1/6 Hot Toys Batman Forever Batman (sonar suit)

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I was 14 when the movie came out.
it's just that I was so branded by Batman and Michael Keaton in 1989 at theater that when I found out that after Returns, the future of Batman would be without Michael Keaton and Tim Burton, I left in 1995 with a few preconceptions...

Looking back, I have to admit the movie isn't that bad. Val Kilmer portrays a convincing Bruce and Batman. Jim Carrey is perfect in his role. The Panther suit is perhaps the most interesting and organic after that of 89.
What a shame to have added a still useless Robin and a Tommy Lee Jones who screwed up thinking he had auditioned for the role of the Joker...
But ultimately, we can blame a lot of things on BF. But the main culprit in the sinking of Batman is Tim Burton himself who, after creating a masterful 89, simply unraveled his masterpiece for a grotesque sequel with no relation to the previous opus.
I love Returns for what it is:
A great Tim Burton Christmas freak movie but BF is maybe more a true Batman movie.
But he simply arrived too late for me.
Michael Keaton will always be my Batman.

So I have zero interest in these figures but I have to admit that they are gorgeous.
BF was the first Bats film I saw at the cinema, I was 12. Tbh its more of a kids movie then the more adult Burton movies, which always had greater depth and character development imo. Never really liked Kilmer as Bats/Bruce, especially after Keaton. Best thing about Forever is Carrey and TLJ, although Carrey's Riddler is sometimes to over the top. As I get older I like Forever less and less.
Nice to see so many people coming out of the woodwork because of this figure and nostalgic memories.

SEE Hot Toys, if you do it right these older licenses will bring people in. Collectors want things other than Disney Marvel Star Wars. You can tell they knew that they had something good on their hands with the way they promoted those blogger pics whereas Doc Brown and Begins Batman quietly went under the radar.

I collect Hot Toys’ Batman figures like automobile collectors collect cars. I like to line up the different models/brands and see the evolution of the suit with each portrayal of the character. West, both of Keaton’s, both of Bale’s, all of Affleck’s, Pattison and now Sonar Kilmer, it makes for an awesome lineup.

Now that Kilmer came out well, I’d really like to see them do more. I know Ra’s Al Ghul from Begins, Catwoman and Penguin from Returns and all the other villains from the other films don’t have a chance in hell of being made, but I’d really like to see a Panther Kilmer figure and both Clooney figures just to “have them all”. It would look awesome, like a Batman through the years museum display. Much cooler and diverse than all of Tony Starks Mark suits or color variations of Clone Troopers and Boba Fett . . .
I was 5 when this beauty released and I’m not ashamed to say I loved it just as I also loved Batman and Robin, The Phantom Menace, Hook, Independence Day- essentially everything I later learned was utterly detested by the older fans.

As a child, you really do just get swept up in the excitement and are clearly affected on a deeper level, which no doubt helps us in adult life to overlook critical analysis and simply bask in the nostalgia. It’s a hell of a drug.

I think Forever might have even been the first Batman movie I saw. I found all the psychiatry sessions fascinating, Val was a composed and commanding Batman and a sophisticated, philanthropist Bruce (which I prefer to playboy D-bag,) the neon lights turned Gotham into another planet, the score is glorious, Carey was an absolute scene stealer, Two Face was grotesque and appropriately intimidating (from a child’s perspective,) Alfred was wise and compassionate and, as I was in the early days of my own acrobatic and martial arts interests, Robin was my avatar. Whoever thought It would be a cool idea to have him aggressively do trick-shot stunts to hang up his laundry absolutely had me in mind. That ruled!

Then when I watched Batman 89 I found it wayyy more serious (and thought ‘this Keaton guy isn’t as handsome as the other Batman. Why has Bruce Wayne got curly hair?!)
Still loved it. It’s Batman!
Regardless that the movie costumes bent like that or not don’t keep it bent like that at home because you know what will happen.

The studios can make multiples while most collectors are trying to keep it down to just one purchase, especially in this wretched economy, that will look nice for decades to come.

Like everyone has said already it came out looking spectacular, minus the cape of course, and a must own for the diehards.

I love cinema Batman like everyone else but the only reason I would ever own this would be if I was doing a full cinematic lineup from 66-The Batman and i’m not so no BF for me.

Hopefully they make Clooney for those on that mission that lineup on a shelf would be quite epic for technical and historical reasons.
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Hopefully they make Clooney for those on that mission that lineup on a shelf would be quite epic for technical and historical reasons.

Thats my current Bats collection. Give me Clooney and I'll have West to Pattinson when he is released.
I actually think that the built in suit creases on the front side of the elbow joint bend where the forearm meets the start of the biceps looks exceptional way better than it does on EG Cap’s arms.

Those creases look bad ass like worn in weathering and I don’t know if that was intentional or not but I love it.
I was 14 when the movie came out.
it's just that I was so branded by Batman and Michael Keaton in 1989 at theater that when I found out that after Returns, the future of Batman would be without Michael Keaton and Tim Burton, I left in 1995 with a few preconceptions...

Looking back, I have to admit the movie isn't that bad. Val Kilmer portrays a convincing Bruce and Batman. Jim Carrey is perfect in his role. The Panther suit is perhaps the most interesting and organic after that of 89.
What a shame to have added a still useless Robin and a Tommy Lee Jones who screwed up thinking he had auditioned for the role of the Joker...
But ultimately, we can blame a lot of things on BF. But the main culprit in the sinking of Batman is Tim Burton himself who, after creating a masterful 89, simply unraveled his masterpiece for a grotesque sequel with no relation to the previous opus.
I love Returns for what it is:
A great Tim Burton Christmas freak movie but BF is maybe more a true Batman movie.
But he simply arrived too late for me.
Michael Keaton will always be my Batman.

So I have zero interest in these figures but I have to admit that they are gorgeous.
Batman is my favorite super hero... I was 14 as well when this movie came out and I have to say that you are spot on with your whole assessment. I feel exactly the same about Keaton being the definitive Batman for us, but the BF movie wasn't that bad at all and I remember it had a HUGE build-up at the time.
I really loved the batmobile, the bat wing, and the bat boat from this movie... So much so that I bought my only ever model kits of all three and built them right away back then. Jim Carey was excellent and Val was pretty good as well.

My favorite batman after all these years is now Bale and TDK series. I think they told the story the best.
These BF figures are excellent though and I am almost tempted to buy them now that you guys have all pulled me through this nostalgia factor that I didn't know I even had for these. I relived the whole time period once again reading back your stories and now I remember how important and huge this movie was at the time... The soundtrack was dope too.
Forever has its moments (I was 5 when it came out and was the first Batman film I saw on the big screen). I was in love with the car and the Kenner '95 Batmobile was THEE Christmas gift I got that year...then 6 yo me put the damn thing in the pool and ruined the lights.
...I was a stupid kid.

I PO'd Sonar Suit and considering going in on the JazzInc '95 Batmobile.

After reading the first sentence, my mind legit thought your last sentence was "PO'd Sonar Suit and considering going in to the jacuzzi with it"
Pity Schumacher deleted this scene, it would have been epic…

I guess not enough oily ripped muscles and groin bulges for his liking…and my wife’s lol

They finally brought in the man bat animal in BvS though scared the crap out of my 8 year old son in the theater he was way too young what was I thinking lol
After reading the first sentence, my mind legit thought your last sentence was "PO'd Sonar Suit and considering going in to the jacuzzi with it"
I suck at describing things sometimes so that's perfectly fair.
Just placed my order for these 2. Since getting into this hobby in July this year, I've been very picky with the figures i spend my money on, only owning 4 official hot toys figures. But when i first saw these, something made them stick out to me and they looked really nice so i had to pick them up. Even tho this is my 2nd least favourite batman movie, these figures are really something else and i can't wait to get them.

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