Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)

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Cap isn't bigger than X-Men yet, but I'm sure with the help of Iron Man, Cap 3 will easily make more money than X-Men Apocalypse.
If there is one Marvel character tailor made for Joss Whedon's writing and direction, it is Spidey IMO. Maybe Sony can just steal him away and let him take over the Spidey-verse, then all would be right in Sonyland.
Cap isn't bigger than X-Men yet, but I'm sure with the help of Iron Man, Cap 3 will easily make more money than X-Men Apocalypse.

Maybe, but its not a bet I'd take. Most people I know thought DofP was great, both flicks are going to have springboards, but isn't Cap 3 following Ant-Man? :lol I'll say it, for every GotG, Marvel still has a Thor 2 in the closet, although I've enjoyed every single movie including Norton Hulk, but theres some wide gap between the entertainment value of say IM, Cap2, Avengers, and GotG and the rest.

I could be wrong, Ant Man could be huge, it is going to be in the A2 wake after all.
If there is one Marvel character tailor made for Joss Whedon's writing and direction, it is Spidey IMO. Maybe Sony can just steal him away and let him take over the Spidey-verse, then all would be right in Sonyland.


His camp would rock for Spidey, can't wait to see Nathan as an older Peter Parker, **** these high school romances.
Cap isn't bigger than Wolverine yet, but I'm sure with the help of Iron Man, Cap 3 will easily make more money than X-Men Apocalypse.

Fixed because you might as well admit that the X-Men have become secondary characters in their own movies with First Class being the only exception and even then the Wolverine cameo was talked about more widely by some fans. :lol
But now Cap, IM, GotG, etc., ARE big hits so I don't see how it would hurt for Marvel to get those characters for movies going forward.

Rather it wouldn't make sense at this point.
Yes, they could introduce new Spidey. But they are making TV shows about street superheroes now, and who would watch THAT?

. . .

OH maaaaaaaaaaan, GIMME GIMME! :gah:
Jackman's Wolverine is pretty darn popular, but yeah, Cap has blown way past Spidey.
My favorite Sony email leak was this one :lol

Angry and passionate email exchanges between major Hollywood players have been exposed by the recent hack into Sony Pictures.
Producer Scott Rudin and Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal were working together on a biopic of Steve Jobs written by Aaron Sorkin, until the studio pulled out last month. Progress had already been fairly tortuous, with David Fincher pulling out as director, then Christian Bale as star – they were replaced with Danny Boyle and, tentatively, Michael Fassbender. Universal have now picked up the project.

In the wake of Sony’s decision to leave the film, Rudin reportedly emailed Pascal to tell her: “You’ve destroyed your relationships with half the town over how you’ve behaved on this movie, and if you don’t think it’s true, wait and see... you don’t deserve one exhalation of breath on your behalf. You’ve behaved abominably and it will be a very, very long time before I forget what you did to this movie and what you’ve put all of us through.” The pair had worked together on critically and commercially successful movies like The Social Network and Captain Phillips; Rudin has won an Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and Tony for his productions.

Thanks to sifting by the Defamer blog, the emails reveal the arguments began back in February, after Angelina Jolie wanted Fincher to direct her in Cleopatra, rather than take on the Jobs film. Rudin tells Pascal to “shut Angie down before she makes it very hard for David to do Jobs.” Despite acknowledging Cleopatra could be a “big commercial hit”, Rudin then escalated his opposition to the film, writing: “There is no movie of Cleopatra to be made (and how that is a bad thing given the insanity and rampaging ego of this woman and the cost of the movie is beyond me),” referring to Jolie. “Watch how you talk to me,” he says to Pascal, prompting her response: “Don’t ****ing threaten me.”

Another Rudin email also attacks Jolie, calling her a “a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie [Unbroken]... She’s a camp event and a celebrity and that’s all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming.”

Other titbits include a conversation about Michael Fassbender for the part of Jobs – Michael DeLuca, president of production at Sony studio Columbia, writes that Fassbender’s role in Shame “just makes you feel bad to have normal-sized male genitalia.” David Fincher meanwhile told Pascal that the casting of Adam Driver in Star Wars was a “terrible idea,” while Rudin also attacked Her and True Grit producer Megan Ellison, calling her a “bipolar 28 year old lunatic”.
Conversations with agents were also revealed, as stars including Tom Cruise, Charlize Theron, Matthew McConaughey and Leonardo DiCaprio were put forward for roles in the Jobs film.

In the end, the Sony-Jobs deal seems to have fallen apart thanks to lack of financing from partners including Ellison and New Regency, with Sony exec Doug Belgrad finally telling Pascal: “I love the script but I can’t do this to the company.”
Maybe, but its not a bet I'd take. Most people I know thought DofP was great, both flicks are going to have springboards, but isn't Cap 3 following Ant-Man? :lol I'll say it, for every GotG, Marvel still has a Thor 2 in the closet, although I've enjoyed every single movie including Norton Hulk, but theres some wide gap between the entertainment value of say IM, Cap2, Avengers, and GotG and the rest.

I could be wrong, Ant Man could be huge, it is going to be in the A2 wake after all.

I actually have a good feeling about Ant-Man.

Fixed because you might as well admit that the X-Men have become secondary characters in their own movies with First Class being the only exception and even then the Wolverine cameo was talked about more widely by some fans. :lol

Well Magneto, Professor X, and sadly Mystique are now just as important as Wolverine in these films, but yea, I can't argue the real X-Men are definitely playing second fiddle to these four. As long as the movies remain great I don't have much of a problem with it.

New rumor is Sony Japan is still open to negotiations with Marvel.
I'd love to sift through all those leaked emails and stuff :lol funny stuff

Oof. Those emails are rough.:lol

Will you just look at that DiCaprio ass kissing. :lol

Celebrities are also treated like volatile children who need their egos buttered, as this letter from WME agent Robert Newman to Leonardo DiCaprio shows:

“In the 15 years since ‘The beach’ you have both grown immeasurably in your craft and abilities …. With this text, Danny feels he’s found a script that can be as enduring a character study and portrait of our age and times as ‘Citizen Kane ‘was for a previous generation, from a writer who is the equal of Paddy Chayevsky … Steve Jobs was a man who came from nothing and nowhere to change the world, as surely as Thomas Edison did, and and there’s no better actor than you with the artistry and talent to help people understand what that must’ve been like.”

Talks of Leo’s overdue Oscar happens behind the scenes too (and is levied as a bargaining chip).

“Just as you must surely feel great pride in helping bring Marty his Oscar on “the departed”, everyone involved in this production desperately wants to help bring you the Academy award you so richly deserve.”
I'm an Apple fan. I love my iPhone, and I feel like it's an extension of myself, but Christ alive, can we stop acting like Steve Jobs found the cure for cancer? Yeah, he was an innovator, but there was a basis already in place for a ton of the stuff he built. The Mac (the computer had been around for...a while :lol), the iPhone (again, phones and cell phones existed for quite a while); the dude knew how to take something old, add a few adjustments, polish it up nice and shiny and slap it into a monochromatic box. There's as much ego stroking for him as there is for DiCaprio.:lol
I'm an Apple fan. I love my iPhone, and I feel like it's an extension of myself, but Christ alive, can we stop acting like Steve Jobs found the cure for cancer? Yeah, he was an innovator, but there was a basis already in place for a ton of the stuff he built. The Mac (the computer had been around for...a while :lol), the iPhone (again, phones and cell phones existed for quite a while); the dude knew how to take something old, add a few adjustments, polish it up nice and shiny and slap it into a monochromatic box. There's as much ego stroking for him as there is for DiCaprio.:lol

