIS)
Great video :clap
I totally agree with the girl, hell I agree with all of them... and I'm glad to see most people in this thread feel the same way about this
Yep, hipsters is where I like to get my info. Read the user comments from that video as most of them are against what they say and point out what hypocrites they are.

What a sick, sad, pathetic pile of complete & utter drivel that, as others have said, will do great harm to our pastime that is already looked down upon by non-gamers. If I was defending gaming & the other person brought this up then I would be lost for words & feel unable to defend anything.
I can't believe that there are people trying, hopelessly, to defend this abomination. It is a sorry excuse for entertainment that is completely without merit.

Sorry, but your response is pure emotion. Yes, people will defend this game for one reason. It isn't breaking laws and we have the thing called freedom of speech/expression, which this would fall under. Freedom of speech isn't there to protect accepted forms of expression, it's to protect the offensive things. Why? Because if we banned everything people find offensive, no one would be able to say anything.

The 2 Live Crew went through this back in the day. MOst were offended by them, but once people started trying to get them banned, people started supporting them due to freedom of speech. Bruce Springsteen actually let them sample "Born in the USA" for their song "Banned in the USA". You simply cannot call for things to be banned because you don't like it, find it offensive, or you don't think it's healthy, unless it is breaking the law. If you don't like it, don't buy it, don't turn other people on to it, by talking about it, and don't let anyone in your family play it.

Anyone who thinks putting a gun into a woman's mouth (even if not pulling the trigger, which is what happens in the trailer... over and over) is in any marginal way a form of entertainment, or an exercise of freedom of expression, has a massive problem of heart and mind.
What about all of the first person shooter games which reward you for head shots? Because it's a woman, it's more offensive? What you fail to recognize is some people see a game as being a game, not real life, and can differentiate between the two. Any person who has played GTA has killed lots of innocent people, so are they all having a massive problem of the heart and mind? Nope.

This game appears to be just as divisive as politics. :lol
It's the same dynamic, yes. One side builds their argument over emotional responses (BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!) versus the other side which looks at it objectively, intellectually, and without fear mongering.
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