Gears of War 2

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Here I am buddy.

You played GGC one time and bragged about it for weeks, and still suffer under the delusions that you were the winners. And half of our best players (myself included) were not even able to play that night. And the times that a SSF was on the GGC team he had a negative kill/death ratio, therefore only being a detriment to his team. So good thing he was on their team! What would they have done without him?

And from the week after that one time our sites played, you have refused to play again, all the while entertaining some grand idea that you won the night. And then posts on our site calling us pussies? *

*sidenote* just because your mods allow you to swear all you want, we do not support that on GGC. So please respect that fact and don't come on to our site calling us pussies and spouting garbage about ass raping-us. Leave your stupid adolescent bull^^^^ on your own board where it belongs.

So what's it gonna be gentlemen? Are you gonna refuse again, since you oh so obviously "won" last time? Are you going to accuse us of cheating again? Not only do none of us cheat, or have ever cheated at Halo, I would certainly hope that if someone were to cheat they would win and not tie.

Or are you gonna man up and play again with us? We're not ^^^^^^^s, we're just a bunch of friends like all of you. If we win of course we will gloat, but so would you if you were to win(however unlikely :naughty). But after the dust settles over our victory and we get that out of the way, it'd be fun to have another group of people to play with. Every single one of us, whether GGC or SSF, we all only "know" each other because we all share a common hobby, and in this case, two common hobbies. So do you really think we're just a bunch of ^^^^^^^s? We're a bunch of guys who love Star Wars, comic books, our HDTVs, sci-fi movies, BattleStar Galactica and video games. let's get over all the ^^^^^ing and have some fun playing video games. GamerTag is SusiesMatt as well, send me a FR some time and we'll play. Peace out...:chew

Where do you see that, Susi? The only one's i see talking ^^^^ is you guys, here (Matrix) and on your forum. We're just responding to all that bull^^^^ Matrix is talking. I'm sure most of us would like to play some SSF vs. GGC matches or together some day (Gears or Halo).
IronFingaz, I was referring to DarthLoki's post on GGC today when he posted exactly what I just wrote. And it's Matt, not Susie. Common mistake. :D

I will freely admit that I would get destroyed at Gears, but I would play for the fun of it. Halo on the other hand...there I can hold my own. We should try to set up some time for us to play some multiplayer of both. I'll lose at Gears so that I can win at Halo. All but one of our regular players has both games, and he is planning on getting it soon. Sometime after holidays of course.
What after all the talk? Didnt they agree to the date for the Halo and then say no one could come?

Exactly. It's amazing how short some memories are. They had one great round on Valhalla where one ****** was in a vehicle camping back at our spawn point. It was retarded and one reason I don't miss Halo MP.
Like I said, that pathetic excuse for a board can't even field a team :rotfl

I'm not getting into the debate on games, but I DO have a problem when you rag on our site/board and I take it personal.

Maybe you don't realize it, but me and the staff put A LOT of work into the site, much like the crew here at the freaks does and talking ^^^^ about ANY site when it has done nothing is uncalled for. And if you think Over 100-150 actives on at any given time and an average of 2,500 posts A DAY is pathetic for a site dedicated to one company then maybe you should take a larger look. The majority of gamers there are mods and staff, because most of us are friends on the "outisde" as many of you are as well and that is the only reason why you see a lot of mods and staff in the game section, but if you branch out, you'll see the site is diverse as any with collectors all across the globe, much like the freaks.

I am all for some fun and gaming as well as the trash talk, that's why they have multiplayer, but please don't bring the "sites" into any battle. We all work way to hard (both my sites and I'm sure the crew here) to have someone rag on it.

I would NEVER rag on the Freaks site, nor would any of my staff, as they all know what it takes to run a site. Nor would I allow our users to talk crap about the site, I respect this site and the work that goes into it way too much. Users, sure they are free game, but leave the sites of it.

With the said, I would like to kick some Freaks Ass in Halo or Gears if we can set up a legit fun night to do it. I can get us a GG Item as a prize to the winning teams MVP. (But I'm sure you'll all rag that any GG Item ain't worth winning :lol )
hey guys you might wanna check the commerce section, joe's got the locust drone bust for pre-order......looks frikkin' sweet!
hey guys you might wanna check the commerce section, joe's got the locust drone bust for pre-order......looks frikkin' sweet!

That looks SICK, I have wanted it since I saw the pics a few months ago but I think it will give my kid nightmares and I'd hate to hid it in a corner.
Cause I think if you're willing to be a Mod on any board then you need to carry that behavior to any board. I mod over @ sandtroopers and try to carry that anyplace I post.

I agree, but I don't think that's always the norm.

I think DM made the first comment about the SSF Board on your site.

I didn't see it, but if he did insult the board as a whole and not the players, then I am against that.

They do and don't. I mean if we play SSF vs GGC its kind of involved but I get what you're saying. I do suck at tetris actually. :lol

As do I :) And I'm all for back and forth but I think bringing the users or the products said companies make into it is not needed, we can insult each other enough!

I'm game Saturday. GOW though as honestly HALO just isn't that fun in MP.

You would make some GGC members have a heart attack with that one :horror
I agree, but I don't think that's always the norm.

Very true.

I didn't see it, but if he did insult the board as a whole and not the players, then I am against that.

We appreciate that.

As do I :) And I'm all for back and forth but I think bringing the users or the products said companies make into it is not needed, we can insult each other enough!

I'm all for back and forth. I agree with the last part as well.

You would make some GGC members have a heart attack with that one :horror

I'm sure. I just not that into Halo. Its fun but not a giant blast.
Pics from the Suicide Girls Book Signing, sorry for the bad quality, they wer taken with my phone...






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The chick in the first pic is OMG:google but looks pissed.

And you may want to remove the one pic where you can see the book