Does it really matter if someone likes a movie or not?

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Does it matter?

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I think the point is to put all of the children who cannot respect a difference of opinion in the same thread. Like a playpen. Then the adults can enjoy their own thread in relative peace. There will still be bruises, but there sure as **** will not be any tears.

Exactly. A playpen/kid's table would be fantastic. Of course some kids would object to being placed there but that's life until you grow up.
It wouldn't work. There will always be people going into the other thread just to stir up ****. That's what I've been saying all along...if you've watched something and you hated it, why do you bother to keep going into a thread just to keep saying you hate it and repeating the same things over and over and over again?

Same with figures......but it happens all the time. I only concern myself with what I like, not what I hate or consider garbage.

Sometimes I do wonder why movies threads last so long even without the haters.

some movies are like a year old and the thread is still going. I understand discussing Blu Ray releases or stuff like that, but some threads are just people reassuring each other about their love for it.
that's weird too. because you could make the case that, why do people keep going to talk about their love for a movie months after it came out and everything, sometimes it makes me wonder, how much can you really talk about something.
Soemtimes i dont even go back to movie threads of movies I loved. it gets to a point where there is nothing else to say but people keep going. But like you said too, why do the haters keep going as well.
Sometimes I do wonder why movies threads last so long even without the haters.

I think it comes down to how often you rewatch a film. If you catch it at the theater, think it's great, but then maybe only watch it once again on blu-ray and you're good then yeah, you probably won't want to discuss it for months or years on end. But Star Wars, superhero (both Marvel and DC) and a lot of action/sci-fi (Terminator/Predator/ALIEN, etc.) films seem to be in pretty heavy rotation for most people here so the good and bad points of those films are always pretty fresh in everyone's minds.

I could go off about movies like Insomnia or Whale Rider (both of which I think are just brilliant) but I'll go years between revisiting them and so it doesn't really occur to me to do so.
I had an idea, and im serious not even sarcastic.

Wouldn't 90% of fights end if they made two threads for every movie ?
a I LOVE --- and a I HATE ----?
Im serious, if you hated Terminator then you would have your own echo chamber to share how much you hated it. If you really loved it you would stick to the thead where the fans are .
that would eliminate most arguing because if a person came to the love thread and started to hate, the mods could warn them to stay away. same goes the other way around.

then, there would be no more arguing. I know it sounds like a joke but having two threads would eliminate confrontation because you wouldn't have to see posts you didn't like

I am not into circle jerks and that is what those threads would be.

Personally I like going on Rotten Tomatoes and reading old reviews... The reviews I go to tend to be the ones that don't agree with me. I like to read other opinions. I like to read reviews I agree with also but I find it more fun to read the ones I disagree with. It just is more interesting. Both type of reviews can actually put me in the mood to watch the film being discussed.

Sometimes I am like "yeah that is a great film... Time to watch it again" or " This guy does not know what he is talking about.... Time to watch it again" and finally "Hmm perhaps I missed something about this film... Time to watch it again"

Same goes for the discussions on these boards. it's fun to talk about and debate films and pop culture in general... But there are those who can't handle it. That is for sure.
I am not into circle jerks and that is what those threads would be.

Are you suuuuuure?

Imagine it, you're out at sea with Brody, Hooper and Quint in the Orca. You've had a long day. It's dark, you're a little hungover, you've all just finished showing each other your scars and telling your tales . . .
I am not into circle jerks and that is what those threads would be.

Okay remind me to NEVER actually have a conversation with you in person about a film we both love...

"Hey Khev nice to meet you face to face. Man that Empire Strikes Back..."

"WHOA! Hands where I can see 'em pal..."
I am not into circle jerks and that is what those threads would be.

Personally I like going on Rotten Tomatoes and reading old reviews... The reviews I go to tend to be the ones that don't agree with me. I like to read other opinions. I like to read reviews I agree with also but I find it more fun to read the ones I disagree with. It just is more interesting. Both type of reviews can actually put me in the mood to watch the film being discussed.

Sometimes I am like "yeah that is a great film... Time to watch it again" or " This guy does not know what he is talking about.... Time to watch it again" and finally "Hmm perhaps I missed something about this film... Time to watch it again"

Same goes for the discussions on these boards. it's fun to talk about and debate films and pop culture in general... But there are those who can't handle it. That is for sure.

I don't get why people take it personally, unless they were involved in the production somehow. I can think someone is wrong about a movie all day long, but getting angry about someone's opinion seems silly. I'm much more likely to be pissed off at the movie itself than someone who likes it. But after, all, it IS the internet.

Same goes for the discussions on these boards. it's fun to talk about and debate films and pop culture in general... But there are those who can't handle it. That is for sure.

honestly the only thing I don't like is personal attacks or real arguing because of a movie. trashing or defending a movie all day long is fun as long as people dont take cheap shots. but then like you said, some can't handle it and start taking swings at people.
I Used to hate Alien 3 until people here did change my mind about it because of the interesting conversations. (I used to love Terminator 2 more than 1, but the analysis I saw in here made me realize how 1 is better)
Now I prefer to watch 1 instead of T2. is not being a sheep or anything, just that, like you said, sometimes reviews make you realize you might have missed something
honestly the only thing I don't like is personal attacks or real arguing because of a movie. trashing or defending a movie all day long is fun as long as people dont take cheap shots. but then like you said, some can't handle it and start taking swings at people.
I Used to hate Alien 3 until people here did change my mind about it because of the interesting conversations. (I used to love Terminator 2 more than 1, but the analysis I saw in here made me realize how 1 is better)
Now I prefer to watch 1 instead of T2. is not being a sheep or anything, just that, like you said, sometimes reviews make you realize you might have missed something

I think for me personally, growing up is a big part of that sort of thing too. I hated Alien 3 when I first saw it...until Resurrection made it look like Citizen Kane. Looking at it again, it's not that bad. Seeing the behind the scenes stuff about all the problems and confusion they had making the movie and you realize how amazing it is they even got anything watchable on screen. When I was a kid T2 was amazing because of the effects, but getting a bit older made me appreciate the simplicity of the original's story and characters a lot more. Hearing people out is just the civilized thing to do. Doesn't mean you have to change your mind, but calling someone a poopie head or getting hurt feelings because someone thinks they think that a movie you like sucks accomplishes nothing. Just make your case for (or against) and maybe someone else will see what you're talking about. Or not. In a hundred years, we're all gonna be dead anyway, so who cares if someone thinks that Movie 43 is better than the Godfather?
I don't get why people take it personally, unless they were involved in the production somehow. I can think someone is wrong about a movie all day long, but getting angry about someone's opinion seems silly. I'm much more likely to be pissed off at the movie itself than someone who likes it.

Because sometimes it turns into a personal attack. If you haven't noticed, people can be dicks on the Internet.
fosing seems to care that I like Terminator Genisys. I don't think he ever replied to me without a dig about it.
Okay remind me to NEVER actually have a conversation with you in person about a film we both love...

"Hey Khev nice to meet you face to face. Man that Empire Strikes Back..."

"WHOA! Hands where I can see 'em pal..."

Dude... It'e Empire! What is your problem? :lol

Are you suuuuuure?

Imagine it, you're out at sea with Brody, Hooper and Quint in the Orca. You've had a long day. It's dark, you're a little hungover, you've all just finished showing each other your scars and telling your tales . . .

Hmmmm Well since you put it that way :)
Dude... It'e Empire! What is your problem? :lol

"You like Empire Strikes Back huh? Very nice, very nice..."

fosing seems to care that I like Terminator Genisys. I don't think he ever replied to me without a dig about it.

first, you didn't just like it. i only highlighted the fact its your favorite terminator movie. :dunno
i dont really care about you liking shat movies. i've dated chicks worst than you.lolz

what, you want to make another thread about that too? :lol
If you haven't noticed, people can be dicks on the Internet.


And BTW, new Riddick film and TV series confirmed. One may not like it but gotta respect Vin Diesel for keepin' the franchise alive and consistent despite a lot of unwarranted negativity throughout all these years.