Harrison Ford: Lucas already working on INDY 5

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Ford said. "I'd hate to see it reduced in any way from the movies that we have done and the way we have done them."

Yeah, that's what the fans said as well after the first trilogy, and see where that got us. :monkey3
The general movie going audiences seemed to enjoy the film. Only the rabid fans expecting, much like they did with the Prequels, something that would transport them back to their childhoods were disappointed. Crystal Skull is no different in style or tone than the other three and it's not any sillier or goofier than anything in the other films. Seriously, peoples faces melting off, lightning bolts exploding from a box, mine cars jumping enormous lengths, people disintegrating into dust in a matter of seconds, etc. The films have always been light, breezy, and often silly, but always fun. Over the years, fans, again like Star Wras, have built the films up to be these kind of unattainable pieces of fiction when in reality they're just well made and fun adventure yarns with sci-fi/fantasy elements. Skull was no different and I went in expecting nothing more than a fun couple of hours with the best adventure hero around and left satisfying because I didn't expect the world of the film.
The general movie going audiences seemed to enjoy the film. Only the rabid fans expecting, much like they did with the Prequels, something that would transport them back to their childhoods were disappointed. Crystal Skull is no different in style or tone than the other three and it's not any sillier or goofier than anything in the other films. Seriously, peoples faces melting off, lightning bolts exploding from a box, mine cars jumping enormous lengths, people disintegrating into dust in a matter of seconds, etc. The films have always been light, breezy, and often silly, but always fun. Over the years, fans, again like Star Wras, have built the films up to be these kind of unattainable pieces of fiction when in reality they're just well made and fun adventure yarns with sci-fi/fantasy elements. Skull was no different and I went in expecting nothing more than a fun couple of hours with the best adventure hero around and left satisfying because I didn't expect the world of the film.

I tend to believe the more "religious/biblical" fantasy elements than the "sci-fi/alien" ones...considering the archaelogical history of religion dates back further than flying saucer and is more ingrained into society than aliens...it has a better "believe-ability" to me and works for Indy.

I am aware of the theories tying aliens and ancient cultures...but it just didn't fit well with me. :monkey4

I still think they could've done better to leave the alien thing more vague like it was in Darabont's script.
But the latest film takes place in the "flying saucer" paranoia of the 50's, so bringing more sci-fi elements into the series is proper...and welcome, I might add. Plus, as you mentioned, they made the "interdimensional beings" more historic, tying them to the Mayans. It brings something new and different to the series. I know, that's not what most fans want, but for me, two films where Indy is hunting down religious artifacts is enough for me.
But the latest film takes place in the "flying saucer" paranoia of the 50's, so bringing more sci-fi elements into the series is proper...and welcome, I might add. Plus, as you mentioned, they made the "interdimensional beings" more historic, tying them to the Mayans. It brings something new and different to the series. I know, that's not what most fans want, but for me, two films where Indy is hunting down religious artifacts is enough for me.

:lecture :lecture :lecture
I think it sorely missed Sean connery. Not that Raiders or Temple are any worse films for his not being in those but I just wasn't happy with the new boys in KOTCS. That, permanently grinning Marion despite seemingly great peril, terrible CGI and excessive expositional dialogue - particularly in the middle of the film - just made it a cringeworthy borefest for me. Only Harrison makes it watchable, not that I'll be doing that often.
As an adult viewer it was harder for me to reconcile the difference in tone between Raiders and Last Crusade than it was to digest anything in KOTCS.
I'll be there if they make another. I really enjoyed KOTCS and I'm looking forward to the DVD.

Completely agree. It's almost like Raiders was an anomaly. And I have made peace with that! Temple of Doom was terrific and I enjoyed the heck out of it as an 11 year old. But when Last Crusade came out, I was pretty disappointed. Maybe my expectations were tempered (especially after the SW prequels), but I really enjoyed KOTCS. I didn't even try to compare it with Raiders. I just sat back and had a ball.

And I think Spielberg deserves most of the credit for managing to get a competent movie from Lucas's story and ideas.
I can take it or leave it at this point. If they make another Indy, I'll go watch it. If it never happens, then that's fine too. If this is for real, then I wonder how long we will have to wait, and how much will this affect the collectibles market? If we are looking at around a five year range, that's a long time for current collectibles companies to maintain what little they are already doing.

I wonder if Struzan will come out of retirement to create the artwork?
So would Indy V be about the Yeti/Bigfoot or Atlantis?

If they need ideas just turn on Leonard Nimoy's 'In Search of... " series and they will have all the material you could ask for.
Raiders, the definitive Indy Movie had a Mcguffin that was 'big' in terms of mythology and concept. As were LC and KOTCS. But I've always been a 'bigger' fan of TOD. It may not have been as Big in Mcguffin terms but in many ways the relationships on screen between the characters were way stronger than in KOTCS. The action and Set pieces too were as strong as anything in any of the 4 Movies to date.
Lucas should focus on what makes Indy work, and that isn't nesacerily the Mcguffin. Its the chemistry between the Characters, the Action and the effects (but used minimally).
I don't care what they go after, it should just focus on the how, the why & the who.
Oh! My mistake! Sorry.


yes, those icons can get confusing at times.
Just make sure the lights are on if they want to show you the secret handshake :horror:lol

And yes choopie...Drew would have to do the artwork...it wouldn't be an Indy poster without him!
I just hope that they come up with a great story and soon. Harrison isn't getting any younger. Its a big shame that Lucas waited soo damn long coming out with part 4. Lucas waited 20 years to make part 4. Lots of wasted years for Harrison to have had many adventures as a younger Indiana Jones. Oh well, hope they get started on it soon.
And yes choopie...Drew would have to do the artwork...it wouldn't be an Indy poster without him!

Such a shame that he's now retired. Perhaps he'd come out of retirement should they do another Indy adventure.