**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Only watched the first episode, will get to the second one later. Mixed feelings so far. Three grown men struggling to catch a child ffs! Felt like I was watching a bad Home Alone sequel in that scene. Thankfully every scene with Ewan landed perfectly.

It's much better than BoBF but still some way off the brilliance of The Mandalorian.

Obviously hard to make any definitive judgements after one episode but I am starting to wonder if Disney just got lucky with Mando.
The more I think about it, the more I dislike some of the direction.
Ewan is awesome in it.

He should not have met leia. That is just a major canon screw up
General kenobi, years ago you served my father in the clone wars.

Why didn’t she say, remember when you rescued me from being kidnapped by inquisitors?

Then vader and kenobi will fight. Ugh

The show isn’t terrible and I’ll just think of it as a comic that isn’t canon. It will be an entertaining show that has nothing to do with episodes 1-6.

Most will love it because of the “remember this” callbacks they will shove in there.
This show is like solo, bobf, and the sequels.
It didn’t need to happen.

Write new characters like mandalorian (essentially boba fett) and let the ot/pt characters Rest In Peace.

I did like the show, I just cannot accept the inaccuracies.
I’ll get off my soapbox now.
10 years later. Not sure if any of you have kids of that age but let me tell you Leia in the show came across (looked & acted) as a 6-7 year old. I just don’t get it. Maybe they wanted to keep her Disney cute. Awful acting, cheap cheesy wardrobe, terrible set and lighting at times and incomprehensibly idiotic script. Don’t get me started on the Leia chase scenes, adults run left, right to avoid catching her. It all looked so bloody cheap & cheesy. Ewan is great, he always is. But everything else is total arse.
Maybe this is the wrong section to ask this (feel free to move my post if needed)

Spoiler Spoiler:

In books and comics, canon or not now, Vader is a mysterious figure. Even imperial soldiers or officers do not know who or what he is, just that he is answering only directly to Emperor and sometimes Tarkin. I assume only Inqusitiors can know who he is since they are ex-Jedies and he is their direct boss.
We better not see Obi-Wan struggle in a fight against Inquisitors. Obi-Wan, who beat Maul twice; the second time killing him in a single move.

In Rebels the Inquisitors were terrified of Maul and tried to avoid fighting him because they were completely outmatched (they tried to take him 3 on 1 and it was barely even a fight). So they don’t really stand a chance against Kenobi who is one of the best defensive fighters the Jedi had.

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It was cool to see chubby jawas and a toy.
I think why the storylines so far are not appealing is the timeline is not meeting what fans are expecting
For me personally it's got nothing to do with expectations. If anything I have lower expectations for pulp franchises like Star Wars.

The storylines in most new Star Wars offerings are not appealing because they suffer from terrible conceptualization and writing. They're demonstrably poorly written based on quantifiable examples, which I've given up listing because franchise addicts will always have an emotional rebuttal ready. They don't want to hear it and I have no vested interest in trying to shout them down with facts.

I don't hate everything so it's not a knee-jerk "Muh OT" reaction. It's just garden variety disgust at the low quality entertainment Disney's been peddling to strip-mine a legacy property and enrich their shareholders.
In books and comics, canon or not now, Vader is a mysterious figure. Even imperial soldiers or officers do not know who or what he is, just that he is answering only directly to Emperor and sometimes Tarkin. I assume only Inqusitiors can know who he is since they are ex-Jedies and he is their direct boss.
Even the clones didn't really know, Commander Fox gets killed because he didn't alert his troopers to Vaders precense and they mistook him for a Jedi.

Popping in here I’m pretty relieved to see all the things the brothered me seems pretty universally understood to be true

-a bit slow and boring
-reva is annoying character poorly acted
-grand inquisitor was a waste
- leia looks younger than 10 and is highly annoying
- he found his lightsaber too fast
- why is he asking how old liea is when he clearly knows
-the music is really bad and feels not a lot like Star Wars

Having said all that 2 episodes slow exposition is about all I can handle. It’s got to get more dynamic and exciting from here on out

Quality is much higher than Book of Boba Fett to me so we will see how it goes… but it didn’t grip me.

To me out of all these Disney Star Wars and Marvel series the vast majority are mediocre to poor. In fact if you ask me only the Mandalorian and Wandavision stand out as anything decent. Both are fantastic series especially the mandalorian the rest of the stuff has just been content filler crap if you ask me.
Remember that the Obi-Wan from Rebels is a post-this show Obi-wan, so he's re-embraced what makes him a Jedi's jedi. The Obi in this show, at least at the start, is a shadow of his former self. He had to work really hard just to catch Leia.

I loved the costumes on Alderaan. Especially the royal guards.

Why is the grand inquisitor the only one with sith eyes? Also not sure how this reconciles with what happened to him in Rebels. Unless they have clones of him.
Good to see the Star Wars fandom accepting Hayden and he seems happy to be back. Those people were absolutely nasty to him and some of the others. I don’t know if the ST cast will ever get accepted but many people should apologize to that girl Kelly Tran. The amount of hate she got was absolutely crazy.

You got to feel for the actress but the hate for the character was deserved. All in all it should be directed to Rain instead though. Watching the commentary his justification for making that character just proved how wrong it was to pass the baton to him for that second film. Rather than developing these incredibly one dimensional main characters that were sidelined in the first film like Finn and Poe he has to defiantly introduce Rose becusse he wanted to model it after a certain friend he had in high school that wouldn’t get any sort of spotlight or love . Well guess what it backfired and everyone absolutely despised that character and she indeed got jar Jared as to barely be acknowledged in the third

Trust me I hate the rise of skywalker way more but if I was Lucas I’d be ripping my hair out watching these new Disney Star Wars installments

The prequels were flawed but he had a whole story start to finish mapped out for years prior to making them. For the sequel trillody they just let the next director in line completely write the story as he goes along? Absolutely insane and it showed what a stupid idea that was
Omg, this show is so bad! We laughed so hard durning that rooftop scene in ep 2. Hahaha

best comedy of the year!
It's nice to see you get born into the Senate in Wakanderaan.

They're more progressive on other fronts though - viewing droids as "life forms."
That’s not all Alderaanians (?) Alderaanons (?). Not even all Organas view droids like that.
Oh god, another Mickey Mouse gag like the Ducktroopers.

I swear to god, I hope the next generation of kids has some balls and does away with Disney like they did in the 70's-80's
What did Disney even make in the 70s? They weren’t a powerhouse until the Renaissance period in late 80s/90s. As long as they keep making popular/acclaimed animated films with and without Pixar they aren’t going anywhere for a while. Not to mention MCU.
watched episode 1: Interested, good start,

I cannot believe how much a John Willis score lends such emotion to scenes…..