Collectibes - "Take it or leave it." or "Made-to-Order."

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For the price, we have every right to demand revisions. Anything less is a cheat and bad customer service.
if your customers want you to change something and its not cost prohibitive to do so, you really should change it. SSC isn't doing this for "artistic vision" or something like musicians or film makers. They're making products. And the artistic design of something isn't usually what ssc gets criticized for anyway, its accuracy issues or product quality. SSC is getting free feedback that companies used to pay lots of money for.
Hey Maulfan, I think you are starting to sound a lot like The Josh. If the criticism of some SSC product is starting to affect your attitude like it did with Josh, its time to take a big step back and reflect.
I think anyone has the right to request a change, small or large, for anything they pay for. Regarless of price.

"Hey my $150 HT figures looks like my uncle Pedro, but its suposed to be 'insert actor name'. Fix it"

"Hey my cup of $1 coffee tasted like ass and balls. Fix it"

Now weather it gets fixed, or the complaint is even justifed, is beside the point.

When it comes to collectors and this board however, there are to many a.nal idiots who nit pick and to many oppologists who love everything.

Find a happy medium or GTFO.

That is all.
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When it comes to collectors and this board however, there are to many a.nal idiots who nit pick and to many appologists who love everything.

Find a happy medium or GTFO.

That is all.


Very few things in my collection are 100% perfect, but most are damn fine pieces! As long as the faults don't scream at me, most of the time I'm just happy that a manufacturer has seen fit to give me a cool interpretation of what ever character it is. Sure I like to look close and scrutinise (I've been known to use a linen tester when I'm doing a review) but I try to be realistic in what is achievable. You can get too carried away when your pet fan-boy favourite isn't 'just so', and don't we all know it.

I'm 6'4" and fit in my Camaro fine.

That is officially the most desirable and best height to be!
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Hey Maulfan, I think you are starting to sound a lot like HT John Connor. If the criticism of some SSC product is starting to affect your attitude like it did with HT John Connor, its time to take a big step back and reflect.

I think anyone has the right to request a change, small or large, for anything they pay for. Regarless of price.

"Hey my $150 HT figures looks like my uncle Pedro, but its suposed to be 'insert actor name'. Fix it"

"Hey my cup of $1 coffee tasted like ass and balls. Fix it"

Now weather it gets fixed, or the complaint is even justifed, is beside the point.

When it comes to collectors and this board however, there are to many a.nal idiots who nit pick and to many oppologists who love everything.

Find a happy medium or GTFO.

That is all.

How about you just GTFO.

That is officially the most desirable and best height to be!

It is nice :chew
I think "Take it or leave it" and "Made to order" both should exist in this hobby. That way you have a better chance of building up a larger customer base. The take it or leave it product should be cheaper than the collector input product though.
Just like anything else, I think they should listen to what the customers say, hopefully extract something constructive from the comments, and decide what they can do. If the majority out there is screaming for X change, and the company doesn't agree with it, then I think it's entirely within their right to not do anything. I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the manufacturer as the "expert" and I would respect their decision and conviction to stand behind their work.

The worst thing that could happen is that the company creates a "design by committee" situation where they take everyone's suggestion to heart and come up with some horrible amalgamation of everyone's comments. It's up to the company to analyze and know what to take away and what to ignore from everyone's comments. I'm sure they live by the adage "you can't please everyone".
I agree. If there appears to be a consensus from fans that something in particular is wrong about a product then if it can be changed it should be changed.

We on the forums though should probably find a way of systematically isolating the 'issues' as we see them and seeing which of these issues have a clear consensus amongst the most amount of members. This so as to weed out the more personal pet peeves that some people might have which would be non-essential or even poor potential changes in the eyes of the majority.
Just like anything else, I think they should listen to what the customers say, hopefully extract something constructive from the comments, and decide what they can do. If the majority out there is screaming for X change, and the company doesn't agree with it, then I think it's entirely within their right to not do anything. I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the manufacturer as the "expert" and I would respect their decision and conviction to stand behind their work.

The worst thing that could happen is that the company creates a "design by committee" situation where they take everyone's suggestion to heart and come up with some horrible amalgamation of everyone's comments. It's up to the company to analyze and know what to take away and what to ignore from everyone's comments. I'm sure they live by the adage "you can't please everyone".

Yes they should listen to what the customer wants before they release the prototype. Cuz imo releasing a prototype that looks nothing to what the customers wants is their way of not listening. Hot Toys may also be quilty of this too. This site is a free source of R&D so there should be no excuse.

I think what Maulfan is saying is, once its released does complaining about it really make it change? Or better yet maybe complaining about issues to a finished prototype is not what some want so why not just be happy that they made anything in the first place. I know Sideshow has made revisions but its almost nonexistent whereas Hot Toys does it almost on every new MMS product they release.

I just don't see the point in fussing about something that 99% won't be changed. So in that sense "If you don't like it don't buy it"
The take it or leave it arguement holds true with multiple versions of the same character such as battle-damaged or deluxe versions.

I tend to believe take it or leave it. Case in point: I am a huge fan of the marvel license. I am disappointed in the upcoming XMO: Wolverine sculpt. I have a choice: take it or leave it. The biggest show of consumer dissapointment will be if XMO: Wolverine does not reach its expected sales goal. HT would understand the figure was lacking and may or may not approve in a new version. Sending them email recommendations is hit and miss. If the problem is a glaring inaccuracy, I am certain it would be fixed. Petty things, I doubt they want to reduce their expected sales revenue to fix.

In my case, HT decides to release another version of XMO:Wolverine as a battle-damage or deluxe then again I am faced with the choice: take it or leave it. If I elected to purchase the version with the inferior sculpt and another comes along, I made the choice to purchase v1.

I get the prices continue to rise therefore, In my case the answer is to be more selective. I never did (even to a lesser degree today) buy every HT line or figure available. I voice my opinion about inaccurracies and multiple versions but in the end it all boils down to take it or leave it.
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I think what Maulfan is saying is, once its released does complaining about it really make it change?

Well, my main point is, even though so far it has yet to get certain types of things change (meaning more personal preference type things), it worries me that one day it will happen. People want to complain about something, go ahead all day long, my worry is if they get a product changed when people are happy with it as it is, and I'm speaking about design/layout/style changes, not accurracy corrections.
Well, my main point is, even though so far it has yet to get certain types of things change (meaning more personal preference type things), it worries me that one day it will happen. People want to complain about something, go ahead all day long, my worry is if they get a product changed when people are happy with it as it is, and I'm speaking about design/layout/style changes, not accurracy corrections.

:huh I am officially confused.

Design / layout / style changes sounds like a picture or website. I consider all complaints / recommendations someone's opinion of an inaccurracy. Whether their complaint is valid is open for discussion. :rolleyes:

I am not trying to be a smarta$$, I am trying to understand the topic to get on the same page. In my example with XMO: Wolverine. I wish HT would fix the sculpt whereas others are happy with it. I haven't nor won't contact HT regarding my dissappointment. In your thought is that pointing out an inaccurracy or a design change to the Jackman sculpt?
In your thought is that pointing out an inaccurracy or a design change to the Jackman sculpt?

Saying the sculpt should look more like Hugh Jackman is an accurracy wish and something I'd support.

The sort of comments I'm against are ones like, "Wolverine's face should be more intense like this," or "his hair should be more like it was in this scene instead of that one." Those sorts of comments are a matter of personal preference, the person saying them might like those ideas, but other buyers may be happy with what's been done.

Companies haven't really acted on this sort of thing yet, but I feel like we're reaching a point where the level of commentary and pleaing for some more personal perspective things and the submission of images to companies is reaching a point where if this keeps up, some company, maybe all, will start catering to that sort of thing and I don't really agree with that.

I was curious what other people felt, if others agreed with me that things seem to be heading to an out of hand point or if most people feel that every company should cater to their exact wants with a piece.
I was curious what other people felt, if others agreed with me that things seem to be heading to an out of hand point or if most people feel that every company should cater to their exact wants with a piece.

Ahhh. I totally agree.

I may prefer another look from a film and discuss it on the boards. I wouldn't contact a company or do a poll etc. requesting them change towards my preference after the proto-type is released.

I am excited we get figures from the movies I enjoy and I take what is given. If the character representation is not to my liking; I accept what is offered and buy it or I simply pass on the figure.
I am excited we get figures from the movies I enjoy and I take what is given. If the character representation is not to my liking; I accept what is offered and buy it or I simply pass on the figure.

For a long time that's how it's been, and I imagine because of the nature of people all having contrasting opinions on things, it will always be that way, but I do wonder, will there be a point where the pressure is so high from the consumer that the manufacturer eventually feels a need to cave.

I just think for many of us, we've been in this hobby a long time and can see the evolution of the collector mindset and I thought it would be an interesting thing to discuss.