EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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I doubt Trek can do 24 hours sell out. That will be a historic event in Trek history providing I am not just making just a few hundreds.

There are a lot of unknown factors (like any business, and I am an amateur) I need to keep Trek going, I won't take high risk. I simply can't afford to lose this chance of making something historic among some Trek fans. Therefore, I have no choice but to pass the risks to you guys. But the risk is not “Losing something” but “Not having something.”

I can't take all the risks. You guys have to take some. I think is not fair to me, but I can live with it.

My risks are losing something I have, your risks are just Not Having something you forgo. Huge differences!

Worry about this as it comes. Enjoy the moment.View attachment 529391
(This is NOT EXO-6 TNG Picard)

There will be captain's, most know which captain they like, and obviously you know how they will appear. You only need to decide if the others are attractive enough for you to include in your collections, shouldn't be difficult to decide.
Well said, like another wise man.

"Risk is our business. That's what this starship is all about. That's why we're aboard her. You may dissent without prejudice. Do I hear a negative vote?"
If a figure sells out super quick, will any of them get a second production run? I'm worried about missing characters with tiny runs.
If a figure sells out super quick, will any of them get a second production run? I'm worried about missing characters with tiny runs.
I honestly don't know. Most are never released figures, I don't know how they perform. 2nd run can only be gaps filler for scheduled production.

Common sense dictates those who are interested in certain release would not miss out on pre-sale. They will only miss out on the series that they are less interested. Like twok buyers might miss out a gorn, a tng buyer might missed out a founder or andorian from TOS or ENT.

Just don't look at the series you are not interested, then you should be fine.
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If you mean FC Picard, he is in production already, and should start shipping in a month.

If you are talking about TNG Picard in leisure outfit, then there will be a wait for at least 6 months and beyond.

TNG will most likely release with TNG 35th.
Thanks for letting us in on your TNG plans! Now I know that the FC Data & Picard I bought will get some shelf time before being put back in boxes and replaced :)
Exciting information, Nanjin.

My goal is to "try" to pick up most of the figures, if possible. I don't see too many being passed on.
Before we reach the end of 2021, I am hoping to be able to supply a monthly updated 12 months pre-order and release schedule, and mix with unique surprise releases like some Vulcan robe figures, aliens, villains that have very shorter time frames and limited quantities. These figures will be produced by some higher level craftsmen and craftsladies. A hit and run, special team, with the purpose of creating excitments and show case higher level production abilities. Qualities over Quantities

No one will miss any major crew members but only the aliens and incidental characters (women of Trek, such as saavik, Jaylah, etc.). This area might also includes the gorn, romulan commander, klingons, Talorians, Andorians, etc, the less demanding characters. I hope 1/6 trek collectors only need to worry about these and not the main crews.
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Assuming if only the core crews (average of 7 characters) are made from each series. 16 figures per year, over five years, gives us 80.
8 series and one representation from the movies, that's 63 figures.
Leaving 17 for secondary/alien/guest characters, which there are a number I'd snap up like Garak, Q, Dukat, Rom, Leeta, TOS Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, Martin, Locutus, Shran, Weyoun, Chang..

As it's difficult to predict which, if any non core characters could made, this list is my definite purchases amongst the core crews.

Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura, Scotty (7)

Main crew (7)

Picard, Riker, Troi, Crusher, Worf, La Forge, Data (7)

Sisko, Odo, Kira, Jadzia, O'Brien, Bashir, Quark, Jake, Worf, Ezri (10)

Janeway, Doctor, 7 of 9 (3)
Possible Tuvok & Be'lanna?

Archer, T'Pol, Trip, Phlox (4)

Burham, Saru, Georgiou (3)

Picard - none

Pike, Spock, No 1 (3)

Total 44 or 46

I'm getting ahead of myself though lol
Any characters are a gift
It's gonna be an expensive & exciting 5 years...I hope
Lol Saavik, Gorn and Klingons will be must haves for me. With the number of figures you are going to be putting out I am going to have to be very careful with none EXO purchases to make sure I have funds available because I don’t want to miss out.

Do I understand correctly that if (possibly a very big if) one of the figures you produce in a small quantity ends up being on much higher demand than you anticipated there could be a second run of the figure if you can for it into the production schedule and you believe there is enough demand to sell out the second run? I know there is no guarantee that you will do second runs of quick sellouts but there is at least the potential, correct?
Thanks for letting us in on your TNG plans! Now I know that the FC Data & Picard I bought will get some shelf time before being put back in boxes and replaced :)
They should be unique enough to demand their own attention. TNG release suppose to brighten up First Contact uniqueness. FC will Standout in comparison. I am counting on high ebay price for FC after TNG release.
Lol Saavik, Gorn and Klingons will be must haves for me. With the number of figures you are going to be putting out I am going to have to be very careful with none EXO purchases to make sure I have funds available because I don’t want to miss out.

Do I understand correctly that if (possibly a very big if) one of the figures you produce in a small quantity ends up being on much higher demand than you anticipated there could be a second run of the figure if you can for it into the production schedule and you believe there is enough demand to sell out the second run? I know there is no guarantee that you will do second runs of quick sellouts but there is at least the potential, correct?
I only have 5 years. If I can get around to them, I will.
Before we reach the end of 2021, I am hoping to be able to supply a monthly updated 12 months pre-order and release schedule, and mix with unique surprise releases like some Vulcan robe figures, aliens, villains that have very shorter time frames and limited quantities. These figures will be produced by some higher level craftsmen and craftsladies. A hit and run, special team, with the purpose of creating excitments and show case higher level production abilities. Qualities over Quantities
So will there be a list of upcoming figures so we can plan? That would help a ton honestly.
After Sept/Oct, the main lines will have their schedules.
Honestly that is very nice. Would love to get some sort of schedule from other companies. That will help immensely if I know what’s coming up. I’m sure others feel the same.
Obviously there are a number of reasons companies don't announce releases schedules & timetables, but it would be helpful. Weta for example have just announced 3 Dark Crystal statues & a diorama from LOTR, totaling almost £2000 and they will all be released within months of each other. It is a nightmare to choose what to buy especially limited editions
They should be unique enough to demand their own attention. TNG release suppose to brighten up First Contact uniqueness. FC will Standout in comparison. I am counting on high ebay price for FC after TNG release.
I know they will all demand their own attention! However, I have my display in our living room, and can't add another detolf. Only one shelf is currently for Star Trek, so my top choice is Data & Picard from TNG.

I could imagine rotating my figures and sometimes using three side-by-side detolf shelfves to recreate part of the TNG bridge, with Worf behind Captain Picard's chair and the walnut wooden arch, Riker and Ro on the left, and Troi & Data on the right. My detolfs are actually arranged in a corner with each one facing 45 degrees from the other, so it would suite the bridge well.