1/6 ANOTHER DX Heath Ledger Joker

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DX 1/6 Nurse Joker or Bank Robber
QS 1/4 Joker
DX 1/6 BB Batman

Bet these will happen....plus a new DX Batman TDKR

but when? Late 2014-2015
I think at sdcc they had a picture of one of the characters. So there is still a little hope for us fans of the film. :)
Well, not to derail this 'important' thread.. :)lol), but I've been keeping track with it don't worry. There's a couple pics now that they've released; a 'coming soon' one, & a magazine spread pictorial with the figure sans head, & the accessories. :duff
The only hot toys figures I ahve in mind for this year and next is Mime Joker and Batman & Robin 66 after that there will prob be noing worth while for me to pre-order unless they reveal the Returns/Arkham Figures...
You really think they will do another TDKR batman?

Yes- a few months ago I would have said NO...but seeing the extreme popularity of Nolan Bats and this figure is in huge secondary market demand, also the fact many think the cowl and other things can be improved to QS001 standards...I think it'll come.
I'm not saying anytime soon, though...
I don't think having a BR or Nurse Joker should be enough to warrant a DX release. However, having both as a 2 in 1...now that I would like!
I'd have to say if they were to do another Nolan Bats DX, I'd rather it be the Batman Begins suit Batman.
What's does kaibosh mean?

Sigh.... Another Ledger Joker. Still no Batman Returns after announcing it almost 2 years ago... but another Ledger Joker?

At least it isn't Iron Man...

Haha. Even though its another character from the Nolan universe it's almost . . . "refreshing" that it's not another Iron Man. :lol

Having said that, why the need to make this a DX release? Personally, I would be more inclined to purchase a MMS figure of a Bank Robber version for about 200 then a DX version that'll be 275 and upwards. Save the DX's for something else.
I think we're all misinterpreting this. It's an interview where Howard Chan says they plan on revisiting Ledger Joker again. It's not a teaser, or a solicitation; just a mention. I want the other stuff as much as the rest of you, but I think that a Ledger Joker is the last thing that you should be worrying about in regards to stuff getting pushed back.
They won't kill the goose 'til it stops laying golden eggs. One of these days, it will.
