After one month hearing crickets...

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I just wish they could find material that better suits the scale is all. I've seen pics from members that have made it look decent but the thickness of it is what kills it for me.

Yeah, I'm picky.:eek: Hot Toys has spoiled me though.:D

Yes, I would agree about the thickness, his suit in the movie was definitely much thinner.
I have to agree with The Josh. So many collectors get caught up in what's hot and want only the latest trends and then sell them off a few months later when they're not. I think Indy is very specific and focused "niche" collector base that should be nurtured. Unfortunately I see SS mishandling the license the way that Hasbro did and dropping it like a hot potato. If SS would acknowledge that there is a core base of collectors to market to and adjust their edition sizes accordingly AND continue to offer them new products on a regular timely basis to sustain collector interest, the line could potentially continue for years. I think LOTR could very well have continued for many more years to a specific core group of collectors but with so many months between announcements and very few offerings collectors lost all interest. You can pick up LOTR figures for dirt cheap on ebay. They've lost all of their secondary market value. The same will likely happen to Indy. I still remain skeptically optimistic that there is still life in this line, if only Sideshow would treat the license and their customers with some reverence instead of treating them as nothing more than an afterthought when they aren't milking the Star Wars cash cow.

It's called a recession. MANY figures, including many grails, are losing their secondary market value. The commerce thread is depressingly chalk full of proof of that.

And if Sideshow were just milking the lines, we wouldn't have the obscure releases in the lines, which, thankfully, Sideshow is one of the few companies who actually cares about the obscurities. Faramir was a prime example of that, the Gypsy and Renfield and the 2nd Creature in the Universal line, pretty much all of the Bond Girls, a good chunk of the Buffy figs, and so is Indy in German disguise. If they did as you suggest they are doing, they'd do what HotToys does and just release the big guns and be done with the lines.
This line has been so mismanaged from the start. The latest announcement of Indy in German Disguise is just par for the course.
This line has been so mismanaged from the start. The latest announcement of Indy in German Disguise is just par for the course.

For someone who is one of the biggest and most self-proclaimed Indy fans around here you sure are whining about it incessantly. The fact that they have acknowledged that the line is not dead and continuing with several more figures and PF's in the pipeline should have most fans avid jumping with joy, instead they whine about the latest announcement like all of the spoiled little Star Wars fans who complain about offerings like Lando or Praji. Don't like what they have to offer? Then pass. Simple as that. Hopefully the next announcement will be more to your expectations. I know I don't like all of the offerings that Sideshow makes for other lines which is why I have become more selective about the ones I do purchase. I'm just stoked that the line is continuing and they have given us many more to look forward to. Why can't you just acknowledge that fact and get over it?
For someone who is one of the biggest and most self-proclaimed Indy fans around here you sure are whining about it incessantly.

What? You can probably count the amount of times I've even posted in the INDY forum over the past couple of months on one hand! :lol
What? You can probably count the amount of times I've even posted in the INDY forum over the past couple of months on one hand! :lol

This coming from the guy who had Indy as his avatar for almost a year and posted in the Indy forums regularly and is also a member over at
This coming from the guy who had Indy as his avatar for almost a year and posted in the Indy forums regularly and is also a member over at
Yeah, so? Is there a solid point at the end of any of this, or are you just trolling again?

So I guess your point is that I can't really be a big INDY fan if I'm disappointed in the way Sideshow is handling the license and I'm not shy about sharing it? Heh. Okay.

I admit I'm not a blindly loyal fan of anything and can be quite vocal on what I like and don't like when it comes to properties I'm into and collect. Sorry if that doesn't fit into your box or is some kind of a problem. :huh

You want flag-carrying Indy fans who fawn over any and everything? Just go back to TheRaider.Net and follow tnswman and his lovely posts. :lol
Boys... Settle down, or I'll turn this thread around right now and there'll be no ice-cream for you.:peace
Heh. I gave up Ice Cream AND Beer for lent. So I'll fight you!

(;) )

You sir, are a better man than I... Of course I drink Canadian beer so it's harder to give up than your coloured brown fizzy water.:D

AND I keep the beer and ice-cream in the fridge-- but I just really keep that handy in case of an atom bomb detonation.:whip:naughty
Guiness is imported goodness... But it is too thick to be considered a beer-- More like a finely crafted stew.